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Re: New to the group :)

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Welcome to the group. I am glad you wrote. I hope we can all be of some help

and support.

A few questions I can answer. I am chronically exhuasted. It never ends. I do

sleep at night and will THINK I slept good but wake up feeling like I never went

to bed. I hurt worse in the morning after waking up and am stiff all over. I

describe it as feeling like I have been beaten with a board and thrown in a

ditch to sleep. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome tends to go hand in hand with


Many people with this illness are told to " exercise " . It varies depending on

the individual as to weahter or not exercise is even possible. To alot of us it

only serves to make us hurt worse and make us even more exhausted.

I know a few people do get benefit from some exercise. I am not one of them.

LOL. I do walk alot at work and am on my feet most of the time while working.

It does not help me. (scary, but some people are even bed bound with this


The vision thing????? I have never read any research that says it will affect

vision but I believe it does. I know that somedays my vision is more blurry

than normal. I wear prescription contacts/glasses. But when I am flaring like

today, my close up vision is blurred more than usual.

An eye doctor did tell me once that fibro causes inflammation of the optic

nerve. I believe it.

I am Debra. I am 44 and live in East Tx. I have two children ages almost 6 and

almost 11.


Debra V.

Subject: New to the group :)

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Monday, April 28, 2008, 12:51 AM

Hi Everyone,

My name is Rhonda I'm 41, mother of 5 (22, 18, 17, 16 & 14 only 2 live

with me thankfully!) and I live in a small village outside of Grand

Ledge, MI. I have been treated for Fibro for about 3 years or so now

but just recently had the tender point test done to confirm it. When

my doc finally started treating me for " fibromyalgic type pain " I was

so relieved. I didn't know it was going to take soooo long to find a

mixture of meds to help me. Well, after all that I have now decided to

start a clinical trial drug and have been doing that for about 4 weeks

now. Hopefully this will help a bit. I have spent the evening reading

all the latest posts and I sooo relate to everyones pain and problems!

My worst right now is my sleep I think. I have always been a night

owl, and have tried really hard to turn that around, but no matter how

long I keep myself up during the day, I can't seem to fall asleep once

I get into the bed! I've been tested for sleep apnea and have ruled

that out. Also once I get to sleep I can't seem to wake up without

being fatigued all day. Does anyone else have a problem with this? I

just sleep so much better during the day than I do at night. My other

problem is excersize. I don't know what to do without wearing myself

out anymore. Even going to the store for an hour to grocery shop or

taking my daughter to the mall for an hour is exhausting and I'm out

of it the next day. I can't afford to pay for a gym membership or even

to go to the YMCA or the local swim classes. Walking bothers my lower

back and I gave up on that. Ok... well I just noticed that I have

written a book now..lol. Oh one more question... has anyone noticed a

problem with their eyes?

Thanks for any input and I'm so happy to be a part of this group...

thanks to you all!




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Welcome to thegroup. My name is Lil and I am originally fro Grats

Pass Oregon (for 59 yrs) until I moved to Las Vegas. Left there a month

ago to live with my son in Washingto state which is beautiful.. I can't

live alone and having my son around after 14 yrs apart is a great joy to

me. He is very supportive and caring. How very lucky Iam. My new dr.

here put me n morphine time release pills and told me today I could not

go back to the vicoden. His pain is high level pain maintaince and long

term. I don't agree as it makes me more of a couch potato. So I only

take it when the pain gets unbearable. I'm 61 yrs old, have 3 children

(one is deceased) 8 grankids and 3 great-grandkids. quite the support

group huh? I am taking one day at a time and try to enjoy what is left

of my life. I have had numerous neck and back surgies due to an n the

job injury. 3 heart attacks and the fibro. I love this group so much

for helping me thru things. Have a gret day. Lil


> From: greenidldy4u rstrudell@...

> Subject: New to the group :)

> To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

> Date: Monday, April 28, 2008, 12:51 AM







> Hi Everyone,


> My name is Rhonda I'm 41, mother of 5 (22, 18, 17, 16 & 14 only 2 live

> with me thankfully!) and I live in a small village outside of Grand

> Ledge, MI. I have been treated for Fibro for about 3 years or so now

> but just recently had the tender point test done to confirm it. When

> my doc finally started treating me for " fibromyalgic type pain " I was

> so relieved. I didn't know it was going to take soooo long to find a

> mixture of meds to help me. Well, after all that I have now decided to

> start a clinical trial drug and have been doing that for about 4 weeks

> now. Hopefully this will help a bit. I have spent the evening reading

> all the latest posts and I sooo relate to everyones pain and problems!

> My worst right now is my sleep I think. I have always been a night

> owl, and have tried really hard to turn that around, but no matter how

> long I keep myself up during the day, I can't seem to fall asleep once

> I get into the bed! I've been tested for sleep apnea and have ruled

> that out. Also once I get to sleep I can't seem to wake up without

> being fatigued all day. Does anyone else have a problem with this? I

> just sleep so much better during the day than I do at night. My other

> problem is excersize. I don't know what to do without wearing myself

> out anymore. Even going to the store for an hour to grocery shop or

> taking my daughter to the mall for an hour is exhausting and I'm out

> of it the next day. I can't afford to pay for a gym membership or even

> to go to the YMCA or the local swim classes. Walking bothers my lower

> back and I gave up on that. Ok... well I just noticed that I have

> written a book now..lol. Oh one more question... has anyone noticed a

> problem with their eyes?


> Thanks for any input and I'm so happy to be a part of this group...

> thanks to you all!


> Rhonda




















> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.



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Hi Rhonda,

Welcome to our group!! Where abouts is Grand Ledge??? I've never heard of it. I

live in Lake Orion, about 45 minutes north of Detroit. I'm curious about what

kind of eye problems you have had. I have had some problems with mine.

Glad you are here!



New to the group :)

Hi Everyone,

My name is Rhonda I'm 41, mother of 5 (22, 18, 17, 16 & 14 only 2 live

with me thankfully!)and I live in a small village outside of Grand

Ledge, MI. I have been treated for Fibro for about 3 years or so now

but just recently had the tender point test done to confirm it. When

my doc finally started treating me for " fibromyalgic type pain " I was

so relieved. I didn't know it was going to take soooo long to find a

mixture of meds to help me. Well, after all that I have now decided to

start a clinical trial drug and have been doing that for about 4 weeks

now. Hopefully this will help a bit. I have spent the evening reading

all the latest posts and I sooo relate to everyones pain and problems!

My worst right now is my sleep I think. I have always been a night

owl, and have tried really hard to turn that around, but no matter how

long I keep myself up during the day, I can't seem to fall asleep once

I get into the bed! I've been tested for sleep apnea and have ruled

that out. Also once I get to sleep I can't seem to wake up without

being fatigued all day. Does anyone else have a problem with this? I

just sleep so much better during the day than I do at night. My other

problem is excersize. I don't know what to do without wearing myself

out anymore. Even going to the store for an hour to grocery shop or

taking my daughter to the mall for an hour is exhausting and I'm out

of it the next day. I can't afford to pay for a gym membership or even

to go to the YMCA or the local swim classes. Walking bothers my lower

back and I gave up on that. Ok... well I just noticed that I have

written a book now..lol. Oh one more question... has anyone noticed a

problem with their eyes?

Thanks for any input and I'm so happy to be a part of this group...

thanks to you all!


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Hi ,

Grand Ledge is about 15 miles west of Lansing and I am another 7 miles

west of that. My eyes have been getting worse over the last few years

and I just can't seem to focus. I have been getting little black lines

(almost like little hairs or pieces of lint) that are stationary in

the line of sight. They don't float around and a couple of them are

right in the straight line of sight. It's really frustrating.

Everytime I glance I think there's something off to the side of me and

then figure out that it's that spot..lol. I just keep loosing strength

in my eyes for focusing though. The more I try to focus the more it

hurts. I'm trying to get into an ophthalmologists soon though, I just

have to get my primary to refer me off to one that is on the list of

accepted by my insurance. I don't have optical nut if the primary can

say there's a medical reason to go to one then they will at least pay

for the office visit. Yes I know where Lake Orion is. I plan to be

over at the Womens Expo next weekend, isn't that near there? (Novi)

Thanks for the support!



> Hi Rhonda,

> Welcome to our group!! Where abouts is Grand Ledge??? I've never

heard of it. I live in Lake Orion, about 45 minutes north of Detroit.

I'm curious about what kind of eye problems you have had. I have had

some problems with mine.

> Glad you are here!

> Hugs,

> /Mi

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Hi Rhonda,

Novi is about an hour south of me. The little black lines sound like floaters.

Don't know why they call them that, they are always right there, where you are

seeing. I have had what is called Iritis...an infection of the iris of the eye.

If not treated it can cause blindness. I have had it about 5 or 6 times. It just

hurts and my vision gets blurred. Sometimes my eye gets bloodshot. It's weird.

You need to get to the eye doctor though!!



Re: New to the group :)

Hi ,

Grand Ledge is about 15 miles west of Lansing and I am another 7 miles

west of that. My eyes have been getting worse over the last few years

and I just can't seem to focus. I have been getting little black lines

(almost like little hairs or pieces of lint) that are stationary in

the line of sight. They don't float around and a couple of them are

right in the straight line of sight. It's really frustrating.

Everytime I glance I think there's something off to the side of me and

then figure out that it's that spot..lol. I just keep loosing strength

in my eyes for focusing though. The more I try to focus the more it

hurts. I'm trying to get into an ophthalmologists soon though, I just

have to get my primary to refer me off to one that is on the list of

accepted by my insurance. I don't have optical nut if the primary can

say there's a medical reason to go to one then they will at least pay

for the office visit. Yes I know where Lake Orion is. I plan to be

over at the Womens Expo next weekend, isn't that near there? (Novi)

Thanks for the support!



> Hi Rhonda,

> Welcome to our group!! Where abouts is Grand Ledge??? I've never

heard of it. I live in Lake Orion, about 45 minutes north of Detroit.

I'm curious about what kind of eye problems you have had. I have had

some problems with mine.

> Glad you are here!

> Hugs,

> /Mi

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Thanks ,

I never knew what they called those things..lol. They always ask me if

they float and I tell them no because they are stationary..lol. Yes I

know I need to go.. it's one of those things that as I sit here and do

things I remember it... tomorrow when the doc's office is open do you

think I can remember it??? Ohhh no. I'll sit there thinking I know

there's something I need to do, but just never can think of it.. dang

fibro fog lol. I know I should write things down... but as I always

tell the docs, I can do that but when I don't remember to look at it

it's just wasting my time..lol. I've had more headaches lately, but

being in this clinical study I'm not allowed to take anything other

than my BP meds so they are sure it's the med that is taking the pain

away and the migraines are killing my eyes. But with the weather the

way it's been here in MI I'm getting my migraines because of the sinus

pressure. Some days it just seems like one big roller coaster than

never comes to a stop.

On another note... I'm so glad to have joined here. Thank ou guys so

much for all the interesting and helpful topics! I haven't posted much

because I'm still trying to acclimate to the amount of posts this

place gets! :) I also have another board that I volunteer for and of

course trying to work and my 17f & 18m yo are getting ready for prom

next week (Ohhh boyyyy what fun!) so I've been running to the tanning

salon and now we have to go shop for jewelry, shoes, tuxes and flowers

tomorrow... t least it will slow down after next week..lol. So if I

don't say too much please don't feel like I'm ignoring or anything..

I'm reading and stil here.




> Hi Rhonda,

> Novi is about an hour south of me. The little black lines sound like

floaters. Don't know why they call them that, they are always right

there, where you are seeing. I have had what is called Iritis...an

infection of the iris of the eye. If not treated it can cause

blindness. I have had it about 5 or 6 times. It just hurts and my

vision gets blurred. Sometimes my eye gets bloodshot. It's weird. You

need to get to the eye doctor though!!

> Hugs,

> /Mi

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