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I had those last summer. The same thing happened to me....I was crying it hurt

so bad. Finlly they got me more sedated. It did not help at all. I had the

same bills too....bills, bills, bills....it never ends. The injections will

traumatize the area, so give it a few days. Hopefully, you will feel great!!

For all of those who have injections and nerve pain I want you to know what is

involved if your Dr. wants you to have a nerve oblation. My Dr. convinced me to

do this after all my injections failed. When I asked what was involved, he told

me it was pretty much the same as the injections while also under sedation.

HUGE LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's what really goes

on. They put in the IV and give you a mild sedation. Not so bad. Then you lie

down on your stomach and get into postion like the injections....still fine.

Then I should have known I was in trouble because they TIED my hands and arms

down!!!!!!! I have a phobia of being tied down or being trapped, but I was

sedated enough that when I resisited, it didn't help. Next they take the huge

needle and insert it into a nerve bundle....OMG! But here's what just about

killed me off.......then they send an electrical current into the nerve bundle

and you have to tell them if you feel it running down your arm. So, yes, you

will be awake for this. You are so confused and are in pain it takes a few

seconds to answer, so they are still sending the current. If it's not running

down your arm, they burn the bundle. They burn the nerve bundle while you are

awake.........They repeated this in different bundles about 12 times. I was

sobbing. I can still remember it so vividly. I even have nightmares about it.

And my phobia of being tied down....yup, it's worse! Also, I thought this Dr.

was fibro friendly. Do you really think this kind of emotional and physical

trauma is good for someone with fibro? I had it done it the cervical area last

Oct. and my skin still burns and it created more pain. He actually wanted to do

it again.........NOT A CHANCE!!!! It cost me a bundle and made me worse! He

keeps saying that I'm resisting treatment so maybe he shouldn't keep doing pain

meds. I just tell him that I have really bad insurance and it will change in

June, then I can start his " treatments " again. But really I'm moving. I am

having an MRI next week because he thinks I might have a herniated disk. If I

do, he won't be treating it.


Re: Another Injection/Debra B

I am so sorry you are hurting and worried about this infection. I have that

coming up also on the 21st. For all 9 discs. they are putting me to sleepfor

it. are they for yours? I hope so. I will keep good thoughts and pray all

will turn out well for you. Keep us posted, K?


> Good Morning to Everyone! I just wanted to let everyone know that I go in

> this morning for yet another injection into my back. I am not looking

> forward to this at all and I am just pissed about having another one. I had

> promised myself no more injections and had even expressed my concerns with

> my pain doctor about this. This is the last one for me!!! NO MORE!!! And to

> top it all off, I am having a fibro flare. This is going to be

> painful---UGH! I hate who I am become. I feel like an old crippled lady

> that is 95 years old this morning. It's so hard to get around, yet I have to

> get going and get this thing over with. I'm really becoming depressed again

> because of my health conditions. I fight with depression everyday and the

> past few days since this flare hit me and the upcoming injection has really

> been hard on me. I just ask that you all say a pray for me this morning that

> this injection will work.

> I love you all and will post again when I get back....after my nap

> ofcourse! ha!!!

> Love to all,

> Debra B

> Gladewater, Texas




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