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Re: it's ok to be drug addicts

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In a message dated 4/15/2008 1:07:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

idisnotok@... writes:

even if they can't be seen. i will also tell " whomever " to

go ahead and touch me and see if i SCREAM in pain, that will probably

indicate that i actually am in pain and need to take drugs...IT IS OK!

I agree totally Marg and feel the same way....Sometimes just by looking at

me or seeing how I am functioning, people think I am not in pain....But I

am...And the only reason I can do some things, is the relief that I get with



If they want to assume I am addicted to drugs, fine with me.....I would

never take a pill in my life before...Rarely even a tylenol for a headache or

even allergy medicine....Now that I have fibro, I do not hesitate to take pain

meds, and I feel it is helping me to live a more normal life...So, like u, if

I didn't have pain, I certainly wouldn't take the drugs..

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In a message dated 4/15/2008 1:45:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

ladybug75901@... writes:

I am 44 years old and if I was a drug seeker it probably would not have

taken me until my 40's to ask for pain meds.

Thats what I always think too...I am in my 40s and if I was a drug addict, I

wouldn't go to the doctor within just the last 2-3 yrs and ask for pain

medication...I would have been doing it in my 20s or getting it off the street!

Plus I think of all the people who drink alcohol everyday, just to " relax "

or get a buzz....They get totally wasted and not many think of them as

addicts...But if u say u are taking pain meds, they label u right away...

I don't care either, as long as I feel better..

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In a message dated 4/15/2008 1:45:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

weachy_01@... writes:

Marg, i always tell my kids that I take the meds for the pain not for

the buzz, as I hate that feeling~ if you notice if I'm not in a whole

lot of pain I take half of the meds I'm supposed to take, when I'm in

pain i take the dose I'm prescribed! if we were addicts we should be

taking the pills just for the kicks of it and i believe we are not!!!!

I also will start off breaking my pills in half when I have pain...I take

the least amount that will help..If that doesn't help, I will take the other


And I don't take the meds everyday (only when needed), and I never take as

much as is prescribed daily either.....But if it comes to that point one day,

I will...

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Amen to that Marg. If I have to choose between " being a drug addict " and living

in pain that will not allow me to function.... then I will take the first choice

there. I don't give a shit what people think. Most of them are just trying to

make themselves feel better and try to act superior. I will bet that most of

them have gotten drunk before for the hell of it at one time or another. We

need pain medicine for PAIN. Pain that is real.

I also think some people may be jealous because they don't have pain

prescriptions even though they don't NEED them. I guess they think we get some

joy out of them or get high from them. WE DON " T. Five years ago I never had a

pain that tylenol would not take care of. I never asked for any pain meds from

a doctor... I did not NEED them. I am 44 years old and if I was a drug seeker

it probably would not have taken me until my 40's to ask for pain meds.

Piss on them if they want to label us. They are going to label us weather or

not we take meds or not. They will call us hypochondriacs and idiots no matter

what because of what they " can't see " . Well, what they can't " see " I can

certainly " feel " .

Sorry, I go to rambling.


Debra V.

idisnotok idisnotok@...> wrote:

we just need to tell " whomever " (weenie-jerk docs, included who tell


those remarks just to try to get us not to ask for the meds) that we

are fine with taking medications THAT WE NEED, OR WE WOULDN'T BE TAKING

THEM! i will tell " whomever " , too, that i need the drugs for the pain,

in order to function. if i didn't have the pain and didn't need to

function, i wouldn't need the drugs or be a drug addict. but it is ok

to be addicted to medications because the pain and fatigue are

unbearable...even if they can't be seen. i will also tell " whomever " to

go ahead and touch me and see if i SCREAM in pain, that will probably

indicate that i actually am in pain and need to take drugs...IT IS OK!

sorry i am having a crummy day. i must need to scream a little.

take care,


between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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> we just need to tell " whomever " (weenie-jerk docs, included who tell us

> those remarks just to try to get us not to ask for the meds) that we

> are fine with taking medications THAT WE NEED, OR WE WOULDN'T BE TAKING

> THEM! i will tell " whomever " , too, that i need the drugs for the pain,

> in order to function. if i didn't have the pain and didn't need to

> function, i wouldn't need the drugs or be a drug addict. but it is ok

> to be addicted to medications because the pain and fatigue are

> unbearable...even if they can't be seen. i will also tell " whomever " to

> go ahead and touch me and see if i SCREAM in pain, that will probably

> indicate that i actually am in pain and need to take drugs...IT IS OK!

> sorry i am having a crummy day. i must need to scream a little.

> take care,

> marg


Marg, i always tell my kids that I take the meds for the pain not for

the buzz, as I hate that feeling~ if you notice if I'm not in a whole

lot of pain I take half of the meds I'm supposed to take, when I'm in

pain i take the dose I'm prescribed! if we were addicts we should be

taking the pills just for the kicks of it and i believe we are not!!!!

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In a message dated 4/15/2008 4:44:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

idisnotok@... writes:

but the

cymbalta was too sedating, even at half the normal dose. so that is

when i started a low dose of valium.

it is just frustrating, totally, requesting meds we need and not

being able to get them.

I have valium also Marge...I usually break a 5mg tablet in half, but for

some reason I am sensitive to the valium, and it makes my legs real weak and I

really dont like it..I guess if I took it more regularly, I could get used to

it...I have xanax, which I like much better and gives me no side effects...

When the pain bothers me, I have Lortab, and if its really bad, I have the

Percocet....I actually pulled something in my lower back (figures)! lol,

yesterday...Don't know how I even did it, so I just took a half a percocet

now....But I was able to go all day without taking anything....

Take Care

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i know what you mean, nancy,

i cut tablets in half, never took any meds, very rarely even took

motrin or anything for headaches or monthly problems, either, and

now, with fibro, i can't seem to " get enuf drugs " . but then we

haven't found which meds at what doses work best for me yet, i am so

sensitive to side effects, i cannot take any antidepressants at all

and i just started on 1mg of valium.

the interesting thing was i have achey since high school, and i thot

more of my issue has always been horrible fatigue. so my pc let me

try cymbalta a few weeks ago, could not believe the amount of pain it

got rid of, didn't think i was carrying around all that pain, but the

cymbalta was too sedating, even at half the normal dose. so that is

when i started a low dose of valium.

it is just frustrating, totally, requesting meds we need and not

being able to get them.

oh well, i guess i will tell my docs, sure, i could use some cheese

with this whine, but i need drugs, too!

take care,




> In a message dated 4/15/2008 1:45:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> ladybug75901@... writes:


> I am 44 years old and if I was a drug seeker it probably would not


> taken me until my 40's to ask for pain meds.

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Research has shown that people who are in chronic pain and need pain meds do NOT

typically become addicted to pain meds. They can become physically dependent on

them, but that is VERY different then being an addict. The moron Dr.'so just

need to figure this out..........


Re: it's ok to be drug addicts

i know what you mean, nancy,

i cut tablets in half, never took any meds, very rarely even took

motrin or anything for headaches or monthly problems, either, and

now, with fibro, i can't seem to " get enuf drugs " . but then we

haven't found which meds at what doses work best for me yet, i am so

sensitive to side effects, i cannot take any antidepressants at all

and i just started on 1mg of valium.

the interesting thing was i have achey since high school, and i thot

more of my issue has always been horrible fatigue. so my pc let me

try cymbalta a few weeks ago, could not believe the amount of pain it

got rid of, didn't think i was carrying around all that pain, but the

cymbalta was too sedating, even at half the normal dose. so that is

when i started a low dose of valium.

it is just frustrating, totally, requesting meds we need and not

being able to get them.

oh well, i guess i will tell my docs, sure, i could use some cheese

with this whine, but i need drugs, too!

take care,




> In a message dated 4/15/2008 1:45:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> ladybug75901@... writes:


> I am 44 years old and if I was a drug seeker it probably would not


> taken me until my 40's to ask for pain meds.

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I agree with all of you.

I don't care what people want to lable me, as long as I can get some relief.

I know they would if they needed it like we do.

I'm not worried about dependency. If the pain should stop I will stop the

pain med gladly. I don't want to take them or pay for them, but I have to in

order to get by. If I have to go through a withdrawal period I will, because I

really don't want to take them.

I know there is a dependency with my psych meds too. If I need to come off of

them or get miraculously well, I will suffer through the withdrawal from them.

I don't really want to take anything. I would love to get rid of them all, but

I can't.

I don't want to take Synthroid, Provigil, Ritalin, Norvasc, Flexeril,

Prednisone, Plaquenil, Prilosec or even my vitamins (the liquid kind that taste

terrible). I'd like to get rid of them all. I'm probably dependent on them all


OK, my rant is over now. I will still take the meds I need until I don't need

them anymore.

You all take care now.



idisnotok idisnotok@...> wrote:

i know what you mean, nancy,

i cut tablets in half, never took any meds, very rarely even took

motrin or anything for headaches or monthly problems, either, and

now, with fibro, i can't seem to " get enuf drugs " . but then we

haven't found which meds at what doses work best for me yet, i am so

sensitive to side effects, i cannot take any antidepressants at all

and i just started on 1mg of valium.

the interesting thing was i have achey since high school, and i thot

more of my issue has always been horrible fatigue. so my pc let me

try cymbalta a few weeks ago, could not believe the amount of pain it

got rid of, didn't think i was carrying around all that pain, but the

cymbalta was too sedating, even at half the normal dose. so that is

when i started a low dose of valium.

it is just frustrating, totally, requesting meds we need and not

being able to get them.

oh well, i guess i will tell my docs, sure, i could use some cheese

with this whine, but i need drugs, too!

take care,




> In a message dated 4/15/2008 1:45:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> ladybug75901@... writes:


> I am 44 years old and if I was a drug seeker it probably would not


> taken me until my 40's to ask for pain meds.

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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I know that because I have AADD Ritalin doesn't make me agitated like it would

someone who doesn't have it.

Provigil doesn't act like an upper to me because I have Nacolepsy and it just

keeps me awake.

Hydrocodone doesn't make me high, it just helps knock the edge off of my pain.

Drugs act differently according to who is taking them and their body

chemistry. I think doctors know this they just don't want to believfe the

extent of pain we are in and don't want to write scripts for pain killers. They

make this " Godly " decision because that's what a lot of them think they are.


jill larion jilllarion@...> wrote:

Research has shown that people who are in chronic pain and need pain

meds do NOT typically become addicted to pain meds. They can become physically

dependent on them, but that is VERY different then being an addict. The moron

Dr.'so just need to figure this out..........


Re: it's ok to be drug addicts

i know what you mean, nancy,

i cut tablets in half, never took any meds, very rarely even took

motrin or anything for headaches or monthly problems, either, and

now, with fibro, i can't seem to " get enuf drugs " . but then we

haven't found which meds at what doses work best for me yet, i am so

sensitive to side effects, i cannot take any antidepressants at all

and i just started on 1mg of valium.

the interesting thing was i have achey since high school, and i thot

more of my issue has always been horrible fatigue. so my pc let me

try cymbalta a few weeks ago, could not believe the amount of pain it

got rid of, didn't think i was carrying around all that pain, but the

cymbalta was too sedating, even at half the normal dose. so that is

when i started a low dose of valium.

it is just frustrating, totally, requesting meds we need and not

being able to get them.

oh well, i guess i will tell my docs, sure, i could use some cheese

with this whine, but i need drugs, too!

take care,




> In a message dated 4/15/2008 1:45:30 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> ladybug75901@... writes:


> I am 44 years old and if I was a drug seeker it probably would not


> taken me until my 40's to ask for pain meds.

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Yep, I figure if I haven't become a drug addict by 57, chances are I

won't....and I'll be damned if I want to live the rest of my life in pain if I

don't have to. None of us should.


Re: it's ok to be drug addicts

Amen to that Marg. If I have to choose between " being a drug addict " and

living in pain that will not allow me to function.... then I will take the first

choice there. I don't give a shit what people think. Most of them are just

trying to make themselves feel better and try to act superior. I will bet that

most of them have gotten drunk before for the hell of it at one time or another.

We need pain medicine for PAIN. Pain that is real.

I also think some people may be jealous because they don't have pain

prescriptions even though they don't NEED them. I guess they think we get some

joy out of them or get high from them. WE DON " T. Five years ago I never had a

pain that tylenol would not take care of. I never asked for any pain meds from a

doctor... I did not NEED them. I am 44 years old and if I was a drug seeker it

probably would not have taken me until my 40's to ask for pain meds.

Piss on them if they want to label us. They are going to label us weather or

not we take meds or not. They will call us hypochondriacs and idiots no matter

what because of what they " can't see " . Well, what they can't " see " I can

certainly " feel " .

Sorry, I go to rambling.


Debra V.

idisnotok idisnotok@...> wrote:

we just need to tell " whomever " (weenie-jerk docs, included who tell us

those remarks just to try to get us not to ask for the meds) that we

are fine with taking medications THAT WE NEED, OR WE WOULDN'T BE TAKING

THEM! i will tell " whomever " , too, that i need the drugs for the pain,

in order to function. if i didn't have the pain and didn't need to

function, i wouldn't need the drugs or be a drug addict. but it is ok

to be addicted to medications because the pain and fatigue are

unbearable...even if they can't be seen. i will also tell " whomever " to

go ahead and touch me and see if i SCREAM in pain, that will probably

indicate that i actually am in pain and need to take drugs...IT IS OK!

sorry i am having a crummy day. i must need to scream a little.

take care,


between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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Did you look into my bread box???? I take benicar, levothyroxine,

zoloft, klonipin, allerx dose pack, coumadin, singular, bio-identical

hormones (bi-est and progesterone), otc benedryl, neurotonin (just

started that one!), protonix, probiotics, symbicort; albuterol,

robaxin and darvocet as needed and tessalon pearls as needed. Also

those horrid tasting vitamins (aloe gold and xtra ageless). And the

list has actually been cut down significantly!

As I have been able, my doctors (pulmonologist mainly) have been

getting rid of some of my meds. At one point, for my allergies and

asthma (not even the fibro), plus the ol' hypertension and

stress/anxiety, I think I took over 25 a day. My list is getting

shorter, thankfully, but literally every single one is needed. And I

can almost guarantee that next month, when I see the new rheumy, that

there may be some tweaks as far as the zoloft and klonipin go, and

maybe the pain meds too.

And while I don't feel sick - it's been over a month since I was in

the hospital for the blood clot, I have to remember and realize that

if I do something dumb, it could cost me my life because each of

my " chronic illnesses " with possibly the exception of fibro (unless

my leg goes numb, which has happened) might cause me to expire. I

prefer to live. And I'll live to the best of my ability and if it

means taking 3 neurontins a day and pain meds when I need to, well so

be it! I am hopeful that once the neurontin gets in my system good

that I will be able to rely on tylenol again, but we'll see!



> I don't want to take Synthroid, Provigil, Ritalin, Norvasc,

Flexeril, Prednisone, Plaquenil, Prilosec or even my vitamins (the

liquid kind that taste terrible). I'd like to get rid of them all.

I'm probably dependent on them all too.


> OK, my rant is over now. I will still take the meds I need until

I don't need them anymore.

> You all take care now.


> Marti



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What are your restrictions for your blood clot? Do you still have it? Not

really sure how that works.....

I'm going to ask my Dr. for Neurontin today. I was on it years ago for severe

nerve damage after a back surgery. It helped a lot. I can NOT take

Lyrica.....puts me in a coma sleep.

Take Care,


Re: it's ok to be drug addicts


Did you look into my bread box???? I take benicar, levothyroxine,

zoloft, klonipin, allerx dose pack, coumadin, singular, bio-identical

hormones (bi-est and progesterone), otc benedryl, neurotonin (just

started that one!), protonix, probiotics, symbicort; albuterol,

robaxin and darvocet as needed and tessalon pearls as needed. Also

those horrid tasting vitamins (aloe gold and xtra ageless). And the

list has actually been cut down significantly!

As I have been able, my doctors (pulmonologist mainly) have been

getting rid of some of my meds. At one point, for my allergies and

asthma (not even the fibro), plus the ol' hypertension and

stress/anxiety, I think I took over 25 a day. My list is getting

shorter, thankfully, but literally every single one is needed. And I

can almost guarantee that next month, when I see the new rheumy, that

there may be some tweaks as far as the zoloft and klonipin go, and

maybe the pain meds too.

And while I don't feel sick - it's been over a month since I was in

the hospital for the blood clot, I have to remember and realize that

if I do something dumb, it could cost me my life because each of

my " chronic illnesses " with possibly the exception of fibro (unless

my leg goes numb, which has happened) might cause me to expire. I

prefer to live. And I'll live to the best of my ability and if it

means taking 3 neurontins a day and pain meds when I need to, well so

be it! I am hopeful that once the neurontin gets in my system good

that I will be able to rely on tylenol again, but we'll see!



> I don't want to take Synthroid, Provigil, Ritalin, Norvasc,

Flexeril, Prednisone, Plaquenil, Prilosec or even my vitamins (the

liquid kind that taste terrible). I'd like to get rid of them all.

I'm probably dependent on them all too.


> OK, my rant is over now. I will still take the meds I need until

I don't need them anymore.

> You all take care now.


> Marti



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thanks nancy (and marti),

i am writing all these meds down to take in and ask to try them, one

after the other. the valium gives me horrible headaches, at 1mg

2xday,even. i also have xanax, it is anti-anxiety, but i did not know

it could be used for pain, too?

today is better, thanks you guys for letting me vent yesterday, not

sure if it was horrible hormones(don't know where i am in cycles, no

curse anymore) or just a typical bad fibro day. CURSE?? CURSE?? we

thot the old curse was bad, now it's the FIBRO CURSE! hehe! always

some kinda curse, huh?




> I have valium also Marge...I usually break a 5mg tablet in half,

but for

> some reason I am sensitive to the valium, and it makes my legs real

weak and I

> really dont like it..I guess if I took it more regularly, I could

get used to

> it...I have xanax, which I like much better and gives me no side



> When the pain bothers me, I have Lortab, and if its really bad, I

have the

> Percocet....I actually pulled something in my lower back

(figures)! lol,

> yesterday...Don't know how I even did it, so I just took a half a


> now....But I was able to go all day without taking anything....


> Take Care


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