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RE: ADHD or fibro fog/Loretta

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It was very interesting reading your post. I asked my doctor years ago if

she thought I had ADD and she said yes, but I managed to make it work for

me. I used to be a great multi-tasker until my fibro came on so badly.

I'm an adrenaline junkie. I used to fly small planes, ride motorcycles, and

do crazy stuff just for the rush. I also am a procrastinator who performs

best under pressure. Since I've become disabled, I'm trying to find some

things to get that adrenaline pumping again without hurting myself and

costing a fortune.

It's very interesting.

Tigger (Ruth) in Rhode Island


From: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

[mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of


Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 4:17 PM

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Subject: ADHD or fibro fog

Hello all,

I hope everyone is doing well. I haven't posted in a while. Anyway I

went to a new psych doc for my bipolar and ended up with a new, and

sadly fitting, diagnosis-- ADD. For years my docs all said that it was

fibro fog, and watched me get worse and worse, with nothing to say

except that I am depressed. Now I can see myself in this new dx. At

first I could not, because I new jack about it. But I went to the

library and did a buttload of reading. Now I can see how this ADD has

affected me most of my life. One book I read even said that ADD that

is not treated could lead to fibro!!!! It also talked about the fact

that most ADDults are adrenaline junkies, working mostly the thrill of

the upcoming deadline. What I mean is that I and other ADDers will

procrastinate and basically be unable to function enough to get a task

done until the deadline looms closer and the adrenaline starts

punmping. Chronic stress will give you an adrenaline rush too. But

ADDers will start to depend on the rushes, chronically. I have a

hypothesis going in my head that fibromites may be a little familiar

with these rushes, I mean at least most of us stay more busy than we

can afford on those " good " days, only to have to rest the next day. I

wonder if our miracle drug Lyrica might work with this adrenaline? i

dont know...


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Hey Tigger,

Exactly how did you make it work for you? I am at the very beginning

of this dx, and don't know what direction to go. I have started on

Vyvance, but it's a children's dose and though it seems like it could

be effective, I think I need to be on a higher dosage. THen I think I

will work on my organizational skills and procrastination... All I

know is, it is important to not reuse the brain, I need to schedule

down time and give myself extra time to do a task.



> It was very interesting reading your post. I asked my doctor years

ago if

> she thought I had ADD and she said yes, but I managed to make it

work for

> me. I used to be a great multi-tasker until my fibro came on so badly.




> I'm an adrenaline junkie. I used to fly small planes, ride

motorcycles, and

> do crazy stuff just for the rush. I also am a procrastinator who


> best under pressure. Since I've become disabled, I'm trying to find


> things to get that adrenaline pumping again without hurting myself and

> costing a fortune.




> It's very interesting.




> Tigger (Ruth) in Rhode Island

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I have been diagnosed with anxiety and there are times it's very severe to that

point that I will go into a panic attack and those aren't fun at all. I probably

have the OCD...that's just one more to add to the pile! ha!! I have 2 sisters

and one is just like me has to have everything in it's place and another sister

that is a pack rat and she has to be at work at 8am and she will pull into the

parking lot at 759...that just drives me crazy.

Debra B

Re: ADHD or fibro fog/Debra B.

Debra B,

You remind me of my sister, who has OCD, and consequently never gets

any rest for herself and is always going. Two months ago she went to

the ER because she had a severe dizziness and was unable to focus with

her eyes. She passed out at work too. They put her on Xanax because

they said she had severe anxiety. She's fine now, and has been

learning to relax through meditation and is also learning to listen to

her body. I told her before this that she does seem visibly anxious

and that she shouldn't let herself continue this way or she could even

get fibro. SHe doesn't want that so she is trying to relax. She has

found that she is still productive even with resting times. It is

funny though you hit the nail on the head, I am the opposite of my

sister. I'm wild and unproductive. She's " normal " and the most

productive of all of us sisters. I'm the black sheep... HEEHEEHEE...



> That sounds like OCD, Debra.

> Jeanne in WI


> I think you may be right on the money for most. However with me, I

have always been the type that when I was in College and received an

assignment that wasn't due to 3 weeks I started on it that day. I

can't stand being late for anything and I always want to make sure I

leave the house in plenty of time for an appt. even if I sit in the

parking lot for 30 minutes. I guess I am opposite of what you are

talking about. I just can't take being behind on anything, even

housework and I have to have things in certain ways. This drives my

husband crazy. I think this has gotten worse since my illness. If a

picture is not in the right position, a lamb has been moved or there

is something just out of place I have to fix it right then. This has

been very bothersome to me since there are a lot of days that I can't

fix things or do things. I even have to fold clothes a certain way and

load the dishwasher a certain way. If it's not done like that I have

to redo it. I

> know, I am strange!!!

> Debra B

> Gladewater, Texas



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I take rivitral for anxiety but its not working as good as it should as my

anxiety attacks have been horrible not being able to breath and feel like

someoneis strangling me

Re: ADHD or fibro fog/Debra B.

Debra B,

You remind me of my sister, who has OCD, and consequently never gets

any rest for herself and is always going. Two months ago she went to

the ER because she had a severe dizziness and was unable to focus with

her eyes. She passed out at work too. They put her on Xanax because

they said she had severe anxiety. She's fine now, and has been

learning to relax through meditation and is also learning to listen to

her body. I told her before this that she does seem visibly anxious

and that she shouldn't let herself continue this way or she could even

get fibro. SHe doesn't want that so she is trying to relax. She has

found that she is still productive even with resting times. It is

funny though you hit the nail on the head, I am the opposite of my

sister. I'm wild and unproductive. She's " normal " and the most

productive of all of us sisters. I'm the black sheep... HEEHEEHEE...



> That sounds like OCD, Debra.

> Jeanne in WI


> I think you may be right on the money for most. However with me, I

have always been the type that when I was in College and received an

assignment that wasn't due to 3 weeks I started on it that day. I

can't stand being late for anything and I always want to make sure I

leave the house in plenty of time for an appt. even if I sit in the

parking lot for 30 minutes. I guess I am opposite of what you are

talking about. I just can't take being behind on anything, even

housework and I have to have things in certain ways. This drives my

husband crazy. I think this has gotten worse since my illness. If a

picture is not in the right position, a lamb has been moved or there

is something just out of place I have to fix it right then. This has

been very bothersome to me since there are a lot of days that I can't

fix things or do things. I even have to fold clothes a certain way and

load the dishwasher a certain way. If it's not done like that I have

to redo it. I

> know, I am strange!!!

> Debra B

> Gladewater, Texas



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