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Do you think perhaps you should start putting squiggles in your letters. I'm

thinking " H " and " L " are good joices. Maybe you could make your " O " s look

like ghosts. Or if that's not creepy enough I suppose blood drops coming off

them would be a better idea. I wonder if there is a font out there for this?

I'll have to keep my eyes open for ya.

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner




Okay- so I stayed up all night. I got busted for being on the computer when I

" should "

have been sleeping. Explained that I just couldn't sleep because I feel like

there are rocks

in the bed: my muscles doing their thing, nothing wrong with the bed. I would

have been

awake even if we had no computer, in part because of the rocks in the bed, also

I have

bronchitis ,still, and every time I cough I pee my pants (OH CHEEZEWIZ! I forgot

to take my

Zithromax last night) But, yes Dear, I will be at your Drs appointment, on time,


groomed, dressed nicely, and not smelling of pee but of something much nicer (I


cheese maybe?) and behaving like a responsible adult.

One small ouchie left (save the big stuff for nice,smart, therapy lady $46hr

co-pay) one of

those mean people in the childhood abuse survivor forum called my writing

" CREEPY " !

I have been accused of being many things, but never before have I or any of my

" stuff "

been called " creepy " .

Morose yes, goodnesss (we don't mind that), especialy the poetry and artwork




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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Good Morning to you! If I am unable to sleep at night the computer is were you

will find me! As for that " other group " it's just best that you just hang out

with us. It seems as if they have more issues at hand than you really care to go


I love your writing! It is informative, yet comical!!! I hope you behave

yourself at your appointment and don't offend anyone...I think we have figured

out a little about you here as well!! hahahahaha!! Let us know what they say!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas


Okay- so I stayed up all night. I got busted for being on the computer when I

" should "

have been sleeping. Explained that I just couldn't sleep because I feel like

there are rocks

in the bed: my muscles doing their thing, nothing wrong with the bed. I would

have been

awake even if we had no computer, in part because of the rocks in the bed, also

I have

bronchitis ,still, and every time I cough I pee my pants (OH CHEEZEWIZ! I forgot

to take my

Zithromax last night) But, yes Dear, I will be at your Drs appointment, on time,


groomed, dressed nicely, and not smelling of pee but of something much nicer (I


cheese maybe?) and behaving like a responsible adult.

One small ouchie left (save the big stuff for nice,smart, therapy lady $46hr

co-pay) one of

those mean people in the childhood abuse survivor forum called my writing

" CREEPY " !

I have been accused of being many things, but never before have I or any of my

" stuff "

been called " creepy " .

Morose yes, goodnesss (we don't mind that), especialy the poetry and artwork




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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So who busted you for being on the computer when you should have been

sleeping??? Lord, if anyone complained that I am on here too late at

night, I might punch 'em! And just so you don't feel as if you are

the only one with that " small " problem of peeing in your pants, I

keep thinking that I should keep a box of adult diapers around! I do

have some of the small pads, but they don't solve the problem! For

some reason, this only happens when I am at home although, I do at

times use some protection. My doctor told me to learn the Kegal?

exercise but I can't do that!! And I don't even have the excuse of

bronchitis these days!!

Oh! and how could you forget to take the Zithromax???? do you have

the Z-pack??? Must say, that when I was still working, I had any

number of bronchial problems and the z-pack worked so well for me!


> Okay- so I stayed up all night. I got busted for being on the

computer when I " should "

> have been sleeping. Explained that I just couldn't sleep because I

feel like there are rocks

> in the bed: my muscles doing their thing, nothing wrong with the

bed. I would have been

> awake even if we had no computer, in part because of the rocks in

the bed, also I have

> bronchitis ,still, and every time I cough I pee my pants (OH

CHEEZEWIZ! I forgot to take my

> Zithromax last night) But, yes Dear, I will be at your Drs

appointment,on time, perfectly

> groomed, dressed nicely, and not smelling of pee but of something

much nicer (I duno,

> cheese maybe?) and behaving like a responsible adult.


> One small ouchie left (save the big stuff for nice,smart, therapy

lady $46hr co-pay) one of

> those mean people in the childhood abuse survivor forum called my

writing " CREEPY " !

> I have been accused of being many things, but never before have I

or any of my " stuff "

> been called " creepy " .

> Morose yes, goodnesss (we don't mind that), especialy the poetry

and artwork combos.


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So, I had this lovely day all planned out. Go to the grocery store,

go to the garden center and pick out some lovely roses, go home and

plant them, maybe rake some leaves.

I had increasing pain all day yesterday and ended up going back to

bed this morning. I just woke up at 11:30. I'll be going back to

bed again. I have a little bit of yogurt left that will have to do

for tonight, and I have still have enough food cooked if the 7th

Fleet or 101st Airborne stops by for dinner.

I'm sitting here wondering what the h*// happened. My crime

yesterday: went to my drawing class, then to the art supply store,

then walked around the block later in the afternoon.

Ah, the best-laid plans. But I was supposed to feel good today!

There are a lot of clouds out there; I wonder if there's a front

moving through? And I'm having weird cravings, like for salad. And

no salad in the house. Oh well, I can always go out and graze my way

across the front lawn. :-/


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I hope this right. My husband used to get so upset with me at the

beginning of my Fibro because sometimes I would be up all night.

He would lecture me on how sleep will help. Well, it's very hard to

sleep when you can't and you can't get comfortable.He finally

realized I would rather sleep then be up all night and now he leaves

me alone about it.I take Valerian and elvial plus sometimes Benydryl

and still I have trouble sleeping. so don't feel bad. it's not your


Quite frankly, I never heard of this until I got it.Is it a Big


Have a safe and Blessed Day

The Pagan Pixie

> >

> > Okay- so I stayed up all night. I got busted for being on the

> computer when I " should "

> > have been sleeping. Explained that I just couldn't sleep because


> feel like there are rocks

> > in the bed: my muscles doing their thing, nothing wrong with the

> bed. I would have been

> > awake even if we had no computer, in part because of the rocks in

> the bed, also I have

> > bronchitis ,still, and every time I cough I pee my pants (OH

> CHEEZEWIZ! I forgot to take my

> > Zithromax last night) But, yes Dear, I will be at your Drs

> appointment,on time, perfectly

> > groomed, dressed nicely, and not smelling of pee but of something

> much nicer (I duno,

> > cheese maybe?) and behaving like a responsible adult.

> >

> > One small ouchie left (save the big stuff for nice,smart, therapy

> lady $46hr co-pay) one of

> > those mean people in the childhood abuse survivor forum called my

> writing " CREEPY " !

> > I have been accused of being many things, but never before have I

> or any of my " stuff "

> > been called " creepy " .

> > Morose yes, goodnesss (we don't mind that), especialy the poetry

> and artwork combos.

> >


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The " Getting Busted " scenario does not exist in my marriage, if I had

an obvious problem like insomnia (Which I do) my wife very gently will

come over and ask if I'm having trouble sleeping, I'll say yes, I get

a kiss on the forehead and the statement " Don't stay up too long " and

that's the end of it.

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Glad to hear you two have that one worked out so smoothly. We are still

struggling with

competing sleep habits, snoring, pain, internet use, laundry, sex,

sleepwalking, hobbies

and friends, church, safe use of medication, alcohol etc...,yelling and

screaming at times

rather than calm conversation, how loud the tv should be and on what channel and


put the remote where (we don't have a dog to blame) and making sure everyone is

relatively well rested, nourished, hydrated and medicated, equipped with


needed for out of house daytime activities.

Our third wedding aniversary is May 21

People, I ask you is this typical or are we mutants.?

" I don't think I like Koolaid "



> The " Getting Busted " scenario does not exist in my marriage, if I had

> an obvious problem like insomnia (Which I do) my wife very gently will

> come over and ask if I'm having trouble sleeping, I'll say yes, I get

> a kiss on the forehead and the statement " Don't stay up too long " and

> that's the end of it.


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I do hope you feel better tomorrow. Graze if you must, but I think you should

just rest up instead!!




So, I had this lovely day all planned out. Go to the grocery store,

go to the garden center and pick out some lovely roses, go home and

plant them, maybe rake some leaves.

I had increasing pain all day yesterday and ended up going back to

bed this morning. I just woke up at 11:30. I'll be going back to

bed again. I have a little bit of yogurt left that will have to do

for tonight, and I have still have enough food cooked if the 7th

Fleet or 101st Airborne stops by for dinner.

I'm sitting here wondering what the h*// happened. My crime

yesterday: went to my drawing class, then to the art supply store,

then walked around the block later in the afternoon.

Ah, the best-laid plans. But I was supposed to feel good today!

There are a lot of clouds out there; I wonder if there's a front

moving through? And I'm having weird cravings, like for salad. And

no salad in the house. Oh well, I can always go out and graze my way

across the front lawn. :-/


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