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What do you do when you are sick and tired of being responsible???

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I am beyond exhaustion and pain this weekend. And almost to the

breaking point of being so tired of always having to be the one

responsible for things. It's every area of my life: work - home -

kids - car- yard - bills. does anyone else just get SOOOO tired of

having to take care of so many things and feel like you are being

pulled in 50 different directions at once??

I was so at the end of my rope at work Friday that I lost my temper

with another employee. For what seemed like the 100th time that week

he had come in my office to ask me to either look up something or do

something for him on the computer. I just lost it and told him I was

sick of being his personal secretary to do it himself. His reply was

that he wasn't " into computers " I told him to get a manual and learn

it because that was just an excuse, and that it was part of his job

so he better become litterate quickly. I just don't understand people

who refuse to learn all the aspects of their job but want other

people to do it for them...

then of course there is the house that needs to be cleaned up, the

yard that is a wreck, my car needs to be washed and taken in for an

oil change and bills that need to be paid. My daughter was wanting

help this weekend with a school project, an extra curricular project

and something on her computer... I just about broke down in tears by

this evening when she asked me to help her with something else.

It seems like there is no escape from life anymore.. always having

something that has to be done. I know that everyone says take time

for yourself but when?? I work 11 hours a day (9 hours of work plus

an hour's drive each way), try my best to sleep at least 8-9 hours a

night even though it is broken with waking up, and then try to

squeeze everything else in.

It's times like this that I miss being married the most, having

someone at home to help out with the kids, the yard, heck, just

cooking supper or taking care of paying hte bills for a week.

Well I've whined enough, it's after 8 pm and still no supper on the

table so I better go dig through the freezer and throw something in

the oven.

Thanks for listen to my whine


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