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Re: I am back/Power was out

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Hi ,

GLad you have power again...I've been wondering if any of our listers have been

affected by the nasty weather lately.



I am back/Power was out

Hey y'all.

I am still here, just been without power since 3am when we had a bad storm

roll through. Just got it back at 5pm.

I am so glad. I was sooooo bored, lol. Miss my puter friends and tv/radio

too. Anyway, I am still alive and barely kicking. My leg has become very

weak and wants to gove out on me. I have no strength in in at all. Also pain

has increased, so they are upping my LYrica to 150mg 3xday and putting me on

zanaflex. We shall see. I have had interrupted sleep the past week and I am

very tired on top of the pain.

Miss my company, but glad to be able to relax now. Need a rest after that,

lol. Hope y'all are doin' alright. Tell me what you have been up to.

Hugs to all,


**Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a

little to find it.

-Tori Amos

** " The supreme act of forgiveness is when you can forgive yourself for all

the wounds you've created in your own life. Forgiveness is an act of

self-love. When you forgive yourself, self-acceptance begins and self-love


-Don Ruiz

**Take the word victim off of your person--out of your vocabulary. It reeks

with the old energy and does not suit your magnificence.


**When difficulties are overcome, they become blessings.



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Hi ! I said something to my sister tonight that our new home is

all electric and she can come up with the most awful thoughts! Her

response to the remarks was, just better hope the power never goes

out!! I have to wonder what they do! And I did remind her that I

have lived in a number of places (should have said something about

the house we grew up in!) especially in Chicago. And she did get to

experience one of those days while visiting me in Chicago --

windchill factor was 80 something degrees below zero, don't know if

anyone else here knows this strange fact but once it gets to 40

below, you can't tell how cold it really is!!! Tje stramge part of

the conversation was that I had spoken to her ex-husband about their

youngest son and the fact that he is in a very bad manic state! Since

I had offered to do some searching for Dennis and I was really

concerned that she would tell me I was meddling!

Oh! 2 days of that hanging over my head may well be the cause of all

of the memory problems I have had in the past several days!!! I am

doing the taxes and on Monday got info that was helpful but I

misplace one page, can have something in one hand and turn around and

have no idea where it is!!! Thought it was fibro fog, but I think my

mind was so caught up in what she would say --- even asked the ex if

he had told her what I sadi? he said he didn't but I knew better,

and the older of the two said, " she should just be glad so many

people are concerned about him!!! " And now she says " he's going to

loose his job " but he won't if he gets the help he needs.

Sorry to get off trac, but I have also been in much pain in addition

to the forgetful ness --- can't even remember if I took morning meds


I also have to say that because of the mess with the passwords, I

don't know if I can get on the yahoo site!!!

Take care everyone and if I find the one sheet of paper I think I

need for the taxes tomorrow, I will be posting again. Now, I am

going to the basement to see if dh did what I asked him to do on

Monday with his laundry --- I am in deserperate need of clean sheets!!

And then, I am going up stairs, brush teeth and take evening meds and

go to bed!! And tomorrow I might even take a shower!!!

> Hi ,

> GLad you have power again...I've been wondering if any of our

listers have been affected by the nasty weather lately.

> Hugs,

> /Mi

> I am back/Power was out



> Hey y'all.

> I am still here, just been without power since 3am when we had a

bad storm

> roll through. Just got it back at 5pm.

> I am so glad. I was sooooo bored, lol. Miss my puter friends and


> too. Anyway, I am still alive and barely kicking. My leg has

become very

> weak and wants to gove out on me. I have no strength in in at

all. Also pain

> has increased, so they are upping my LYrica to 150mg 3xday and

putting me on

> zanaflex. We shall see. I have had interrupted sleep the past

week and I am

> very tired on top of the pain.

> Miss my company, but glad to be able to relax now. Need a rest

after that,

> lol. Hope y'all are doin' alright. Tell me what you have been up


> Hugs to all,


> --

> **Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have

to dig a

> little to find it.

> -Tori Amos


> ** " The supreme act of forgiveness is when you can forgive

yourself for all

> the wounds you've created in your own life. Forgiveness is an act


> self-love. When you forgive yourself, self-acceptance begins and


> grows.

> -Don Ruiz


> **Take the word victim off of your person--out of your

vocabulary. It reeks

> with the old energy and does not suit your magnificence.

> Kryon


> **When difficulties are overcome, they become blessings.

> -Proverb


> https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click



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So nice to hear from you . Glad the power is back on. It is hard now days

to function without it. Imagine what life was like before electricity. LOL.

Well, I guess they did not know any other way of life and they probably had much

closer knit families too.

love ya,

Debra V.

vh herbaladysfriends@...> wrote:

Hey y'all.

I am still here, just been without power since 3am when we had a bad storm

roll through. Just got it back at 5pm.

I am so glad. I was sooooo bored, lol. Miss my puter friends and tv/radio

too. Anyway, I am still alive and barely kicking. My leg has become very

weak and wants to gove out on me. I have no strength in in at all. Also pain

has increased, so they are upping my LYrica to 150mg 3xday and putting me on

zanaflex. We shall see. I have had interrupted sleep the past week and I am

very tired on top of the pain.

Miss my company, but glad to be able to relax now. Need a rest after that,

lol. Hope y'all are doin' alright. Tell me what you have been up to.

Hugs to all,


**Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a

little to find it.

-Tori Amos

** " The supreme act of forgiveness is when you can forgive yourself for all

the wounds you've created in your own life. Forgiveness is an act of

self-love. When you forgive yourself, self-acceptance begins and self-love


-Don Ruiz

**Take the word victim off of your person--out of your vocabulary. It reeks

with the old energy and does not suit your magnificence.


**When difficulties are overcome, they become blessings.



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I think that nasty weather (t'storms and all that jazz) is on its way

toward us in Georgia.....which is good, we have new plants and

some " found " sod that needs watering desperately!

I am working hard not to tear my DH down. He is a good man, he really

is. I guess my expectations are out of whack in some ways; I think if

he knows that I wake up in pain, he should possibly bring me a bottle

of water and I'll take pain meds first thing before my shower. Then I

might not be so snarly. But then again, if I don't ASK for it, he

isn't going to do it, right? So perhaps I need to ask him for that

little bit of help. Then I won't start everyone else's day (his and

kids) off on the wrong foot. Because I really do that, and while it

is out of the pain, it isn't acceptable to " draw blood " when there is

no reason to do so. I did try to apologize this morning but I'm not

sure he accepted it.....sigh.....guess it'll have to be a face-to-


So if the weather gets bad here, the 'puter will go off.

(((Hugs to all for a pain-free day!)))


> Hey y'all.

> I am still here, just been without power since 3am when we had a

bad storm

> roll through. Just got it back at 5pm.

> I am so glad. I was sooooo bored, lol. Miss my puter friends and


> too. Anyway, I am still alive and barely kicking. My leg has become


> weak and wants to gove out on me. I have no strength in in at all.

Also pain

> has increased, so they are upping my LYrica to 150mg 3xday and

putting me on

> zanaflex. We shall see. I have had interrupted sleep the past week

and I am

> very tired on top of the pain.

> Miss my company, but glad to be able to relax now. Need a rest

after that,

> lol. Hope y'all are doin' alright. Tell me what you have been up to.

> Hugs to all,


> --

> **Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have

to dig a

> little to find it.

> -Tori Amos


> ** " The supreme act of forgiveness is when you can forgive yourself

for all

> the wounds you've created in your own life. Forgiveness is an act of

> self-love. When you forgive yourself, self-acceptance begins and


> grows.

> -Don Ruiz


> **Take the word victim off of your person--out of your vocabulary.

It reeks

> with the old energy and does not suit your magnificence.

> Kryon


> **When difficulties are overcome, they become blessings.

> -Proverb


> https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click



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I keep a glass of water next to my bed so I can take my meds as soon as I wake

up. Then you won't have to rely on your DH for that. But, it would be nice if

he pampered you a little....not just because you have fibro, but because your

his wife. Like everyone else, my mornings are hard. My DH brings me coffee

every morning in bed. He also feeds the twins breakfast and takes them to

school (it just happens to work with his work schedule). In return, I make

really nice and sometimes gourmet dinners for him since he LOVES food. Make

that OBSESSED! And he's thin...the turd! The biggest thing for him to deal

with when I have my flares is that I don't cook much. It devastates him! I

also keep the house immaculate since we are both neat freaks, but he helps me

when I'm struggling. If he sees laundry in the dryer, he fold it all. He

empties the dishwasher the majority of the time. He does dinner dishes if he's

home. He does most of the yardwork. He'll do the grocery shopping if I'm in

too much pain. And on Sunday's he'll let me sleep in a little and takes care of

the twins.

Why don't you find some simple info on the net about fibro, print it out, and

have him read it. Make sure you find info on mornings for fibro people and how

difficult it is. Write out and discuss a list of your toughest challenges and

suggest ways he could help. Make sure you mention the things he already does to

help you and make a big deal out of it. A big pat on the back goes a long way

and will encourage him to do more. Also, ask him what you could do to make

fibro easier on him since this disease effects everyone. What's really

important to him? Is there anyway you could do that for him? It's so hard to

think of other's needs when you yourself hve so much need. But it really is

hard on everyone and if we do special thing for all in the family, it encourages

more empathy and support. Make sure you include your kids in on all this. Kids

need to learn empathy and how to give back even with the issues they have. My

twins are only 5 and my son has ADHD, but I expect them to contibute to the

family. They already know that they have to unload the groceries for me.

Sometimes they help with cleaning (usually it just makes more of a mess).

Lately, if I'm hurting they will bring me pillows, get out my heating pad, get

me my favorite green tea, etc. They are young and still self involved, but

they're learning...........

The first thing I would do though is keep water by your bed and take your meds

as soon as you wake up. That's a simple one to fix, I even wake up about an

hour before I need to

get up and take my pills so they are on board when I get up. Lately, this

hasn't even helped though.

I hope you are feeling better and you and your hubby talk this out.......


Re: I am back/Power was out

I think that nasty weather (t'storms and all that jazz) is on its way

toward us in Georgia.....which is good, we have new plants and

some " found " sod that needs watering desperately!

I am working hard not to tear my DH down. He is a good man, he really

is. I guess my expectations are out of whack in some ways; I think if

he knows that I wake up in pain, he should possibly bring me a bottle

of water and I'll take pain meds first thing before my shower. Then I

might not be so snarly. But then again, if I don't ASK for it, he

isn't going to do it, right? So perhaps I need to ask him for that

little bit of help. Then I won't start everyone else's day (his and

kids) off on the wrong foot. Because I really do that, and while it

is out of the pain, it isn't acceptable to " draw blood " when there is

no reason to do so. I did try to apologize this morning but I'm not

sure he accepted it.....sigh.....guess it'll have to be a face-to-


So if the weather gets bad here, the 'puter will go off.

(((Hugs to all for a pain-free day!)))


> Hey y'all.

> I am still here, just been without power since 3am when we had a

bad storm

> roll through. Just got it back at 5pm.

> I am so glad. I was sooooo bored, lol. Miss my puter friends and


> too. Anyway, I am still alive and barely kicking. My leg has become


> weak and wants to gove out on me. I have no strength in in at all.

Also pain

> has increased, so they are upping my LYrica to 150mg 3xday and

putting me on

> zanaflex. We shall see. I have had interrupted sleep the past week

and I am

> very tired on top of the pain.

> Miss my company, but glad to be able to relax now. Need a rest

after that,

> lol. Hope y'all are doin' alright. Tell me what you have been up to.

> Hugs to all,


> --

> **Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have

to dig a

> little to find it.

> -Tori Amos


> ** " The supreme act of forgiveness is when you can forgive yourself

for all

> the wounds you've created in your own life. Forgiveness is an act of

> self-love. When you forgive yourself, self-acceptance begins and


> grows.

> -Don Ruiz


> **Take the word victim off of your person--out of your vocabulary.

It reeks

> with the old energy and does not suit your magnificence.

> Kryon


> **When difficulties are overcome, they become blessings.

> -Proverb


> https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click



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Hi ,

Glad you only had a power outage from all those wicked thunderstorms

that ripped through N central Texas recently. Hope know one else gets

those tornados and bad storms. Power outages can be a real pain

though since we have to do without lights, computers and other

important things. Take care and rest when you can.

soft hugs,

Debbie L


> Hey y'all.

> I am still here, just been without power since 3am when we had a

bad storm

> roll through. Just got it back at 5pm.

> I am so glad. I was sooooo bored, lol. Miss my puter friends and


> too. Anyway, I am still alive and barely kicking. >

> --

> **Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have

to dig a

> little to find it.

> -Tori Amos

>> https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click




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