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Re: Doctor appt... he says I can be cured? Please read

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Also he said the ridges in my fingernails and the breakage of my teeth

are a metabolism problem.

Speaking of fingernails, none of mine are smooth they all have ridges.

And my thumbnails are always splitting right down the middle,

sometimes going back 1/3 of it's length.

I recently had an eye opener when cutting a piece of stock on a table

saw, without going into too much detail I had 7 stitches on my left

hand and am missing most of my right thumbnail.

I place most of the blame on the symptoms of Fibro and the slow loss

of sensitivity in my hands, the rest of the blame is not paying enough

attention to what I was doing.

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Dr. St Amand who created the guai protocol says not to eat wheat, sugar or

yeast. I guess it helps some people, but I know others who have tried it and it

did not work. It may help you manage your symptoms, but cure it, BS!! There is

no cure for fibro. If it were a cure, don't you think EVERYONE would be doing

it and it would be on the news? Dr.'s who make such irresponsible and ignorant

remarks like that really irk me. I have thought about trying it to see if I am

wheat sensitive. But I LOVE my whole grains! Anyway, it can't hurt to try it

and see if it helps you. Let me know if it does......then maybe I'll be

motivated to try it too. I'm glad to hear he is still providing you with meds.


Doctor appt... he says I can be cured? Please read

I saw my doctor today for my refills. He is a great doctor. Don't get me

wrong. The man is smart and has done ALOT of research on fibromyalgia. I have

several questions for you all.

#1- he said to cut out the wheat in my diet. I can do that. But please tell me

if anyone here has done this and seen some results.

#2- no sugar.

#3- nothing with yeast

#4- dont drink tap water... which I don't because it tastes like crap.

Alright. He wrote my scripts as usual. He said that I can cure myself if I do

what he says. But... he also said that he will still fill my meds for me if I

need them. So he was not being an a$$hole.

He also gave my Lyrica samples 75mg twice a day. (I am afraid to take it

because I have to work today and am afraid it will throw me for a loop at

first). But I will try it as soon as I can.

Also he said the ridges in my fingernails and the breakage of my teeth are a

metabolism problem. He says that fibromyalgia is caused by toxins that build up

and affect the central nervous system. (the brain and spinal chord).

One more question for you all. He looked at my fingers. My fingers curl upward

at the tips and have for years but it is worse now. He said it is an

" inflammatory " arthritis. But said not necessarily rheumatiod. So what kind of

arthritis could it be folks????? Osteoarthritis is NOT inflammatory and I

thought there was only two kinds of arthritis??????

Wants me to have 200 dollars worth of labs drawn. Which I will do though I

can't afford it very well. Will try to see if the lab will work with me a little

bit on payments. Wants a CBC, a BMP, a thyroid and tsh, estrogen and

progesterone levels.

Ok.... if you have any thoughts on the diet thing and when I should start

Lyrica let me know.

love and hugs,

Debra V.


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i don't think fibro can ever be 100% cured.

the dietary changes are to eliminate food allergens. i have tried and

reduced alot, but i refuse to eliminate 100%. you can try eliminating

wheat, sugar and yeast for a couple weeks, see if any of your

symptoms improve. if not, then the fibro is not being caused by food

allergies. i have a food allergy to yeast, yeast is in tons of food,

so i take diflucan to kill the fungal overgrowth in my intestinal

tract caused by the yeast. my perspective is, to cut out too many

foods out of the diet is not healthy, either.

food allergies did not start our fibro, food allergies may contribute

or worsen some symptoms, but eliminating food allergies won't cure

our fibro. so for your doc to tell you that you can cure your fibro,

i think a doc even telling that to a patient takes alot of nerve!

toxins in the nervous system... i think we all know better, we know,

from experts, that we basically have too much chemical p in the

cerebral/spinal fluid, not toxins. ask your doc how exactly toxins

get into the fluid? i would like to know.

there are only 2 kinds of arthritis, rheumatoid (inflammatory) and

osteo/spondylosis (bone spur) arthritis.

cbc = complete blood count, checks for anemia,infection,etc.

thyroid and tsh(thyroid stimulating hormone) = checks thyroid function

estrogen,progesterone = checking female hormone levels probably for


not sure what bmp is for.

you might try cutting the lyrica tablets in half to start. i couldn't

walk due to dizzieness on half the starting dose.

let us know how eliminating the foods and your bloodwork comes out,

when you have it done.

i really don't agree that a doctor should even beging to think that

we can cure ourselves of anything with just dietary changes...much

less tell us that. that is tacky, in my opinion.

take care,



> I saw my doctor today for my refills. He is a great doctor. Don't

get me wrong. The man is smart and has done ALOT of research on

fibromyalgia. I have several questions for you all.

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I am following a low carb diet and basically that's almost no bread - the bread

I do eat is low carb (I lovingly call it air bread - they took the carbs by

blowing air into it!). I rarely eat pasta and the only 'sugar' I get is in

fruit. I have lost weight, lowered my sugar and generally feel better but I

won't say it did anything for my fibro pain at all.


jill larion jilllarion@...> wrote:


Dr. St Amand who created the guai protocol says not to eat wheat, sugar or

yeast. I guess it helps some people, but I know others who have tried it and it

did not work. It may help you manage your symptoms, but cure it, BS!! There is

no cure for fibro. If it were a cure, don't you think EVERYONE would be doing it

and it would be on the news? Dr.'s who make such irresponsible and ignorant

remarks like that really irk me. I have thought about trying it to see if I am

wheat sensitive. But I LOVE my whole grains! Anyway, it can't hurt to try it and

see if it helps you. Let me know if it does......then maybe I'll be motivated to

try it too. I'm glad to hear he is still providing you with meds.



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> I saw my doctor today for my refills. He is a great doctor. Don't

get me wrong. The man is smart and has done ALOT of research on

fibromyalgia. I have several questions for you all.

> Hi Debra,

Well, I just don't know..it can't hurt doing what he said. But I have

never heard from any source I have heard or read that fibro can be

cured. Handled, maybe but not cured. If it's true, there are a lot of

us out here who would like to be cured. I'm not saying he's not a

good guy, but how can you cure something that you don't know what

it's caused by??

Osteo and rheumatoid are the only I know. I have also seen lots of

people who's fingers turn up at the tips and there is nothing wrong

with them.

My doctor started me out on my Lyrica 75mg. one at night for seven

days then one in the morning and one at night. She said she has had

great success with patients doing it that way in regards to side


Good luck,



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