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RE: I can't take this pain anymore....

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, I am so glad you are here. I think we can all relate to the " not

understanding " attitudes of family and friends.

Please don't try the alcohol honey. I know it is tempting but please don't. Do

you have any pain meds prescribed? If not please try to find a doctor that will

help you.


Debra V.

Subject: I can't take this pain anymore....

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Sunday, May 4, 2008, 9:21 PM

I have been in horrible pain for the past 2 days and my family is not

supportive at all. I guess I shouldn't say my whole family, mainly

my husband. I have had to pick my son up from work the past 2 days

when my husband knows I am in severe pain and he also knew what time

my son got off of work. I can't even push the break pedal in my car

without it sending pain all the way up my leg. I also have a new

pain that just started today. It starts at the top of my spine in

the base of my head and shoots all the way down my spine to my tail

bone, this about sends me through the roof. I have been crying for

the past 2 days. I laid in bed all day yesterday, Saturday, and

today I sat on the couch on a heating pad and nothing seems to help.

No matter what I take whether it be all natural or OTC. I don't have

insurance anymore so seeing a doc about this is totally out of the

question. I just can't take this pain anymore.

My husband and kids were outside today playing catch with a football

and baseball and I sat in the house on the couch wanting to be out

there but I couldn't. I hate that, I feel like a horrible mother

because I can't do things with my kids anymore. I just want to be

normal again, I don't want this pain anymore. I pray over and over

again for the pain to stop but it seems like the more I pray the

worse the pain gets.

It seems like the only thing that takes the pain away is drinking

alcohol and I am a recovering alcoholic and I don't want to become

and alcoholic again.

It hurts all over, I can't even turn my head without it hurting, I

can't walk through my house without being in severe pain, I just

can't do anything anymore and I HATE it.

I love you all so much and I'm glad that I finally found some people

that understand and will help.

Thank you for reading my vent,



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> hey honey.. first of all.. *BIG HUGS!*


I have spent.. so many days.. feeling like my childrens childhoods are

fleeting away before my eyes, and those are days I will never get

back! It is one thing that.. I love about people who understand.. I

never want people to suffer the same way.. But when you find someone

who KNOWS, who have been there, ARE there.. they KNOW that feeling..

and nobody here will ever come down on you for having days where you

just cant take it!!!

Those days are so horrible! Im sorry, honey.

I am sorry that your husband hasnt been understand, its so hard for

those who dont feel it to understand it, some can on an intellectual

level and be caring, and it helps so much.. And i think its hard on

them too, because its not something any of us expect, when our lives

change the way ours have..

I don't drink very often, I used to on occasion years ago, before kids

etc , hubbys navy and we'd go out sometimes with friends and have a

few drinks, and I always found that evven without the classic

" hangover " , i would always just.... ache. Perhaps because alchohol

processes as sugar in our bodies, and sugar is supposed to be very bad

for fibro, but I think you are right on track trying to avoid it. its

so easy, to want it, especially on the days when things are hard.. But

you are doing the best thing avoiding it, especially if you were an

alchoholic previously. *big hugs*

We can have a sucky day together, ive been aching today as well. :)

Lets sit on the couches with our hot packs and think peaceful thoughts..







> Subject: I can't take this pain anymore....

> To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

> Date: Sunday, May 4, 2008, 9:21 PM


> I have been in horrible pain for the past 2 days and my family is not

> supportive at all. I guess I shouldn't say my whole family, mainly

> my husband. I have had to pick my son up from work the past 2 days

> when my husband knows I am in severe pain and he also knew what time

> my son got off of work. I can't even push the break pedal in my car

> without it sending pain all the way up my leg. I also have a new

> pain that just started today. It starts at the top of my spine in

> the base of my head and shoots all the way down my spine to my tail

> bone, this about sends me through the roof. I have been crying for

> the past 2 days. I laid in bed all day yesterday, Saturday, and

> today I sat on the couch on a heating pad and nothing seems to help.

> No matter what I take whether it be all natural or OTC. I don't have

> insurance anymore so seeing a doc about this is totally out of the

> question. I just can't take this pain anymore.


> My husband and kids were outside today playing catch with a football

> and baseball and I sat in the house on the couch wanting to be out

> there but I couldn't. I hate that, I feel like a horrible mother

> because I can't do things with my kids anymore. I just want to be

> normal again, I don't want this pain anymore. I pray over and over

> again for the pain to stop but it seems like the more I pray the

> worse the pain gets.


> It seems like the only thing that takes the pain away is drinking

> alcohol and I am a recovering alcoholic and I don't want to become

> and alcoholic again.


> It hurts all over, I can't even turn my head without it hurting, I

> can't walk through my house without being in severe pain, I just

> can't do anything anymore and I HATE it.


> I love you all so much and I'm glad that I finally found some people

> that understand and will help.


> Thank you for reading my vent,



> __________________________________________________________

> Be a better friend, newshound, and

> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.




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I truly feel your pain. I completely understand how frustrated you are. I

encourage you not to go to the alcohol because that will exacerbate other

things. Try increasing your B vitamins. I can't say it will get rid of the

pain but it will certainly help with the depression. I will keep you in my

thoughts and I hope that your pain lets up soon.



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From: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

[mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of jant6886

Sent: Sunday, May 04, 2008 10:22 PM

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Subject: I can't take this pain anymore....

I have been in horrible pain for the past 2 days and my family is not

supportive at all. I guess I shouldn't say my whole family, mainly

my husband. I have had to pick my son up from work the past 2 days

when my husband knows I am in severe pain and he also knew what time

my son got off of work. I can't even push the break pedal in my car

without it sending pain all the way up my leg. I also have a new

pain that just started today. It starts at the top of my spine in

the base of my head and shoots all the way down my spine to my tail

bone, this about sends me through the roof. I have been crying for

the past 2 days. I laid in bed all day yesterday, Saturday, and

today I sat on the couch on a heating pad and nothing seems to help.

No matter what I take whether it be all natural or OTC. I don't have

insurance anymore so seeing a doc about this is totally out of the

question. I just can't take this pain anymore.

My husband and kids were outside today playing catch with a football

and baseball and I sat in the house on the couch wanting to be out

there but I couldn't. I hate that, I feel like a horrible mother

because I can't do things with my kids anymore. I just want to be

normal again, I don't want this pain anymore. I pray over and over

again for the pain to stop but it seems like the more I pray the

worse the pain gets.

It seems like the only thing that takes the pain away is drinking

alcohol and I am a recovering alcoholic and I don't want to become

and alcoholic again.

It hurts all over, I can't even turn my head without it hurting, I

can't walk through my house without being in severe pain, I just

can't do anything anymore and I HATE it.

I love you all so much and I'm glad that I finally found some people

that understand and will help.

Thank you for reading my vent,

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Hi , I don't post often but my heart just goes out to you and

had to sit and think about the things that used to bring me relief

before I started going to the doctor. I am out of pain meds right

now so the last few days and the next few days will be horrible for

me as well. The one thing that I do that brings me relief at least

for the moment while I'm doing it, is get in the bath tub sit down

and turn the shower on as hot as you can stand it for as long as the

hot water lasts. Sometimes the relief will last for a bit longer

than the shower, sometimes only as long as the shower. I also have

two tens units that I put all over my body. It doesn't make the pain

go away but lessens it just slightly and when there is no other

relief to be had at least that little bit helps. You used to be able

to only get them from the doc but recently I ordered one over the

internet for 50 and then found a med supply store close that I could

have bought it from as well. I also will drink chamomile tea to help

me relax. Again, it doesn't offer a lot of relief but some.

This year I found a hot tub on craigs list for only 1500 and it has

been a god-send. I looked on there recently and even found some

hottubs in the free section. So if the finances are there, that is a

very good investment I think. Even at free it will still cost you a

bit. It cost me 700 to get the subframe built for it to sit on and

for it to be delivered here. Then the electrician charged me 750 to

get that part of it done. All in all I got a 7K hot tub (it has a

gazebo over it) for about 3K....but with a free one of course it will

be more affordable.

Fortunately, I have a husband that is supportive of me although at

times he still has the thoughts that some have of just get more sleep

etc. for the most part he understands though so that helps a lot. I

explain it to him to think of the last time he got the flu and told

him that is the way I feel all the time and on top of that, I know it

will never end. It is so easy to pull yourself up by the bootstraps

and tough it out when you know the pain will be over in just a few

days but when you know it will be like this 24/7, 365 days, its hard

to not get overwhelmed. He understood when I explained it to him

that way. He is in Iraq now so its not so easy. My children hardly

ever get a home cooked meal. I make sure I buy stuff that is easy

for them to fix.

Also, something that I have found out recently. A lot of us are

deficient in Vatamin D because the pain we are in keeps us in the

house so much. I have started laying out 20 minutes a day in the

early morning when it is warm enough and it has seemed to help a

bit. I was tested for Vit D and was found to be VERY low. If you do

it in the morning before 10 am or after 3pm and make sure you don't

burn then it is safe. Drink lots of water as well. When your body

becomes dehydrated, it will make you hurt often times. If you only

drink when you get thirsty then you are waitig till you are

dehydrated so drink it even if you arent thirsty.

I stay in bed most days at least half the day so I really do know how

you feel

Take care and know that you are understood and loved here among us on

this forum,

in Texas


> I have been in horrible pain for the past 2 days and my family is


> supportive at all. .....

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