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Re: What do you do when you are sick and tired of being responsible???

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I hear you being pulled in 50 directions

What do you do when you are sick and tired of being


I am beyond exhaustion and pain this weekend. And almost to the

breaking point of being so tired of always having to be the one

responsible for things. It's every area of my life: work - home -

kids - car- yard - bills. does anyone else just get SOOOO tired of

having to take care of so many things and feel like you are being

pulled in 50 different directions at once??

I was so at the end of my rope at work Friday that I lost my temper

with another employee. For what seemed like the 100th time that week

he had come in my office to ask me to either look up something or do

something for him on the computer. I just lost it and told him I was

sick of being his personal secretary to do it himself. His reply was

that he wasn't " into computers " I told him to get a manual and learn

it because that was just an excuse, and that it was part of his job

so he better become litterate quickly. I just don't understand people

who refuse to learn all the aspects of their job but want other

people to do it for them...

then of course there is the house that needs to be cleaned up, the

yard that is a wreck, my car needs to be washed and taken in for an

oil change and bills that need to be paid. My daughter was wanting

help this weekend with a school project, an extra curricular project

and something on her computer... I just about broke down in tears by

this evening when she asked me to help her with something else.

It seems like there is no escape from life anymore.. always having

something that has to be done. I know that everyone says take time

for yourself but when?? I work 11 hours a day (9 hours of work plus

an hour's drive each way), try my best to sleep at least 8-9 hours a

night even though it is broken with waking up, and then try to

squeeze everything else in.

It's times like this that I miss being married the most, having

someone at home to help out with the kids, the yard, heck, just

cooking supper or taking care of paying hte bills for a week.

Well I've whined enough, it's after 8 pm and still no supper on the

table so I better go dig through the freezer and throw something in

the oven.

Thanks for listen to my whine


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What do you do? I am also a single mom of two kids

What do you do when you are sick and tired of being


I am beyond exhaustion and pain this weekend. And almost to the

breaking point of being so tired of always having to be the one

responsible for things. It's every area of my life: work - home -

kids - car- yard - bills. does anyone else just get SOOOO tired of

having to take care of so many things and feel like you are being

pulled in 50 different directions at once??

I was so at the end of my rope at work Friday that I lost my temper

with another employee. For what seemed like the 100th time that week

he had come in my office to ask me to either look up something or do

something for him on the computer. I just lost it and told him I was

sick of being his personal secretary to do it himself. His reply was

that he wasn't " into computers " I told him to get a manual and learn

it because that was just an excuse, and that it was part of his job

so he better become litterate quickly. I just don't understand people

who refuse to learn all the aspects of their job but want other

people to do it for them...

then of course there is the house that needs to be cleaned up, the

yard that is a wreck, my car needs to be washed and taken in for an

oil change and bills that need to be paid. My daughter was wanting

help this weekend with a school project, an extra curricular project

and something on her computer... I just about broke down in tears by

this evening when she asked me to help her with something else.

It seems like there is no escape from life anymore.. always having

something that has to be done. I know that everyone says take time

for yourself but when?? I work 11 hours a day (9 hours of work plus

an hour's drive each way), try my best to sleep at least 8-9 hours a

night even though it is broken with waking up, and then try to

squeeze everything else in.

It's times like this that I miss being married the most, having

someone at home to help out with the kids, the yard, heck, just

cooking supper or taking care of paying hte bills for a week.

Well I've whined enough, it's after 8 pm and still no supper on the

table so I better go dig through the freezer and throw something in

the oven.

Thanks for listen to my whine


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Hi ,

Here is a ((BIG))gentle hug! Yes, I have felt that way many, many

times. I'm married, but my husband drives truck and is away through

the week and sometimes weekends, too. Even when he is home, it is

all left up to me, because he is tired. He told me the other day

that he's going to have to take some time for himself. I just looked

at him and said that is what my doctor told me to do, but I can't

seem to find the time. Grrrrrrrrr...

I wish you all the best and my thoughts are with you... I hope this

week goes much better for you!




> I am beyond exhaustion and pain this weekend. And almost to the

> breaking point of being so tired of always having to be the one

> responsible for things. It's every area of my life: work - home -

> kids - car- yard - bills. does anyone else just get SOOOO tired of

> having to take care of so many things and feel like you are being

> pulled in 50 different directions at once??


> I was so at the end of my rope at work Friday that I lost my temper

> with another employee. For what seemed like the 100th time that


> he had come in my office to ask me to either look up something or


> something for him on the computer. I just lost it and told him I


> sick of being his personal secretary to do it himself. His reply


> that he wasn't " into computers " I told him to get a manual and


> it because that was just an excuse, and that it was part of his job

> so he better become litterate quickly. I just don't understand


> who refuse to learn all the aspects of their job but want other

> people to do it for them...


> then of course there is the house that needs to be cleaned up, the

> yard that is a wreck, my car needs to be washed and taken in for an

> oil change and bills that need to be paid. My daughter was wanting

> help this weekend with a school project, an extra curricular


> and something on her computer... I just about broke down in tears


> this evening when she asked me to help her with something else.


> It seems like there is no escape from life anymore.. always having

> something that has to be done. I know that everyone says take time

> for yourself but when?? I work 11 hours a day (9 hours of work plus

> an hour's drive each way), try my best to sleep at least 8-9 hours


> night even though it is broken with waking up, and then try to

> squeeze everything else in.


> It's times like this that I miss being married the most, having

> someone at home to help out with the kids, the yard, heck, just

> cooking supper or taking care of paying hte bills for a week.


> Well I've whined enough, it's after 8 pm and still no supper on the

> table so I better go dig through the freezer and throw something in

> the oven.


> Thanks for listen to my whine

> N.


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Taking on too much and not having any " Me " time quickly leads to burn out.

This is just a personal observation concerning the " I'm not into

computers " weak excuse. Any employee that works around a business that

uses computers needs to take the initiative -themselves- and learn to

use a computer and stop shoveling the -responsibility- off on other


I would frequently state to fellow employees that fulfilling their

needs was not in my job description. Throw the ball back in their

court, its their problem. Let them deal with it.

Also getting blindsided with sudden " I Needs " should be worked out in

some form or fashion to reduce the added stresses.

Parenting is not easy, and kids do need our guidence.

Being a parent with Fibromyalgia, our kids need to understand how this

syndrome affects us, and that we have limitations with what we can and

cannot do. This invites some quality Parent/Child time, have a sit

down conversation and share how you feel on a day to day basis,

reinforce that you are there to give them guidance,you care for them,

and sometimes you just don't have the energy or clarity to help them

with their homework.

My daughter is 3 right now and she understands when I can't play with

her or rough house like other days. Or if I'm not feeling well.

It takes time but the message gets across, give Mom or Dad a break.

We're beat.

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Sorry you are at your breaking point, . There seems to be a lot of it going

around. I will pray you get some relief. Take care.

Jeanne in WI

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Thanks Kristi. My best friends hubby was an over the road truck driver

and was like you, said that it was almost like being a single parent

except for not having to work and worry about a paycheck!!



> Hi ,

> Here is a ((BIG))gentle hug! Yes, I have felt that way many, many

> times. I'm married, but my husband drives truck

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Thanks for the reply . I agree about the employees. It is

shocking to me the number of people that, instead of looking the

answer to a question or problem up themselves and trying to figure it

out, want someone else to do it for them!!! I talked to the employee

today and told him that from now on, he would just have to look up

his own answers and gave him a list of websites that have all the

information he needs on it to cover what he needs to learn about the

automobile warranty process.

As for telling my daughter I couldn't help her with homework, I'd

have to be on my deathbed in a coma before i would ever tell my kids

I couldn't/wouldn't help them with something, especially when they

are still kids at home. Now, as adults that's a different matter. But

I've been sick for the past 8 years and have pushed myself every one

of them to make sure I never missed anything my kids were a part

of... a lot of times that has amounted to flares, extra medication

and even some self medicating with alcohol but it doesn't matter, the

important thing was to be there during all those moments while my

kids were in school and extra curricular activities.

I probably wouldn't feel so compelled and driven to attend all of

their events and activities if their Dad participated in their life.

But with me being the only parent around (their Dad lives 10 hours

away) they would have nobody at school stuff. And I know that a lot

of adults look at stuff like junior high or high school band concerts

and blow them off but to the kids they are important. And even as a

high school junior it still makes my daughter so happy to have me

show up at her functions and events.

Anyway, thanks for the support, until later



> Taking on too much and not having any " Me " time quickly leads to

burn out.

sometimes you just don't have the energy or clarity to help them

> with their homework.

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> Thanks for the reply . I agree about the employees. It is

> shocking to me the number of people that, instead of looking the

> answer to a question or problem up themselves and trying to figure it

> out, want someone else to do it for them!!!

Fellow employees are too acustomed to " drive-thru " service.

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