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Re: Question, Does your fibro flare when angry????

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Stress of any kind plays a big part in our disease. I have done some research

on it and it caused/contributed a lot to my ER visit.


Annie in TN

debra van ness ladybug75901@...> wrote:

I must admit I got extremely angry today at work. It is a long story

of why. I don't want to go into that. BUT... I am one who is not quick to anger

about much of anything and am very easy going and caring and forgiving. But I

got so angry (for a good reason) that I was so stressed my whole body now hurts

from head to toe. The anger lasted all shift. I never am that way. (I might get

upset but am usually over it as fast as I got there). But I thought my head

would turn around backwards and I would spit pea soup and foam at the mouth. I

am now hurting beyond any belief. ALL OVER.

Do any of you notice that if something makes you very very angry that your fibro


love and hugs to the group,

Debra V.


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Stress plays a huge role in Fibro. I have also researched it and if you are

under alot of stress the flares will hit like crazy. Sometimes going more than 3

days. It's something that you just have to learn to deal with and get past. I

was in a Wal-Mart oneday and there I was with a cane in hand trying to make my

way and NO ONE cares if you have trouble getting around. They look at you like

you are freakin insane...and to get out of the way??? Please!! I got so mad at

just people in general and the more I thought about the way people treated me in

that store the matter I got. And to top it off I had a gentleman to place a huge

sack of dogfood in my basket and got to the check out to ask for help getting it

into my car, the checker had the nerve to ask me how I got it in the buggy!!

Your kidding me right? I told her it didn't matter how I got it in the cart, I

needed help getting it into my car. I stood there for 15 minutes waiting on

someone to help me

and help never came....I finally pushed my cart out to the car, was standing

there crying with the trunk open and this nice young man, about 25-30 years old

came over and asked me if I was okay. I told him what happened and he placed the

dog food in my trunk. I thanked him and he told me sometimes people are just the

mean and dont' care about anyone but themselves. There are a lot of cruel people

in this world but it's nice when you do come across someone that is kind and

willing to help.Find something that helps to relieve the stress....when you find

it let me know what it is!! ha!!

Debra B



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Yes, definitely, Debra. I'm sorry you were so angry. That's the way I was last


I felt out of control. I wanted to smash my fist into a wall or cause physical

pain somehow to release the feelings. It's awful when that happens. The

klonopin and the wine helped to calm me down, but then the exhaustion and all

over pain lasted the entire next day. The pain passed but the chronic fatigue

stuck around all week.

Jeanne in WI

debra van ness ladybug75901@...> wrote:

I must admit I got extremely angry today at work. It is a long story

of why. I don't want to go into that. BUT... I am one who is not quick to anger

about much of anything and am very easy going and caring and forgiving. But I

got so angry (for a good reason) that I was so stressed my whole body now hurts

from head to toe. The anger lasted all shift. I never am that way. (I might get

upset but am usually over it as fast as I got there). But I thought my head

would turn around backwards and I would spit pea soup and foam at the mouth. I

am now hurting beyond any belief. ALL OVER.

Do any of you notice that if something makes you very very angry that your

fibro flares?

love and hugs to the group,

Debra V.

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Hi Debra - I hope you reported that lousy Walmart for their poor customer

service. They could be cited for not helping out someone with an obvious

disability. I know there used to be times when I shopped by myself and would

end up with 2 carts full. I did get offers to help me out to my car once or

twice. Now I rarely shop, except online.

Jeanne in WI

Stress plays a huge role in Fibro. I have also researched it and if you are

under alot of stress the flares will hit like crazy. Sometimes going more than 3

days. It's something that you just have to learn to deal with and get past. I

was in a Wal-Mart oneday and there I was with a cane in hand trying to make my

way and NO ONE cares if you have trouble getting around. They look at you like

you are freakin insane...and to get out of the way??? Please!! I got so mad at

just people in general and the more I thought about the way people treated me in

that store the matter I got. And to top it off I had a gentleman to place a huge

sack of dogfood in my basket and got to the check out to ask for help getting it

into my car, the checker had the nerve to ask me how I got it in the buggy!!

Your kidding me right? I told her it didn't matter how I got it in the cart, I

needed help getting it into my car. I stood there for 15 minutes waiting on

someone to help me

and help never came....I finally pushed my cart out to the car, was standing

there crying with the trunk open and this nice young man, about 25-30 years old

came over and asked me if I was okay. I told him what happened and he placed the

dog food in my trunk. I thanked him and he told me sometimes people are just the

mean and dont' care about anyone but themselves. There are a lot of cruel people

in this world but it's nice when you do come across someone that is kind and

willing to help.Find something that helps to relieve the stress....when you find

it let me know what it is!! ha!!

Debra B

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My fibro is always worse when I am angry. I think that is one of hte

things that helped trigger it to where it has been with me 24/7 for the

last 8 years. About the time it started full blown was when I was

fighting so hard with my ex husband over his not paying child support

and isnurance and the kids fighting over having to visit him, etc.


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That's really interesting. I thought I was angry because I am in pain.

I have a lot of anger and often misdirect it. I know I must deal with this

issue. The

prospect of having more pain because of increased anger gives me some incentive

to work

on this.

Thanks so much



> My fibro is always worse when I am angry. I think that is one of hte

> things that helped trigger it to where it has been with me 24/7 for the

> last 8 years. About the time it started full blown was when I was

> fighting so hard with my ex husband over his not paying child support

> and isnurance and the kids fighting over having to visit him, etc.



> N.


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I know that stress is a big trigger for me, and in turn anger causes

stress for me, so id have to say yes...

Anger, hurt, and anything shocking like a big financial bill that

shows up suddenly that I ahve to figure out how to deal with, will

automaticaly throw me into a big flare, and trigger a lovely migraine.

But those are all strongly connected to emotional and physical stress

for me, and i work every day to minimize stress and to work with how i

deal with it. Not sure if its effective. Lol.


> That's really interesting. I thought I was angry because I am in pain.

> I have a lot of anger and often misdirect it. I know I must deal

> with this issue. The

> prospect of having more pain because of increased anger gives me

> some incentive to work

> on this.

> Thanks so much

> Cassandra



> >

> > My fibro is always worse when I am angry. I think that is one of hte

> > things that helped trigger it to where it has been with me 24/7

> for the

> > last 8 years. About the time it started full blown was when I was

> > fighting so hard with my ex husband over his not paying child

> support

> > and isnurance and the kids fighting over having to visit him, etc.

> >

> >

> > N.

> >




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Hi, Debra. The answer for me is " yes, absolutely " . Any major " stress " brings

on head-to-toe pain, big-time. That's why I have a Lorazepam Rx...I don't take

it oftern, but when I feel major stress coming on, I pop one...It helps a lot to

offset the stress and therfore the extra pain.

Take care.

J in East Northcentral Minnesota


'Life isn't about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain.'

Question, Does your fibro flare when angry????

I must admit I got extremely angry today at work. It is a long story of why.


Do any of you notice that if something makes you very very angry that your

fibro flares?

love and hugs to the group,

Debra V.


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