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Re: Dagnabbit!!! Shazbat!!!

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I'm sorry thing are so difficult right now! That's great you are starting your

own business! What is it?

A suggestion for those of us with kids. We all know when kids bring home those

dreaded germs how much more difficult it can be on us. I pick my twins up from

school and the first thing they do is use the hand sanitizer. As soon as we

walk into the house, they have to wash with soap and water. I used to use

antibacterial soap, but since it's shown to do more harm than good, I stopped.

Also, when their friends come over, they have to wash. I use vinegar water to

sanitize remotes and phone. And when ever we get back into the truck from being

anywhere......hand sanitizer!! I'm AMAZED how much less we all get sick.

Also, I don't know how old your kids are, but what about the remedies that are

out for when you are first coming down with something? They can be REALLY

effective in blasting a sickness. Don't use Zicam though, it has been shown to

cause immediate loss of taste and smell in some people. I've heard Airborne

works really well.....if your are not already taking vitamins. Zinc longenzes

with at least 10 to 20 mg of zinc per longenze, 5 to 8 times a day helps as well

as Oscillococcinium (have to take at first sign of flu). I can't handle

getting sick on top of fibro so I try to be proactive....some people think I'm

OCD. All, well......I don't get sick as often as I used to.

Can't you tell your bank to take the debit card and *&^#$@# and close out your

account and switch to a new bank? 7 months.....what's up with that??

Hope you are feeling better.............


Dagnabbit!!! Shazbat!!!

It appears I've come down with the bug my girls have been fighting for a week.

One of them has been home from school all week. Is there nothing that can pass

me up? Fever, sore throat, cough. The sniffles haven't started yet. I'm not

happy. AT ALL! I am just miserable.

My bank won't give me an atm card back; and its been 7 months. They are really

annoying me. Different excuse every time I ask. I hate banks. They hold your

money and won't give it to you when you need it; and then they take chunks of it

as often as they please. OK well that's my vent on that. If I didn't need them

to cash checks I'd stuff it in my mattress. It isn't like I have much.

I'm sure I could whine about a lot more but that would just bore everyone. I'm

waiting for the night meds to kick in and put me out of my misery for the

evening.... ok, morning. Even the codeine cough syrup didn't put a dent in it.

I am borderline wanting to cry tonight. I think its all just been too much

today. Launching a new online business, getting ready for an EEOC hearing,

taking care of sick kids, still trying to sort through stuff from the RV trip; a

SSD 'exam' next week; a canktankerous shrink yesterday (I think her bf or

husband must have pissed her off); a cranky friend, a nasty DMV clerk, 4 letters

(same issue) from Juvenile court (something we already resolved), coming down

with the bug this afternoon, the bank was the last straw.

I'm going to shop for a new one tomorrow. There are a couple small ones in

town and maybe that's the ticket. I think I'm going to put just enough in to

keep the account active so they will cash my checks and put the rest in my

mattress (figuratively).

OK still rambling... sorry folks... those of you that got this far - I

apologize for my mindless rant. I'll use the night meds and codeine cough syrup

as my defense. Anyone want to take this cough off my hands? It's painful as

he##. Think I'll have to add the inhaler to my defenses.

PS: for those of you that are too damn young to know - shazbat is from Robin

alien character Mork. (Happy Days and Mork and Mindy)...

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow

skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong

Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open


" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit,our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner











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Angie you sound like me today *laugh* I started a sore throat this

morning and I have been sneezing too. I my sinusitis is kicking in and

even my nettle pot (something you use to wash your sinuses out) isn't

working just right today. I feel exhausted,dizzy,tired ( haven't been

sleeping well for the past 3 days), I feel sluggish,hard to breathe

like(those asthma like conditions as my Dr put it from that inderal pill

- is acting up again today), My tummy hurts, slight headache coming on

and my body hurts all over to the point I rather not have any clothes on

because it hurts my skin to touch it. Yeah I don't feel good either. It

is rainy,snowy, and that cold damp out. We were suppose to get 1 to 2

feet of snow up here by tomorrow morning BUT I don't think we will which

is ok with me. I think my Fibro/Myofascial Pain is making me hurt today

plus maybe starting a cold or flu too. I don't know but I Don't Like it


So I guess you and I can sit together today and be sick *laugh* My tummy

is growling but am I really hungry or is it something else *laugh*

I noticed you said a online business site - what type is it?

I will be working on dreamweaver soon to get my online business going

too but mine is my graphic art's you know my designs. So I am looking

forward to that too. But I need help from my brother because I don't

know dreamweaver all that well yet.

Well today I will be online for abit but not to long. I hve been

painting with water colors and when I get it all done I will take

picture of it and show ya. It is a pot with flowers in it. Then today I

might go thru my craft stuff and rearrange some stuff but that is a BIG

maybe because I would have to get out on my nice warm blanket and sit at

the table and I just dont know if I want to bother or not *laugh*

Has anyone seen these 2 movies

Sweeny Todd? - I didn't like it one bit and to think that Johhny Depp

did a musical hahahahaha! That is just so strange! I didn't care for the

movie myself I didn't like the blood and stuff like that YUCK that was

such a terrible movie.

Or How about

The Fountain? - A very interesting movie but B-o-r-i-n-g at times -

BEAUTIFUL graphics in it though - it was about a guy that went into the

26th century to find a cure for his wife's cancer and had to get this

key element from a tree and take it back to his science lab to work it

into a cure to save his wife. But I will tell you this I wanted to shut

off the thing BUT I was amazed by all the beautiful stars and graphics

and it was so heavenly I had to finish it. It had me mezmerized I

believe *laugh* it was a ok movie.

Yeah I have taken up watching movies lately - gives me something to do.

we have netflix now and it has saved us money in the long run.

Well I am off to check on all my 10 email accounts so I will ttyl

Hugs 2 go around


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Angie... I remember Shazbat well. LOL. I guess that ages me.

I am sorry you are getting that bug on top of all else. It is probably the

same kind of crap that went around east TX for about 2 months. I got it twice.

The cough was horrible and I thought I was getting pneumonia. It also got alot

of our little nursing home residents. (probably where I picked it up in the

first place). It is a bad one.

Hope you get things straight with the bank. I cannot figure why they would

want to keep your atm card from you. Like you said, it is YOUR money.

Oh, and ranting is allowed here. LOL.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Angie lovinglifeinnv@...> wrote:

It appears I've come down with the bug my girls have been fighting for

a week. One of them has been home from school all week. Is there nothing that

can pass me up? Fever, sore throat, cough. The sniffles haven't started yet. I'm

not happy. AT ALL! I am just miserable.

My bank won't give me an atm card back; and its been 7 months. They are really

annoying me. Different excuse every time I ask. I hate banks. They hold your

money and won't give it to you when you need it; and then they take chunks of it

as often as they please. OK well that's my vent on that. If I didn't need them

to cash checks I'd stuff it in my mattress. It isn't like I have much.

I'm sure I could whine about a lot more but that would just bore everyone. I'm

waiting for the night meds to kick in and put me out of my misery for the

evening.... ok, morning. Even the codeine cough syrup didn't put a dent in it.

I am borderline wanting to cry tonight. I think its all just been too much

today. Launching a new online business, getting ready for an EEOC hearing,

taking care of sick kids, still trying to sort through stuff from the RV trip; a

SSD 'exam' next week; a canktankerous shrink yesterday (I think her bf or

husband must have pissed her off); a cranky friend, a nasty DMV clerk, 4 letters

(same issue) from Juvenile court (something we already resolved), coming down

with the bug this afternoon, the bank was the last straw.

I'm going to shop for a new one tomorrow. There are a couple small ones in town

and maybe that's the ticket. I think I'm going to put just enough in to keep the

account active so they will cash my checks and put the rest in my mattress


OK still rambling... sorry folks... those of you that got this far - I apologize

for my mindless rant. I'll use the night meds and codeine cough syrup as my

defense. Anyone want to take this cough off my hands? It's painful as he##.

Think I'll have to add the inhaler to my defenses.

PS: for those of you that are too damn young to know - shazbat is from Robin

alien character Mork. (Happy Days and Mork and Mindy)...

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open minded.

" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit,our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner











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Hey Angie,What kind of an online business are you starting????


Dagnabbit!!! Shazbat!!!

It appears I've come down with the bug my girls have been fighting for a week.

One of them has been home from school all week. Is there nothing that can pass

me up? Fever, sore throat, cough. The sniffles haven't started yet. I'm not

happy. AT ALL! I am just miserable.

My bank won't give me an atm card back; and its been 7 months. They are really

annoying me. Different excuse every time I ask. I hate banks. They hold your

money and won't give it to you when you need it; and then they take chunks of it

as often as they please. OK well that's my vent on that. If I didn't need them

to cash checks I'd stuff it in my mattress. It isn't like I have much.

I'm sure I could whine about a lot more but that would just bore everyone. I'm

waiting for the night meds to kick in and put me out of my misery for the

evening.... ok, morning. Even the codeine cough syrup didn't put a dent in it.

I am borderline wanting to cry tonight. I think its all just been too much

today. Launching a new online business, getting ready for an EEOC hearing,

taking care of sick kids, still trying to sort through stuff from the RV trip; a

SSD 'exam' next week; a canktankerous shrink yesterday (I think her bf or

husband must have pissed her off); a cranky friend, a nasty DMV clerk, 4 letters

(same issue) from Juvenile court (something we already resolved), coming down

with the bug this afternoon, the bank was the last straw.

I'm going to shop for a new one tomorrow. There are a couple small ones in

town and maybe that's the ticket. I think I'm going to put just enough in to

keep the account active so they will cash my checks and put the rest in my

mattress (figuratively).

OK still rambling... sorry folks... those of you that got this far - I

apologize for my mindless rant. I'll use the night meds and codeine cough syrup

as my defense. Anyone want to take this cough off my hands? It's painful as

he##. Think I'll have to add the inhaler to my defenses.

PS: for those of you that are too damn young to know - shazbat is from Robin

alien character Mork. (Happy Days and Mork and Mindy)...

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow

skiing, camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong

Snappers member, LFA Advocate, independent, opinionated, outspoken, and open


" It's always something. " ~~~Gilda Radner

" While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow

part of us to die - whether it is our spirit,our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner


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