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RE: DOes any one ever get enough sleep?- To Ethel

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I can relate to the guilt of not being able to do much around the house. Of

course I still work because I have to. But I cannot do anything around here it

seems anymore.

I would be interested to see what a sleep study would show on me. Maybe if I

get some insurance I will have one done. There is some reason why I wake up

feeling like I was run over by a train.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Subject: RE: DOes any one ever get enough sleep?

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Tuesday, April 22, 2008, 8:53 PM

My hubby lets me sleep as long as I need to on week-ends... .even brings me

breakfast in bed. :) But sometimes he gets so sick and tired of me being so

sick and tired. The house is never company ready, meals are rarely on the

table when he gets home (he cooks a lot of the time), and the laundry is

often a mount washmore. But the worse thing is having to borrow money from

his mom just to keep the lights on, because I don't bring in my share of the

income anymore. It's all very stressful and there are times he loses it,

throwing stuff (magazines, clothes...nothing hard or heavy though) across

the room and arguing about everything I don't (read can't) do anymore. Of

course afterwards he always apologizes. But hey, I'm frustrated and angry

too! Not to mention in a heck of a lot of pain. But my psych. therapist

said that because I grew up in an abusive home (physical, emotional,

sexual), I tend to be a peacemaker and when he goes off on his frustrated

rants, I always end up trying to do more and end up being in even more pain,

and she that I have to stop doing that. But what I did was stop going to the


Man, did I ever switch gears just now or what?! LOL

BTW, I had a sleep study done a few months ago, and my new doc (a wonderful

fibro doc! My reg doc of 13+ years is old school when it comes to fibro,

CFS, etc) looked at the results and said, " Holy S...T! " No sleep apnea, but

less than 3 minutes total REM, among other sleep phase deficits. And here I

though it was a relatively " normal " night's sleep that night when compared

to a lot of nights I've had.


-----Original Message-----

On Saturdays my husband usually gets up after I shower and get the laundery

started. If I am not up when my husband gets up the laundry and our errands

get delayed.

On Sundays often I let me DH sleep till 9am and I doze. We go to movies on

Sunday mornings so can't sleep in much anyway. My DH will let me sleep

longer when I am not feeling good.



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