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Hi ,i'm sorry you are being sooo stressed out by your husband! I

was in the same postion with mine! You don't deserve any of this pain

and suffering!! It sux when the person you are married to is the one

that hurts you soooo much! When i was 1st dx with fibro and cfs etc. my

husband(btw he is now my ex) didn't believe me and it seemed as thought

all he did was try to make me thnk that i deserved the pain and

suffering too and that i was a cry baby and didn't believe me for years

which lead to our divorce after 17 years! You are soo right when you

say you would b there for him and very concerned also and i would have

been the same! I don't have a clue where their brains r cause they sure

aren't in their heads! The more they emotionally abuse us the worse we

get and at some point it almost seems as thought they think it is funny

to watch us break down right in front of their eyes! Like an

accomplishment for them or something?? Another notch in their belt

persay.. You know how you feel and what you have to do and i wish you

lots of luck and good days ahead...hang in there and b strong...soft


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I know how upset you must be right now about your husband and the

darn doctors, please don't give up. I am new to all this and if you

give up what is that telling me? Sometimes live can be a bitch to be

quite honest with you. I have also been diagnosed with primary

biliary chorossis and autoimmune hepatitis, these diseases are, well

my own immune system is attacking my liver, doctors say I might need

a liver transplant, for that is the only cure to this, having the

fibro. on top of it really throws me for a loop, the pain is awful,

to put it nicely, I have noticed in the past few days my left arm has

started to lose muscle tone and has been hurting like he**, thought

maybe I was headed for a heartattack. So please if I am not giving up

on myself don't you give up, I have requested to unsubscribe to this

group because of all the mail, but I think I am going to change my

mind, this is a place to vent and get help from others who have had

fibro. longer than I have, dx a few months ago. Email me personally

just incase they remove me from the group before I can send an email

saying I want to stay. Keep your chin up for me ok.


> I am so ticked. why does someone have to be so uncompassionate

about someones health problems? I told hubby about the news. All he

could say to me was I had several chances to get it fixed and didn't,

so I pretty much deserve what I get. Why now am I gonna get it fixed?

I mean come on. If it were reversed, I would be so concerned and want

to help. Not him. Why do I even bother? this is serious and

debilatating, not something to snear about. I am really worried about

what is gonna happen to me now. Very scared. I really did not think

my back had gotten so bad. 5 herniated bulging discs. And all I got

was panlor ss and soma. It is nto even touching the pain and I am

lathered up with icy hot too. I am so thankful y'all are here for me.

I need support and understanding right now. I am headed for the

rabbit hole otherwise.

> Hugs,







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I am so sorry you are having such a tough time and then your husband having the

" I don't care attitude " doesn't help matters at all. On top of the Fibro that I

have I also have a herniated disc in L4 as well as 2 in my neck. Whether it's

the Fibro flare, which I am in now, or the back issues I am always in pain. You

don't for one minute " deserve " what is happening to you now. No one does!! With

the pain we face each day you wouldn't even wish this on your worse enemy.

Knowing that your husband has told you that just makes me furious! Like you said

that' why WE are here. WE are here to help people when they are down and to

celebrate small victorys!! Don't worry about hubby cause something will happen

to him that will put him in extreme pain but if you are like me you will have

symptahy for him. His time is coming ! But we must pray for him! There are

so many people in this world that are not compassionate people and we must not

focus on these

negatives...only positives! Besides, don't let your tomorrows be dimmed by the

negatives of yesterday. We must move forward!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas


I am so ticked. why does someone have to be so uncompassionate about someones

health problems? I told hubby about the news. All he could say to me was I had

several chances to get it fixed and didn't, so I pretty much deserve what I get.

Why now am I gonna get it fixed? I mean come on. If it were reversed, I would be

so concerned and want to help. Not him. Why do I even bother? this is serious

and debilatating, not something to snear about. I am really worried about what

is gonna happen to me now. Very scared. I really did not think my back had

gotten so bad. 5 herniated bulging discs. And all I got was panlor ss and soma.

It is nto even touching the pain and I am lathered up with icy hot too. I am so

thankful y'all are here for me. I need support and understanding right now. I am

headed for the rabbit hole otherwise.


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Over 10 years ago I married a seemingly loving and understanding man. He

knew that I had fibro and he went so far to educate himself on the disease, but

when I worsened and couldn't perform sexually anymore, he began to cheat on

me. A year and a half after marrying, he left me for another woman, but

neither of us filed for divorce. Well, he married a younger woman, left her


them married a woman a little bit older than him and she was able to satisfy

his sex drive. Last year it all caught up on him and he was ordered to

divorce me and his other wives and do time in jail. He had fooled me


He made me believe that he loved me for me, so I was devastated when he left

me, just because sex became a lot like aerobic exercise and wasn't

enjoyable. I will never marry again, because he was my third and last.

I feel for you, because too many people expect too much from us and they

don't understand what we are dealing with.

Love and gentle hugs,

Debi/Central Cal.-55


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protect your friends from email address harvesters which can lead to more

Spam, unwanted mail, and even viruses.

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> Hi Debi,

Gee I'm sorry about your marriage. It must take a lot for a partner to

cope with us...but...come on. Married to 3 women at the same time???

Did he not think he would get caught??? I'm glad he is going to jail,

serves him right. Sometimes, I think it would be easier to be alone,

then you don't have anything to explain to anyone or feel let down by

anyone..I don't know...you take care.


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