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My name is Debbie and I was born in Akron, Ohio. Due to former military

now having been living in Central Texas for 20 years. Have had fibro

symptoms several years before moving to Texas. Learned I had it in

1988. Happily married but no children. Have one tabby cat now, Taffy

who is 12. Lost 2 cats late last year. Also have a MS in Nursing but

haven't worked as a nurse for 7 years now due to fibro. Need to find a

job though since money is tight.

Would be interested in what natural meds help fibro since I take too

many pills also. Do take Fish oil capsuls and Co Q 10 along with

Melatonin at bedtime.

Debbie L

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I am Barbara and I live in , TN. I don't have any children and am

single. I have been told many times over that " we think you have fibromyalgia "

but no one will make the official diagnosis and put it on my records.


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I know how you feel, I have been going through the same thing with the

doctors for 2 1/2 years. They all say, " well you have fibromyalgia "

but they don't put it in the file so then when I go to talk about

trying to get on disability I can't do much because they won't put it

in the file. I have been to 4 different doctor's in the past 2 1/2

years, they say I have fibro but when you look at my chart it

says " unknown cause of pain " , yeah, whatever.

Take care,


> I am Barbara and I live in , TN. I don't have any children

and am single. I have been told many times over that " we think you

have fibromyalgia " but no one will make the official diagnosis and put

it on my records.


> ---------------------------------

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> I am Barbara and I live in , TN. I don't have any children

and am single. I have been told many times over that " we think you

have fibromyalgia " but no one will make the official diagnosis and put

it on my records.


> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

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HI I am Rise ( pronounced reesa) and I live in a small town south of

Atlanta Ga, is its name. I have 11 adopted children and have

been diagnosed by my GP with fibro and will be referred to a another Dr

when I go back in a couple of weeks for my check up. I hate this disease

already as I feel like I never feel good any more, always tired and

hurting. And the noise level of the house can nearly drive me crazy,

many is the night that I have to run to my bedroom and bury my head to

keep form screaming, It is not fair to stop their fun because I cant

stand it, right? I am so glad that I found this place , even though you

don't hard from me much, i am always reading and thinking of every one

here. God bless,

Rise " Wampler

Wife to Rich, mother to 11 Angels straight from God .

Hebrews 13:2, " Be not forgetful to entertain angels for thereby some have

entertained angels unawares. "

The shortest distance between a problem and a solution is the distance

between your knees and the floor.

Re:Where are you from?

I am Barbara and I live in , TN. I don't have any children and am

single. I have been told many times over that " we think you have

fibromyalgia " but no one will make the official diagnosis and put it on

my records.


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try

it now.

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Oh Rise, Bless your heart, how are all those dear children of yours??? Healthy I




Re:Where are you from?

I am Barbara and I live in , TN. I don't have any children and am

single. I have been told many times over that " we think you have

fibromyalgia " but no one will make the official diagnosis and put it on

my records.


Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try

it now.

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