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Pain is not seen.... Imagine that- Tiger Woods-- PLEASE READ

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I just heard on the news that Tiger Woods has been in horrible pain for quite

some time with a bad knee. (they have proof of the knee problem of course with

x-rays and such)..... But if we said we have pain and we were playing golf while

in pain for a year or so... no one would believe it because we would be

" functioning " and would not " look like we are in pain " .

Just making a point. He did fine with his performance in a professional sport

while being in severe pain, but if we go to work with severe pain or go

shopping.... then they say " you must not hurt that bad " ...

Go figure.

Don't get me wrong. I am NOT glad that Tiger Woods is in pain. I do however

take issue that it certainly could not be " seen " the way he has played golf and

never mentioned it until now. So why will they not believe


Debra V.


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excellant point, debra,

but everything is different when MEN have a medical issue.

look at how so much more money is spent on prostate research compared

to breast cancer research. when drug studies are conducted, they are

done usually and mostly on men, have ya noticed? i get alot of health

related newsletters and studies with drugs and supplements and

probably 95% of participants are men. alot of cardiac studies use

men, so women and women's issues " don't count " in the big world, and

the world of medicine. i think this plays a big role for many docs,

especially the traditionally trained older ones, when women complain,

give them an anti-depressant and send them on their way, it is all in

their heads. and they need to be told where to pull their head out of!

i just hope with tiger having pain, that invisible pain will be more

validated in both men and women, eventho fibro is a mostly-women's


take care,



> I just heard on the news that Tiger Woods has been in horrible pain

for quite some time with a bad knee. (they have proof of the knee

problem of course with x-rays and such)..... But if we said we have

pain and we were playing golf while in pain for a year or so... no

one would believe it because we would be " functioning " and would

not " look like we are in pain " .

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Tiger Woods letting everyone know about his knee pain does not help

validate invisible pain illnesses in the least.... it actually HURTS

the acceptance of them. I mean, look at him, supposedly he was in all

this pain but he still managed to come in second in the Masters. What

does that tell the world, if your in pain suck it up and deal with

it... it can't be THAT bad.

Just my viewpoint on this


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That can be true too. But, nevertheless, he admits to being in quite alot of

pain and has managed to function rather well. (we don't know for sure if he has

had pain pills or not and probably won't be told). But, if you or I are able to

go and do something once in a while like walk through a store or something while

we are in pain... then people need not take that as a sign that " we really don't

hurt " . And how about the many people with fibro who are on disability and

probably get snide remarks anytiime they are able to muster up a little energy

and bite the bullet and go... say.... to an outing or something. Everyone seems

to think that if you can function or go do anything, then you must not be

hurting. I know people at work don't believe how bad my pain is,,,, because

afterall, " how could I work " ???

I don't know, its a catch 22. No one is ever going to believe us no matter



Debra V.


Debra V.

Mystic mystic_102164@...> wrote:

Tiger Woods letting everyone know about his knee pain does not help

validate invisible pain illnesses in the least.... it actually HURTS

the acceptance of them. I mean, look at him, supposedly he was in all

this pain but he still managed to come in second in the Masters. What

does that tell the world, if your in pain suck it up and deal with

it... it can't be THAT bad.

Just my viewpoint on this



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I read somewhere that we have a " non-celebrity " disease and until one or more

celebrities come foward, we will never really be recognized as legitimate.

Also, I've have REALLY bad knee pain. It can be horrible.......I'd take it over

fibro anyday.


Re: Pain is not seen.... Imagine that- Tiger Woods-- PLEASE


Tiger Woods letting everyone know about his knee pain does not help

validate invisible pain illnesses in the least.... it actually HURTS

the acceptance of them. I mean, look at him, supposedly he was in all

this pain but he still managed to come in second in the Masters. What

does that tell the world, if your in pain suck it up and deal with

it... it can't be THAT bad.

Just my viewpoint on this


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