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Re: My meeting with the pain clinic 8(

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Hi Missy,

I can identify with not being believed and the mentioning of depression a lot.

The Rheumatologist who dx me said I had all the points for FM dx, but the pain

could also be because of my depression or for whatever reason I was taking the

psych meds. That was in 1990.

I was hoping things had changed since that time and am lucky that my PCP

believes me. But my pulmonologist and eye specialist who both treat me for

Sarcoidosis, both don't " believe " in Fibromyalgia - mainly because of what the

PA said to you - you can't prove it. Well there are other autoimmune diseases

that you can't completely prove also that doctors believe in such as RA and MS.

It annoys me so when people are such idiots.

At least she gave you, I think it is, Lyrica. A lot of people in this group

take that and do well with it. Maybe it will help you. I hope it's not too


I also know what you mean about trying not to cry. I cry when I get angry and

I can't stop it. It is so infuriating. But if you cry in the office they will

really say everything is related to being overly emotional. When I told my

pulmonologist that I was feeling somewhat dizzy and my heart would pound, he

didn't talk about the lung disease I have, he patted me on the knee and said " I

think you are a little anxious. " I wanted to smack him, but he's old and kind

of frail and I might have knocked him down. LOL

I'm so sorry you had that experience. I wish there was some way we could make

these doctors believers, but I don't know how. When they've made of their mind,

it seems that no amount of research or proof can change it.

Take care of yourself,


missy8632 missy8632@...> wrote:

I had myu consult with the pain clinic. I met with the Nurse PA, I

thought I would be seeing the Neurologist. She did spend a lot of

time with me and asked me tons of questions.

But, after the consult she went on the say that some people do not

think that FM is a real condition. That a group of people have the

same s/s but there is no test to determine if someone has FM. She

did say she does have FM patients who are on Lyracil (sp) and gave me

a Rx. But, I felt she thought I was nuts and making things up. I

told her I went to the ER on Friday for chest pain and they Dx me

with that costocondrytis (sp) and I was in great pain from that. She

did talk to me about it but never suggested anything or Rx anything.

She said I should exercise more. Ummmm.... I would LOVE to when I am

not in pain. She said she could send me for PT. But, I am not

working and have two kids to feed, I can not afford that. I am all

new to this FM thing. I honestly thought a pain management clinic

would not blow me off like some nut job who was looking for some

narcotic hand out.

Of course, my depression was brought up a number of times. Again,

like it was in my head. I did not want to try the Lyracil for a

number of reasons. But, I just wanted to get out of there without

crying I did not say anything.

Why is it so hard ot find help?

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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sorry to hear this missy,

tell her you will be glad to start a mild exercise program AS SOON AS

YOU GET PAIN MEDICATION ! and do hollar it. honest to god!

i really do think, and not exactly sure why, many docs won't write

scripts anymore unless they have bloodwork,ct scans,mri's,xrays to

prove why they wrote the script. i don't know if docs are being

audited more, for off label script writing, or what.

maybe someone here who works/worked in the medical field would know.

but it sure would be nice if it were easier to sue these docs for

negligence! sorry to say but i am just about as frustrated.

as david says, which i do agree with and like, docs can be weenies!

try to hang in there,



> I had myu consult with the pain clinic. I met with the Nurse PA, I

> thought I would be seeing the Neurologist. She did spend a lot of

> time with me and asked me tons of questions.

> But, after the consult she went on the say that some people do not


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Missy, I am so sorry. It seems to be a never ending battle for alot of people.

They just cannot believe that something they cannot see can be so horrible and

real. Oh how I hope I am alive to see the day that so many people will have to

eat their words. I want to see the whole world get proof of this damn disease

and open their eyes. It is so emotionally painful.


Debra V.

missy8632 missy8632@...> wrote:

I had myu consult with the pain clinic. I met with the Nurse PA, I

thought I would be seeing the Neurologist. She did spend a lot of

time with me and asked me tons of questions.

But, after the consult she went on the say that some people do not

think that FM is a real condition. That a group of people have the

same s/s but there is no test to determine if someone has FM. She

did say she does have FM patients who are on Lyracil (sp) and gave me

a Rx. But, I felt she thought I was nuts and making things up. I

told her I went to the ER on Friday for chest pain and they Dx me

with that costocondrytis (sp) and I was in great pain from that. She

did talk to me about it but never suggested anything or Rx anything.

She said I should exercise more. Ummmm.... I would LOVE to when I am

not in pain. She said she could send me for PT. But, I am not

working and have two kids to feed, I can not afford that. I am all

new to this FM thing. I honestly thought a pain management clinic

would not blow me off like some nut job who was looking for some

narcotic hand out.

Of course, my depression was brought up a number of times. Again,

like it was in my head. I did not want to try the Lyracil for a

number of reasons. But, I just wanted to get out of there without

crying I did not say anything.

Why is it so hard ot find help?

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99

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Gosh....I went through so many doctors before my diagnosis....as did so many


people here, I was actually referred to an Orthapedic Surgeon for ummm...back &


surgery & he gave me the Fibromyalgia diagnosis. And here I was worried about


through surgery. So...I cried about the diagnosis....for awhile...but in a way I

guess it is

comfortable to have an actual name & reason for the pain.

My general practioner pretty much laughed in my face about the diagnosis....and

then she

ran every sort of test known to man on me. All of them came back negative....I

do in fact

have Fibromyalgia. Needless to say I found a new general practioner!

They all always treated me like a drug-seeker. It was so frustrating! I know

what your

going through & everyone else here does too! I hope you find the help & relief

you need


> I had myu consult with the pain clinic. I met with the Nurse PA, I

> thought I would be seeing the Neurologist. She did spend a lot of

> time with me and asked me tons of questions.

> But, after the consult she went on the say that some people do not

> think that FM is a real condition. That a group of people have the

> same s/s but there is no test to determine if someone has FM. She

> did say she does have FM patients who are on Lyracil (sp) and gave me

> a Rx. But, I felt she thought I was nuts and making things up. I

> told her I went to the ER on Friday for chest pain and they Dx me

> with that costocondrytis (sp) and I was in great pain from that. She

> did talk to me about it but never suggested anything or Rx anything.

> She said I should exercise more. Ummmm.... I would LOVE to when I am

> not in pain. She said she could send me for PT. But, I am not

> working and have two kids to feed, I can not afford that. I am all

> new to this FM thing. I honestly thought a pain management clinic

> would not blow me off like some nut job who was looking for some

> narcotic hand out.

> Of course, my depression was brought up a number of times. Again,

> like it was in my head. I did not want to try the Lyracil for a

> number of reasons. But, I just wanted to get out of there without

> crying I did not say anything.

> Why is it so hard ot find help?






> between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99



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You know Amy, it's not just the doctors, it's the pharmacists and the people who

work there. The PCP that I've had since June 2007, after " firing " my old one,

is giving me 5mg of hydrocodone to take either 3 X day or all at once depending

on the pain and the day. It's not as much as a lot of people on here take, but

its what he gives me a script for and I'm just glad he believes me. If I ever

go to refill it early, say a few days, the people at the drug store treat me

like a dope addict and tell me in that nasty little self righteous way they have

that it's too early to refill it. I tell them that my doctor says its alright,

but they come back with well " its not alright with us " . " We think it's too

soon and if you want it sooner you'll have to go to another pharmacy. " It makes

me so mad, but I wait the full 30 days now just so I don't have to put up with

it. So I have to suffer because people are idiots! Just like it seems most of

us do!

I hope you both find relief and understanding,


Amy Brand amy@...> wrote:

Gosh....I went through so many doctors before my diagnosis....as did

so many other

people here, I was actually referred to an Orthapedic Surgeon for ummm...back &


surgery & he gave me the Fibromyalgia diagnosis. And here I was worried about


through surgery. So...I cried about the diagnosis....for awhile...but in a way I

guess it is

comfortable to have an actual name & reason for the pain.

My general practioner pretty much laughed in my face about the diagnosis....and

then she

ran every sort of test known to man on me. All of them came back negative....I

do in fact

have Fibromyalgia. Needless to say I found a new general practioner!

They all always treated me like a drug-seeker. It was so frustrating! I know

what your

going through & everyone else here does too! I hope you find the help & relief

you need


> I had myu consult with the pain clinic. I met with the Nurse PA, I

> thought I would be seeing the Neurologist. She did spend a lot of

> time with me and asked me tons of questions.

> But, after the consult she went on the say that some people do not

> think that FM is a real condition. That a group of people have the

> same s/s but there is no test to determine if someone has FM. She

> did say she does have FM patients who are on Lyracil (sp) and gave me

> a Rx. But, I felt she thought I was nuts and making things up. I

> told her I went to the ER on Friday for chest pain and they Dx me

> with that costocondrytis (sp) and I was in great pain from that. She

> did talk to me about it but never suggested anything or Rx anything.

> She said I should exercise more. Ummmm.... I would LOVE to when I am

> not in pain. She said she could send me for PT. But, I am not

> working and have two kids to feed, I can not afford that. I am all

> new to this FM thing. I honestly thought a pain management clinic

> would not blow me off like some nut job who was looking for some

> narcotic hand out.

> Of course, my depression was brought up a number of times. Again,

> like it was in my head. I did not want to try the Lyracil for a

> number of reasons. But, I just wanted to get out of there without

> crying I did not say anything.

> Why is it so hard ot find help?






> between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99



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> I had myu consult with the pain clinic. I met with the

Nurse PA, I

> thought I would be seeing the Neurologist. She did spend a lot of

> time with me and asked me tons of questions.

> But, after the consult she went on the say that some people do not

> think that FM is a real condition. That a group of people have the

> same s/s but there is no test to determine if someone has FM. She

> did say she does have FM patients who are on Lyracil (sp) and gave me

> a Rx. But, I felt she thought I was nuts and making things up. I

> told her I went to the ER on Friday for chest pain and they Dx me

> with that costocondrytis (sp) and I was in great pain from that. She

> did talk to me about it but never suggested anything or Rx anything.

> She said I should exercise more. Ummmm.... I would LOVE to when I am

> not in pain. She said she could send me for PT. But, I am not

> working and have two kids to feed, I can not afford that. I am all

> new to this FM thing. I honestly thought a pain management clinic

> would not blow me off like some nut job who was looking for some

> narcotic hand out.

> Of course, my depression was brought up a number of times. Again,

> like it was in my head. I did not want to try the Lyracil for a

> number of reasons. But, I just wanted to get out of there without

> crying I did not say anything.

> Why is it so hard ot find help?


> Hi, missy i went through the same thing, i had pain for over 3 mnths

tired all the time went to see my doc, and of course the same thing

your depressed{B.S.}every time i left his office i had a prescription

for an antidepressant and it went right in the garbage, finally after

6 months of putting up with I went in and told him something was wrong

and then that when he diagnosed me with F.M. I heard the same thing

that alot of people think that this is a taboo disease, and don't

believe in it, my question is then why is it all over Medical

Unaversaties{sp}I also went to a pain clinic, and all he wanted to do

is shoot me full of cortisone no thanks been there, got a tee shirt,

and wore it, and not going through it again exspecially in my neck! I

wonder the same thing why can't people just understand our pain???

good luck leanne




> between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99



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