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Pain Well Managed/Yay!!!!

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Hi Angie,

What a positive attitude you have. It is helping as much as the meds I


I'm so glad you are feeling better and the, what would you call it, " major "

pain is under control. I'm soooooo happy for you.

It's amazing that you are so happy about that and the other pain that you are

still having seems to take a backseat. Because it sounds like you are still

having a lot of trouble. While I'm so glad that the " crying while you are lying

down pain " is managed, I really have to give you credit for not complaining

about all the problems you are still having.

I know what you mean about the laundry. That's one of the worse things I do.

Just keeping my arms raised to do the folding and sorting brings on real pain

and exhaustion. My arms get to where they just won't do it anymore.

I'm so sorry that you still have such a time walking and doing other things.

You mentioned a twitch in your hands. I have been thinking about writing and

asking if anyone else has that. I have a twitch in both hands, but mostly in my

right hand. I will be doing anything, particularly typing or using the mouse,

but holding things too, and my hand will just jump. It jumps mostly to the

right. Is that similar to what your hands do? It drives me crazy.

I haven't found anything myself that combats the extreme fatigue. I'm trying

to clean out STUFF so I can get out of this place and I can do so little a day.

Even the little things bring me to my knees so to speak. I am actually finally

going through the piles of papers that are stacked up everywhere. Now that I'm

leaving so much of the stuff that was important to keep and find a place for is

so unnecessary. I don't know what I was thinking when I saved a lot of it.

I've found, just so far, information on things as far back as 2005 -

subscriptions I might be interested in, charities I wanted to contribute to,

insurance information on health, life and dental in case I wanted to change or

take out something new, medical newsletters I haven't read yet, etc, etc, etc.

Almost all of it is stuff I would get in the mail again if I wanted to do it.

I've thrown out so many old catalogs that I saved in case I wanted to order from

the company and didn't have a new catalog - I

needed to know how to get one. What a loon!

Anyway I got on a rant here and didn't mean to.

I'm happy you finally have some good news. And I don't think talking about it

jinxes it.

Thanks for the sunshine. We're actually having some here in Connecticut for

several days.

Take care of yourself,


Angie lovinglifeinnv@...> wrote:

Hi all, I'm afraid to report good news. Here goes: I'm actually doing

pretty well finally with the pain.

The Lyrica, Topomax, Tramadol, Soma mix I'm taking seems to be doing a pretty

good job generally.

Plus the weather warming up has helped me significantly.

I still have trigger points, certain areas that hurt. I walk with a lumber from

pain. I hurt bad after standing a few minutes, folding laundry, etc. But that

nagging, bringing you to tears even when you are lying down, everywhere pain is

really well managed.

Of course the fatigue is still around, steps are still a bi**h, I've been sick

with a sinus infection, I have a bit of a twitch in my hand, and my sleep

patterns are pretty wacko. But the huge relief of that pain is a prayer


I may hug my Rheumy next time I see her. Last time I saw her I said " I'd be

happy if I could just have a break for a couple hours from this pain " so I

really will thank her that she found a combo that has given me a general break

for most of the time. I still think there may be some room for a little tweaking

on the doses; but its fine tuning.

I just thought some sunshine on the boards now and then might be good.

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner




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know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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Hi Marti,

You sound like me...saving catalogs, just in case " some day " comes I may need

something...every once in awhile I go nuts and throw stuff out....I'm


I wish too, we could find a magic potion to rid the exhaustion. Someday.



Pain Well Managed/Yay!!!!

Hi Angie,

What a positive attitude you have. It is helping as much as the meds I


I'm so glad you are feeling better and the, what would you call it, " major "

pain is under control. I'm soooooo happy for you.

It's amazing that you are so happy about that and the other pain that you are

still having seems to take a backseat. Because it sounds like you are still

having a lot of trouble. While I'm so glad that the " crying while you are lying

down pain " is managed, I really have to give you credit for not complaining

about all the problems you are still having.

I know what you mean about the laundry. That's one of the worse things I do.

Just keeping my arms raised to do the folding and sorting brings on real pain

and exhaustion. My arms get to where they just won't do it anymore.

I'm so sorry that you still have such a time walking and doing other things.

You mentioned a twitch in your hands. I have been thinking about writing and

asking if anyone else has that. I have a twitch in both hands, but mostly in my

right hand. I will be doing anything, particularly typing or using the mouse,

but holding things too, and my hand will just jump. It jumps mostly to the

right. Is that similar to what your hands do? It drives me crazy.

I haven't found anything myself that combats the extreme fatigue. I'm trying

to clean out STUFF so I can get out of this place and I can do so little a day.

Even the little things bring me to my knees so to speak. I am actually finally

going through the piles of papers that are stacked up everywhere. Now that I'm

leaving so much of the stuff that was important to keep and find a place for is

so unnecessary. I don't know what I was thinking when I saved a lot of it. I've

found, just so far, information on things as far back as 2005 - subscriptions I

might be interested in, charities I wanted to contribute to, insurance

information on health, life and dental in case I wanted to change or take out

something new, medical newsletters I haven't read yet, etc, etc, etc. Almost all

of it is stuff I would get in the mail again if I wanted to do it. I've thrown

out so many old catalogs that I saved in case I wanted to order from the company

and didn't have a new catalog - I

needed to know how to get one. What a loon!

Anyway I got on a rant here and didn't mean to.

I'm happy you finally have some good news. And I don't think talking about it

jinxes it.

Thanks for the sunshine. We're actually having some here in Connecticut for

several days.

Take care of yourself,


Angie lovinglifeinnv@...> wrote:

Hi all, I'm afraid to report good news. Here goes: I'm actually doing pretty

well finally with the pain.

The Lyrica, Topomax, Tramadol, Soma mix I'm taking seems to be doing a pretty

good job generally.

Plus the weather warming up has helped me significantly.

I still have trigger points, certain areas that hurt. I walk with a lumber

from pain. I hurt bad after standing a few minutes, folding laundry, etc. But

that nagging, bringing you to tears even when you are lying down, everywhere

pain is really well managed.

Of course the fatigue is still around, steps are still a bi**h, I've been sick

with a sinus infection, I have a bit of a twitch in my hand, and my sleep

patterns are pretty wacko. But the huge relief of that pain is a prayer


I may hug my Rheumy next time I see her. Last time I saw her I said " I'd be

happy if I could just have a break for a couple hours from this pain " so I

really will thank her that she found a combo that has given me a general break

for most of the time. I still think there may be some room for a little tweaking

on the doses; but its fine tuning.

I just thought some sunshine on the boards now and then might be good.

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow

skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong

Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open


" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner




Be a better friend, newshound, and

know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


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