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Re: chiari /trama and lawsuit update - details long

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Hello All,

I posting the information sent by in Paradise to assist with trauma

cases of Chiari.

, I hope this helps you but there must be some confusion. I was in

to see Dr.Citow last Friday, he did recommend surgery for me as soon as my

insurance issues were handled. He said no one would touch me without


I had taken all of my films from my 1990, my injury date to October of this

year. Dr. Citow did not look at any of the old films nor did he take the time

to examine the reports that I had with me.

My Chiari I believe is due to the accident which occurred during my work. I

had called to ask his secretary Tina if he would compare the films, examine

the records and then determine if the Chiari had been there immediately after

the injury.

I was informed by Dr. Citow in a very nice voice that Chiari was only a

congenital abnormality and that he had never read any information to the

contrary. I do hope that your results are written for you. I now realize that

if I had had insurance perhaps he might have taken a look at my films and my


I did tell them before the visit that I would pay cash for the visit. I flew

by Angel Flights. I took a cab to his office a $50.00 plus ride I might add.

I had with all of the pain gone to every hospital in that had taken MRI,s,

CAT scans< X-rays, to assure him the opportunity to give me his honest


I let Tina know of my non insurance workers compensation fight and she said

that he would be happy to write a letter to show causal relationship if he

found one. I don't think that is possible unless you examine the facts.

I was asked to pay for the visit prior to entering his office. The first time

in my life and I am 52 that a physician has ever asked for payment before you

even fill out the forms or have been seen.

The conclusions to this can be made by anyone reading. I am stating the facts

as presented. My daughter that is terrified of heights flew with me in that

small plane and was a witness to all that was said. My examination lasted all

of 15 minutes.

I was no given answers or suggestions as to the swelling of my eyes. I spent

more time discussing insurance issues and his not wanting to lose his license

for writing something that he did not believe in. I never asked for that just

an honest opinion.

Now to the point of this, here are the things you and the good doctor need

for your reports hopefully. May God Bless and I pray that all goes well for


Again group, this was my experience, I am in no way saying that he is not a

good surgeon, nor do I wish to injure his reputation in any way. The tone of

his voice was sweet, he was very personable. I questioned a Chiari specialist

that was not familiar with the trauma aspect but that is my dilemma.

No Doctor bashing here straight facts. I am of course not thrilled. You have

read my post the last few days. I hesitated to report his name until someone

else did. I also do not wish to be sued. I will again say that he may well be

a fine physician, just not the type of physician that I was lead to believe

him to be.

He did inform me that I was taking two drugs that were in his words frying my

brain Topomax and Klodopin and to be off of them in three days. I had to call

the pharmacy to find out how to withdraw myself. I was unable to reach my

PCP, who is not a Chiari specialist.

I hope this helps and it is not my intention to harm. If any of the members

are heading that way for consult or surgery, please make sure that one you

have insurance that he will accept, and two make sure that you speak directly

to him to question as to his belief of Acquired Chiari, perhaps he has read

something since I left his office, because when I was there he said that he

had read nothing about such possibilities in the literature.

Sheila in Ohio



> below you'll find two lists ..the first is all the appellate court ( appeal

> ) decisions relating to chiari /sm. that have happened in the last 40 -50

> years nationwide ...these set presedent and may help your attn. (it makes

> clear that insurance must cover exacerbation of preexisting chiari ) they

> are either binding on courts in the same region of the country as the

> decision was made OR are to provide a judge guidance in making his

> decisions.


> The second list is medical journal articles that either include trauma

> impacts (Dr Milhorat's ACM 1 redefined study is the first to have done so

> and only to date I know off) or are interview segments on chiari /trauma

> from neurosurgeons considered " expert " in their understanding ect ...these

> we reviewed and presented to MY treating doctors asking we're they in

> agreement et with some during depo's . Not all will apply to you as I have

> ms too ect and some were targeted at specific symtpoms I'd experienced ect

> too .


> I used pubmed to search for abstracts ..then used our public libary

> interlibrary loan service to get full text articles of those we wished to

> review . ( less expensive than the online retrival services you can pay to

> do this ) . I also drove when able to a major university teaching hospital

> to look up journal articles a couple times then simpy photocopied those I

> wanted ...long long drive from here so I didn't do this much !


> I hope this is a help as a start ..and your attny is WELCOME to call or

> contact me if they'd like too .


> We didn't retain an " expert witness " in the end ...in part because my

> treating neurosurgeons are considered experts and their suport was there

> that I was harmed .


> Please do hold faith in yourself over this one and keep fighting yourself

> ..I'll do all I can to help ( but would still discourage folks from doing

> this if they have a choice and stress is hard on em too ...it was a

> terrible nightmare to walk through at times in the 5 years !! )


> in Paradise ( lists just below- and do feel free to ask questions

> except settlement amount since that legal clause was /is there . )


> arnold chairi and addimistrative judge / court cases


> 1.) 75 F. Supp 2d 446 ( ada and education access )

> 2.) 719 So. 2d 355 ( acm and sm agrivated /injury ..timlines and expert

> witness issues

> 3.) 584 N.W. 2nd 747 (acm and doctor negligence )

> 4.) 145 F. 3d 143

> 5.) 574 N.W. 2d. 451 ( ada and acm )

> 6.) 900 F. Supp 1137 (acm and ada )

> 7.) 893 P.2d 345 ( acm - prenatal dx and negligence , failure of the

> doctor to provide dx leading so pregnancy could be terminated )

> 8.) 638 So.2d.794 (acm and spinla bifida / malpractice ....related to

> peds and shunt infection ect )

> 9.) 510 NE. 2d. 1066 ( acm /malpractice conflicting testimony by doctors

> /expert witnesses )

> 10.) 444 A. 2d. 401 (acm and sm as preexisting /exacerbation / insurance

> issues of coverage)

> 11.) 170 A. 2d. 22 ( yellow ( not sure what yellow means to a librarian )

> ...but this one refreances # 10 as setting precendence in this case )

> 12. 167 A.2d.191 ( insurance coverage ...sets precidence for two other

> cases at least , that I read through ) infant ...action on insurance policy

> issues when acm and accidental injury are involved . )

> journals articles

> A.

> #1 Chiari 1 Malformation Redefined: Clinical and Radiographic Findings

> for 364 Symptomatic Patients

> Neurosurgery,Vol. 44, No. 5, May 1999


> Table 1 ( Page 1006)

> Variable CMI CMI/SM

> All Patients

> Precipitating Factors

> Trauma (e) 23 66

> 89

> (E) Includes whiplash injuries and direct blows to the head or

> neck.


> #2 See Dr. Milhorat " Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia "

> Chiari Conference 1997 videotape regarding his findings with

> trauma and exacerbation of Chiari.


> #3

> Can spinal Surgery Really Help?

> The CFIDS Chronicle, Nov/Dec 1999, Page 22

> D.R. Heffez said " There is not one awnser that holds

> true for everyone, but 71% of these paitients said they had a

> head injury or had been in a motor vehicle accident close to

> the time that the symptoms started " .


> #4

> Can spinal cord commpression cause the fibromyalgia

> syndrome?

> Author: Dan S. Heffez, M.D. ect.

> http://www.myalgia.com/nfra999b.htm


> B.


> #1


> Http://www.pareras.com/neuroxxi/xxi05/xxi05-02.htm

> Volumen: 2 Numero 2 seccion: Firma Invitada Articulo:2 Reproducido can

> permiso de Neurocirugia XXI.

> Vanaclocha V: Syringomielia

> Neurocirugia XXI 2(2):115-130,1996

> Seleccion del indice


> Once produced the block of the subarachnoid space at the cisterna magna,

> the cranio-spinal pressure dissociation would self perpetuate the

> herniation (16,62,100,106).


> #2


> http://www.co-cure.org/chiari.htm

> Spine, skull surgery may help many with CFIDS, FMS:

> Chiari malformation or cervical stenosis may be common in CFIDS &

> fibromyalgia


> " When you hyperextend the neck backward, " Dr. Rosner explained, " the

> spinal canal narrows. This happens in the case of whiplash in an automobile

> accident, extended dental work in which the head is bent back,coughing

> severly for an extended period of time,even something like painting a

> ceiling. "


> #3


> http://www.csn.ca/smconf97.htm

> Dr. tator, Neurosurgeon, at the canadian Syringomyelia Confrence.

> September 1997.


> Does added trauma (whiplash etc) bring trouble for the ACM/syringo

> patient?

> " I never like to hear about my patients being involved in car accidents

> or falls or other mishaps because it can cause problems for them. Trauma,

> even the slightest mishap can produce inflamation or even a slight bleed in

> the head causes further inflamation and this reaction can block CSF

> pathways. Pressure problems, and worsening of symptoms can result. This is

> in addition to affects of the mishap itself. So please, avoid trauma! "


> #4


> Reb Med Suisse Romande 1995 Nov;115(11):901-903

> [Minor cranio-cervical injuries, cerebral malformations and chronic

> headaches].


> " We have presented two cases of chronic disabling exertional headaches

> following a minor head trauma. MRI studies of the cranio-cervical junction

> showed Chiari Type 1 malformation, without bony occipito-cervical

> dysplasia. Headaches after a mild trauma are a common finding. The

> extertional chracter of the headache can lead the clinician to this

> diagnosis in cases involving long-term complaints.


> #5


> PMID 818 9267 UI 94246452

> Authors: Huang P.P., Constantine S.

> Progressive decent of tonsils ect.


> #6


> Presentation of type 1 Chiari Malformation after trauma

> Authors: Mampalan T.J., s B.T., Gelb D., Ferriero D.,

> Pitts I.H.

> PMID 3216976 U.I. 89112502

> Neurosurgery 88 Dec. 23(6): 760-2


> #7


> Acute Paraparesis secondary to ACM 1 malformation

> and hyper extension

> Authors: Vkck B.W., Ito B.

> PMD 3827208 VI 87155197

> ANN neurology Jan 21:1:100-1


> #8


> Headache in type 1 Chiari malformation

> Authors: Julio Pascual, M.D.; Agustin Oterino, M.D.; and

> Berciano, M.D.

> August 1992 Neurology 42 1519

> " The aggrivation of occipital-suboccipital pain by cough or

> effort in these paitients can be explained by further tonsillar

> herniation occurring

> with these maneuvers " .



> #9


> SBM MEETING: Stress Linked To New Brain Lesic

> Multiple Sclerosis

> http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/67e66.htm

> " What we found was that major stressful as well as small daily

> hassles were relative to development of new brain lesions in

> the brain two months later "

> " While brain lesion are not nessesarily a sign of increased

> impairment, they do point to in disease activity.


> #10


> Oculocephalic sympathetic dysfunction in post-

> traumatic headaches

> Author: Khurana R.K.

> PMID: 8550360, UI 96127714

> Headache 1995 Nov;35(10):614-620

> " This study documents serious injury to the cervical

> sympathetic nerves in patients with posttraumatic headaches

> following whiplash injury.... oculocephalic sympathetic

> dysfunction as a direct cause of head pain, but it may

> exert an effect on cephalic pain through the

> trigeminovascular system "


> #11


> Minor Cranio-Cervical injurys, cerebral malformations

> and chronic headaches

> Author: Foletti G., Regli F.

> PMID: 8525246, UI: 96097476

> " Headaches after a mild trauma are a common finding. "


> #12


> Whiplash, postural control, and the inner ear

> Author: Chester J.B.

> PMID: 1925743 UI: 92022758abstract


> #13


> Cerebral autoregulation following minor head injury

> Author: C. Junger M.D., ect.

> http://www.aans.org/journals/online j/jan97/2-1-p1.html



> #14


> Cervical spinal cord trauma

> Author unknown

> http://www.sahlgrenska.se/su/div c/neuro/fakta/wad/

> cervcord.htm


> #15



> Chiari Malformation: Clasification & managment

> Author: Bindal A.K. ect.

> Journal-Nuerosurgery

> Dec 1995, Vol 37, Issue 6 Page 1069-74

> ISSN: 0148-396x


> #16


> Spontanious intercranial hypertension: headache

> reversable Chiari

> Author: Kasner S.E.

> Oct. 1995 abstract avalible


> #17


> Ireland- ISSN 0379-0738

> Sudden or unexpected deaths in the context of minor

> Coincedent trauma


> #18


> Germany ISSN:0028-2804

> Author: Basedow-Rajwich B. Ect.

> Address: nne Strauss-Klinik, Berg.

> Source: Nerverarzt Aug. 1995,66:8,630-3


> #19


> Chiari Malformation to M.R. Imagery Editorial

> Comment

> Author: Ball W.S. JR, Crone K.R.

> June 1995,195:3 602-4

> Unique Identifier 95273548

> ISSN: 00338419


> #20


> Spontanious Intercranial Hypotension With Reversable


> Author: Kasner S.E.

> Dept. Of Nuero Hospital of Penn. Philadelphia 19104

> Source: Headache Oct. 1995, 35;9,557-9


> #21


> Syndrome of Orthostatic Headaches and diffuse

> Pachmenigeal gadolinium enhancement

> Author: Mokri B., Piepgras D.G, G.M

> Address: Dept. of Nuero Mayo Clinic Rochester MN.

> Source: Mayo Clinic May 1997, 72:5-400-13

> CSF fluid leaks, Low presure


> #22


> Minor Cranio-Cervical Injuries-Cerebrial

> Malformations and Chronic Headaches

> Author: Foletti G, Regli F.

> Address: service of source Rev Med Suisse Romande

> Nov. 1995, 115:11,901-3

> Headaches folowing minor head trauma


> #23


> Adult ACM with triminial headache

> Author: Storrs J.J

> Unique I.D: 97039274

> Value of MRI in DX , Question of appropriate findings.


> #24


> Syndrome of Orthostatic headaches & Enhancement

> Author: Mokri B., Piepgrass D.G, G.M

> Dept. of Neuro- Mayo 55905 USA

> Source: Mayo Clinic Proc, May 1997, 72:5 400-13

> 26 Pt. Postural Headache - all relived with recumbency.

> CSF Licks Unique I.D. 97292141


> #25


> Spontanious Spinal CSF leaks & Intra Cranial

> Hypertension

> Author: Schievink W.I, Mayer F.B

> Source: J Neurosurgery April 1996, 84.4 598-605

> Unique I.D 96180233


> #26


> Minor Cranio-Cervical injuries, Cerrebral

> Malformation and headaches

> Author: Folletti G., Regfi F.

> Source: Rev. Med. Suisse Romande

> Unique I.D. 96097476


> #27


> Headache

> Author: Kasner S.E, Rosenfield J, Farber R.E.

> Dept. of neurology, Hospital of univ. of penn, Philadelphia

> 19104

> Source: Headache 1195 Oct. 35.9 557-9

> Unique I.D : 96084489


> #28


> Pulsile Tininintus as manisfestation of congential CNS

> Wiggs W.J. JV Malform

> Dept. of Otolaryngology-Headt Neck surgery- Medical College

> of Virginia

> Source: AMJ OTO 1, March 1996

> Unique I.D 96312611


> #29


> Acute paraparesis secondary to Arnold-Chiari type I malformation and neck

> hyperflexion.

> AUTHORS: Vlcek BW; Ito B

> SOURCE: Ann Neurol 1987 Jan;21(1):100-1

> CITATION IDS: PMID: 3827208 UI: 87155197

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spoke with dr citow this week, after your appt, and he has said he

just needs some info on the aquired chiari to help him write his report. He

stated to her that her chiari was most likely aquired. And he has also

agreed to give a deposition i think is what its called.

I believe it was either monday or tuesday that she spoke with him. I know it

was after she spoke with you, and after your appt.


Re: chiari /trama and lawsuit update - details long

> Hello All,

> I posting the information sent by in Paradise to assist with trauma

> cases of Chiari.


> , I hope this helps you but there must be some confusion. I was


> to see Dr.Citow last Friday, he did recommend surgery for me as soon as my

> insurance issues were handled. He said no one would touch me without

> insurance.


> I had taken all of my films from my 1990, my injury date to October of


> year. Dr. Citow did not look at any of the old films nor did he take the


> to examine the reports that I had with me.


> My Chiari I believe is due to the accident which occurred during my work.


> had called to ask his secretary Tina if he would compare the films,


> the records and then determine if the Chiari had been there immediately


> the injury.


> I was informed by Dr. Citow in a very nice voice that Chiari was only a

> congenital abnormality and that he had never read any information to the

> contrary. I do hope that your results are written for you. I now realize


> if I had had insurance perhaps he might have taken a look at my films and


> files.


> I did tell them before the visit that I would pay cash for the visit. I


> by Angel Flights. I took a cab to his office a $50.00 plus ride I might


> I had with all of the pain gone to every hospital in that had taken MRI,s,

> CAT scans< X-rays, to assure him the opportunity to give me his honest

> opinion.


> I let Tina know of my non insurance workers compensation fight and she


> that he would be happy to write a letter to show causal relationship if he

> found one. I don't think that is possible unless you examine the facts.


> I was asked to pay for the visit prior to entering his office. The first


> in my life and I am 52 that a physician has ever asked for payment before


> even fill out the forms or have been seen.


> The conclusions to this can be made by anyone reading. I am stating the


> as presented. My daughter that is terrified of heights flew with me in


> small plane and was a witness to all that was said. My examination lasted


> of 15 minutes.


> I was no given answers or suggestions as to the swelling of my eyes. I


> more time discussing insurance issues and his not wanting to lose his


> for writing something that he did not believe in. I never asked for that


> an honest opinion.


> Now to the point of this, here are the things you and the good doctor need

> for your reports hopefully. May God Bless and I pray that all goes well


> you.


> Again group, this was my experience, I am in no way saying that he is not


> good surgeon, nor do I wish to injure his reputation in any way. The tone


> his voice was sweet, he was very personable. I questioned a Chiari


> that was not familiar with the trauma aspect but that is my dilemma.


> No Doctor bashing here straight facts. I am of course not thrilled. You


> read my post the last few days. I hesitated to report his name until


> else did. I also do not wish to be sued. I will again say that he may well


> a fine physician, just not the type of physician that I was lead to


> him to be.


> He did inform me that I was taking two drugs that were in his words frying


> brain Topomax and Klodopin and to be off of them in three days. I had to


> the pharmacy to find out how to withdraw myself. I was unable to reach my

> PCP, who is not a Chiari specialist.


> I hope this helps and it is not my intention to harm. If any of the


> are heading that way for consult or surgery, please make sure that one you

> have insurance that he will accept, and two make sure that you speak


> to him to question as to his belief of Acquired Chiari, perhaps he has


> something since I left his office, because when I was there he said that


> had read nothing about such possibilities in the literature.


> Sheila in Ohio


> >

> >

> > below you'll find two lists ..the first is all the appellate court (


> > ) decisions relating to chiari /sm. that have happened in the last

40 -50

> > years nationwide ...these set presedent and may help your attn. (it


> > clear that insurance must cover exacerbation of preexisting chiari )


> > are either binding on courts in the same region of the country as the

> > decision was made OR are to provide a judge guidance in making his

> > decisions.

> >

> > The second list is medical journal articles that either include trauma

> > impacts (Dr Milhorat's ACM 1 redefined study is the first to have done


> > and only to date I know off) or are interview segments on chiari /trauma

> > from neurosurgeons considered " expert " in their understanding ect


> > we reviewed and presented to MY treating doctors asking we're they in

> > agreement et with some during depo's . Not all will apply to you as I


> > ms too ect and some were targeted at specific symtpoms I'd experienced


> > too .

> >

> > I used pubmed to search for abstracts ..then used our public libary

> > interlibrary loan service to get full text articles of those we wished


> > review . ( less expensive than the online retrival services you can pay


> > do this ) . I also drove when able to a major university teaching


> > to look up journal articles a couple times then simpy photocopied those


> > wanted ...long long drive from here so I didn't do this much !

> >

> > I hope this is a help as a start ..and your attny is WELCOME to call or

> > contact me if they'd like too .

> >

> > We didn't retain an " expert witness " in the end ...in part because my

> > treating neurosurgeons are considered experts and their suport was there

> > that I was harmed .

> >

> > Please do hold faith in yourself over this one and keep fighting


> > ..I'll do all I can to help ( but would still discourage folks from


> > this if they have a choice and stress is hard on em too ...it was a

> > terrible nightmare to walk through at times in the 5 years !! )

> >

> > in Paradise ( lists just below- and do feel free to ask questions

> > except settlement amount since that legal clause was /is there . )

> >

> > arnold chairi and addimistrative judge / court cases

> >

> > 1.) 75 F. Supp 2d 446 ( ada and education access )

> > 2.) 719 So. 2d 355 ( acm and sm agrivated /injury ..timlines and


> > witness issues

> > 3.) 584 N.W. 2nd 747 (acm and doctor negligence )

> > 4.) 145 F. 3d 143

> > 5.) 574 N.W. 2d. 451 ( ada and acm )

> > 6.) 900 F. Supp 1137 (acm and ada )

> > 7.) 893 P.2d 345 ( acm - prenatal dx and negligence , failure of the

> > doctor to provide dx leading so pregnancy could be terminated )

> > 8.) 638 So.2d.794 (acm and spinla bifida / malpractice ....related to

> > peds and shunt infection ect )

> > 9.) 510 NE. 2d. 1066 ( acm /malpractice conflicting testimony by


> > /expert witnesses )

> > 10.) 444 A. 2d. 401 (acm and sm as preexisting /exacerbation /


> > issues of coverage)

> > 11.) 170 A. 2d. 22 ( yellow ( not sure what yellow means to a

librarian )

> > ...but this one refreances # 10 as setting precendence in this case )

> > 12. 167 A.2d.191 ( insurance coverage ...sets precidence for two other

> > cases at least , that I read through ) infant ...action on insurance


> > issues when acm and accidental injury are involved . )

> > journals articles

> > A.

> > #1 Chiari 1 Malformation Redefined: Clinical and Radiographic


> > for 364 Symptomatic Patients

> > Neurosurgery,Vol. 44, No. 5, May 1999

> >

> > Table 1 ( Page 1006)

> > Variable CMI CMI/SM

> > All Patients

> > Precipitating Factors

> > Trauma (e) 23 66

> > 89

> > (E) Includes whiplash injuries and direct blows to the head or

> > neck.

> >

> > #2 See Dr. Milhorat " Chiari Malformation and Syringomyelia "

> > Chiari Conference 1997 videotape regarding his findings with

> > trauma and exacerbation of Chiari.

> >

> > #3

> > Can spinal Surgery Really Help?

> > The CFIDS Chronicle, Nov/Dec 1999, Page 22

> > D.R. Heffez said " There is not one awnser that holds

> > true for everyone, but 71% of these paitients said they had a

> > head injury or had been in a motor vehicle accident close to

> > the time that the symptoms started " .

> >

> > #4

> > Can spinal cord commpression cause the fibromyalgia

> > syndrome?

> > Author: Dan S. Heffez, M.D. ect.

> > http://www.myalgia.com/nfra999b.htm

> >

> > B.

> >

> > #1

> >

> > Http://www.pareras.com/neuroxxi/xxi05/xxi05-02.htm

> > Volumen: 2 Numero 2 seccion: Firma Invitada Articulo:2 Reproducido can

> > permiso de Neurocirugia XXI.

> > Vanaclocha V: Syringomielia

> > Neurocirugia XXI 2(2):115-130,1996

> > Seleccion del indice

> >

> > Once produced the block of the subarachnoid space at the cisterna


> > the cranio-spinal pressure dissociation would self perpetuate the

> > herniation (16,62,100,106).

> >

> > #2

> >

> > http://www.co-cure.org/chiari.htm

> > Spine, skull surgery may help many with CFIDS, FMS:

> > Chiari malformation or cervical stenosis may be common in CFIDS &

> > fibromyalgia

> >

> > " When you hyperextend the neck backward, " Dr. Rosner explained, " the

> > spinal canal narrows. This happens in the case of whiplash in an


> > accident, extended dental work in which the head is bent back,coughing

> > severly for an extended period of time,even something like painting a

> > ceiling. "

> >

> > #3

> >

> > http://www.csn.ca/smconf97.htm

> > Dr. tator, Neurosurgeon, at the canadian Syringomyelia


> > September 1997.

> >

> > Does added trauma (whiplash etc) bring trouble for the ACM/syringo

> > patient?

> > " I never like to hear about my patients being involved in car


> > or falls or other mishaps because it can cause problems for them.


> > even the slightest mishap can produce inflamation or even a slight bleed


> > the head causes further inflamation and this reaction can block CSF

> > pathways. Pressure problems, and worsening of symptoms can result. This


> > in addition to affects of the mishap itself. So please, avoid trauma! "

> >

> > #4

> >

> > Reb Med Suisse Romande 1995 Nov;115(11):901-903

> > [Minor cranio-cervical injuries, cerebral malformations and chronic

> > headaches].

> >

> > " We have presented two cases of chronic disabling exertional headaches

> > following a minor head trauma. MRI studies of the cranio-cervical


> > showed Chiari Type 1 malformation, without bony occipito-cervical

> > dysplasia. Headaches after a mild trauma are a common finding. The

> > extertional chracter of the headache can lead the clinician to this

> > diagnosis in cases involving long-term complaints.

> >

> > #5

> >

> > PMID 818 9267 UI 94246452

> > Authors: Huang P.P., Constantine S.

> > Progressive decent of tonsils ect.

> >

> > #6

> >

> > Presentation of type 1 Chiari Malformation after trauma

> > Authors: Mampalan T.J., s B.T., Gelb D., Ferriero D.,

> > Pitts I.H.

> > PMID 3216976 U.I. 89112502

> > Neurosurgery 88 Dec. 23(6): 760-2

> >

> > #7

> >

> > Acute Paraparesis secondary to ACM 1 malformation

> > and hyper extension

> > Authors: Vkck B.W., Ito B.

> > PMD 3827208 VI 87155197

> > ANN neurology Jan 21:1:100-1

> >

> > #8

> >

> > Headache in type 1 Chiari malformation

> > Authors: Julio Pascual, M.D.; Agustin Oterino, M.D.; and

> > Berciano, M.D.

> > August 1992 Neurology 42 1519

> > " The aggrivation of occipital-suboccipital pain by cough or

> > effort in these paitients can be explained by further tonsillar

> > herniation


> > with these maneuvers " .

> >

> >

> > #9

> >

> > SBM MEETING: Stress Linked To New Brain Lesic

> > Multiple Sclerosis

> > http://www.pslgroup.com/dg/67e66.htm

> > " What we found was that major stressful as well as small daily

> > hassles were relative to development of new brain lesions in

> > the brain two months later "

> > " While brain lesion are not nessesarily a sign of increased

> > impairment, they do point to in disease activity.

> >

> > #10

> >

> > Oculocephalic sympathetic dysfunction in post-

> > traumatic headaches

> > Author: Khurana R.K.

> > PMID: 8550360, UI 96127714

> > Headache 1995 Nov;35(10):614-620

> > " This study documents serious injury to the cervical

> > sympathetic nerves in patients with posttraumatic headaches

> > following whiplash injury.... oculocephalic sympathetic

> > dysfunction as a direct cause of head pain, but it may

> > exert an effect on cephalic pain through the

> > trigeminovascular system "

> >

> > #11

> >

> > Minor Cranio-Cervical injurys, cerebral malformations

> > and chronic headaches

> > Author: Foletti G., Regli F.

> > PMID: 8525246, UI: 96097476

> > " Headaches after a mild trauma are a common finding. "

> >

> > #12

> >

> > Whiplash, postural control, and the inner ear

> > Author: Chester J.B.

> > PMID: 1925743 UI: 92022758abstract

> >

> > #13

> >

> > Cerebral autoregulation following minor head injury

> > Author: C. Junger M.D., ect.

> > http://www.aans.org/journals/online j/jan97/2-1-p1.html

> >

> >

> > #14

> >

> > Cervical spinal cord trauma

> > Author unknown

> > http://www.sahlgrenska.se/su/div c/neuro/fakta/wad/

> > cervcord.htm

> >

> > #15

> >

> >

> > Chiari Malformation: Clasification & managment

> > Author: Bindal A.K. ect.

> > Journal-Nuerosurgery

> > Dec 1995, Vol 37, Issue 6 Page 1069-74

> > ISSN: 0148-396x

> >

> > #16

> >

> > Spontanious intercranial hypertension: headache

> > reversable Chiari

> > Author: Kasner S.E.

> > Oct. 1995 abstract avalible

> >

> > #17

> >

> > Ireland- ISSN 0379-0738

> > Sudden or unexpected deaths in the context of minor

> > Coincedent trauma

> >

> > #18

> >

> > Germany ISSN:0028-2804

> > Author: Basedow-Rajwich B. Ect.

> > Address: nne Strauss-Klinik, Berg.

> > Source: Nerverarzt Aug. 1995,66:8,630-3

> >

> > #19

> >

> > Chiari Malformation to M.R. Imagery Editorial

> > Comment

> > Author: Ball W.S. JR, Crone K.R.

> > June 1995,195:3 602-4

> > Unique Identifier 95273548

> > ISSN: 00338419

> >

> > #20

> >

> > Spontanious Intercranial Hypotension With Reversable

> > ACM

> > Author: Kasner S.E.

> > Dept. Of Nuero Hospital of Penn. Philadelphia 19104

> > Source: Headache Oct. 1995, 35;9,557-9

> >

> > #21

> >

> > Syndrome of Orthostatic Headaches and diffuse

> > Pachmenigeal gadolinium enhancement

> > Author: Mokri B., Piepgras D.G, G.M

> > Address: Dept. of Nuero Mayo Clinic Rochester MN.

> > Source: Mayo Clinic May 1997, 72:5-400-13

> > CSF fluid leaks, Low presure

> >

> > #22

> >

> > Minor Cranio-Cervical Injuries-Cerebrial

> > Malformations and Chronic Headaches

> > Author: Foletti G, Regli F.

> > Address: service of source Rev Med Suisse Romande

> > Nov. 1995, 115:11,901-3

> > Headaches folowing minor head trauma

> >

> > #23

> >

> > Adult ACM with triminial headache

> > Author: Storrs J.J

> > Unique I.D: 97039274

> > Value of MRI in DX , Question of appropriate findings.

> >

> > #24

> >

> > Syndrome of Orthostatic headaches & Enhancement

> > Author: Mokri B., Piepgrass D.G, G.M

> > Dept. of Neuro- Mayo 55905 USA

> > Source: Mayo Clinic Proc, May 1997, 72:5 400-13

> > 26 Pt. Postural Headache - all relived with recumbency.

> > CSF Licks Unique I.D. 97292141

> >

> > #25

> >

> > Spontanious Spinal CSF leaks & Intra Cranial

> > Hypertension

> > Author: Schievink W.I, Mayer F.B

> > Source: J Neurosurgery April 1996, 84.4 598-605

> > Unique I.D 96180233

> >

> > #26

> >

> > Minor Cranio-Cervical injuries, Cerrebral

> > Malformation and headaches

> > Author: Folletti G., Regfi F.

> > Source: Rev. Med. Suisse Romande

> > Unique I.D. 96097476

> >

> > #27

> >

> > Headache

> > Author: Kasner S.E, Rosenfield J, Farber R.E.

> > Dept. of neurology, Hospital of univ. of penn, Philadelphia

> > 19104

> > Source: Headache 1195 Oct. 35.9 557-9

> > Unique I.D : 96084489

> >

> > #28

> >

> > Pulsile Tininintus as manisfestation of congential CNS

> > Wiggs W.J. JV Malform

> > Dept. of Otolaryngology-Headt Neck surgery- Medical College

> > of Virginia

> > Source: AMJ OTO 1, March 1996

> > Unique I.D 96312611

> >

> > #29

> >

> > Acute paraparesis secondary to Arnold-Chiari type I malformation and


> > hyperflexion.

> > AUTHORS: Vlcek BW; Ito B

> > SOURCE: Ann Neurol 1987 Jan;21(1):100-1

> > CITATION IDS: PMID: 3827208 UI: 87155197




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