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Grrr not calling in anything else for my pain/IDIOTS

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They will not call in anyhting else other that Panlor ss, which is not

working. Do I have to go to the hospital for a pain shot. I mean come on,

this is ridiculous. I feel I am being nade to suffer. If it don't work, then

change the meds, please. Dr says it is the same as Norco. NOT. Now what do i

do. I am in tears, vomiting from pain. Do I call back and complain? Help me



**I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing a word or

painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that too is a


-Etty Hillesum

**The life of the individual only has meaning insofar as it aids in making

the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is sacred

that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values are


-Albert Einstein

**Keep on beginning and failing.

Each time you

fail, start all over again,

and you will grow stronger

until you have accomplished

a purpose--not the one

you began with perhaps,

but one you'll be glad

to remember.

~Anne Sullivan



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Hi linda,

I hope I'm not offending you by responding to your post. I can't

help but try to offer support to you because I know exactly what you

are feeling, and the frustration of being treated like your a drug

addict by doctors. I'm new so it's hard for me to keep up with

everyone's situation. Is this your primary care doctor? Can you

demand to be referred to a pain treatment doctor or even a

Nuerologist? I would definitely tell them again and again how bad the

pain is. I have had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital because

the pain became too much to handle.

I actually had to be transferred to another hospital because they

wrote me off as a drug addict and refused to handle the pain. I know

this is so hard for you and you feel helpless but hang in there and

don't give up. Go to every specialist/doctor you can until someone

listens. There are doctors out there that understand pain and want to

treat it, it's just a matter of finding them. The surgeon I had do my

last spinal fusion " Didn't believe in chronic pain. " yet he was the

one that helped create it.

When pain was bad enough for me to want to commit suicide and I

didn't have pain meds that worked on their own, I would try and boost

them with a high dose of motrin/Ibuprophen taken at the same time as

the pain med. No one pain med/narcotic works for me alone. They

always have to be boosted with something else. I wish I could offer

more advice and truely feel horrible for you. Please hamg in there

and don't give up! There are alot of people who care a great deal

about you here in this group. Best wishes and I wish much pain releif

for you soon!



> They will not call in anyhting else other that Panlor ss, which is


> working. Do I have to go to the hospital for a pain shot. I mean

come on,

> this is ridiculous. I feel I am being nade to suffer. If it don't

work, then

> change the meds, please. Dr says it is the same as Norco. NOT. Now

what do i

> do. I am in tears, vomiting from pain. Do I call back and complain?

Help me

> Lord.


> --

> **I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing

a word or

> painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that

too is a

> deed.

> -Etty Hillesum


> **The life of the individual only has meaning insofar as it aids in


> the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is


> that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values


> subordinate.

> -Albert Einstein


> **Keep on beginning and failing.

> Each time you

> fail, start all over again,

> and you will grow stronger

> until you have accomplished

> a purpose--not the one

> you began with perhaps,

> but one you'll be glad

> to remember.

> ~Anne Sullivan


> **


> https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click




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I looked it up and Pamelor is NOT the same thing as norco. Norco is hydrocodone

with Tylenol. Pamelor is a SYNTHETIC codeine med with caffeine that is not

nearly as effective as hydrocodone. It is suppose to be " less addictive " . Come

on. I am so sick of these damn doctors who don't want to treat severe pain

because they think we are drug addicts.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

vh herbaladysfriends@...> wrote:

They will not call in anyhting else other that Panlor ss, which is not

working. Do I have to go to the hospital for a pain shot. I mean come on,

this is ridiculous. I feel I am being nade to suffer. If it don't work, then

change the meds, please. Dr says it is the same as Norco. NOT. Now what do i

do. I am in tears, vomiting from pain. Do I call back and complain? Help me



**I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing a word or

painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that too is a


-Etty Hillesum

**The life of the individual only has meaning insofar as it aids in making

the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is sacred

that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values are


-Albert Einstein

**Keep on beginning and failing.

Each time you

fail, start all over again,

and you will grow stronger

until you have accomplished

a purpose--not the one

you began with perhaps,

but one you'll be glad

to remember.

~Anne Sullivan



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