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HELP!! Cramps Spasms

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Hello to all,

Just wanted to drop a line before I went off to bed. Never know anymore why I go

to bed, I don't sleep that well anymore and I hope someone else is still up and

online to help answer some of my questions.

Today was really stressfull for me. My son is getting married in June and the

Bridal Shower was today from 2-3:30. I made it there with the help of my 2

sisters and it was no small chore. For the past few days I have really had

strange things happening. Like today, I was getting out of the car at the shower

and I had a severe spams under my breasts that just took my breathe away and

really didn't seem to ease for over an hour. At the same time I had a cramp in

my left foot that sent my toes in different directions. This has been constant

throughout the day. Cramps in my legs, feet and under my breasts!! It really

hurts. I have also been waking up with these spasms in my feet and legs during

the night.

Now, before you start saying take potassium, I am on potassium daily. I take 2

every other day and then 1 on the others. I also take lasix. I don't understand

these " symptoms " but I know something is wrong!!! Just standing I will have

these spasms...did I say they HURT???

Last night I went with my husband to Wal-Mart to buy groceries. We didn't have

that much to get so it was going to be a quick trip. During the ride I got the

feeling of being trapped in the truck with the seat belt. I told him he was

going to have to hurry or stop and let me get out. I was to the point of

climbing out of the truck window. We made it to Wal-Mart and well before we got

there I came out of my seatbelt and the door was opened before we even stopped.

It was on of the most horrible feelings I have ever had. We get into the store

and I am fine. A lot of people were there...duh...about 1/2 way through I broke

out into a sweat that my hair was drenched. I had sweat rolling down my face and

could not select the items that we normally buy. I couldn't tell my husband

anything about what we needed and looking at my list of items was like starring

at a blank page. My husband escorted me to the front of the store and sat me on

a bench with my cell

phone in hand and he went back and picked up the last 3 items. He got in line

to check out and we paid and went to the truck. I felt like I was in someone

else's world. I didn't know what we drove in or where we even parked. I didn't

tell Jeff that but I was scared to death. I got in the truck and never once put

my seatbelt on for the entire trip home and I didn't recongize any of the roads

until we got about 2 miles from our home.

Today, just before noon I took 3 showers because I was sweating so badly that I

couldn't stand the feeling of the sweat!! All I had done this morning was fold 2

loads of laundry....I have felt like I don't know my surroundings and I don't

know if I am having panic attacks that is causing the sweating or what it is. I

just know that I have been really scared!! And why the spasms??? What is that

from??? I did go to the hardware store this afternoon and had a key made and

when I got back in the car I had extreme shocking pain shoot up my spine that

almost just knocked me out. What is happening to me? Does anyone or has anyone

ever had any of this happen to you????

I received a call from my case worker from Allsup yesterday and she is going to

call me Monday at 1pm for our " discussion " of the appeals process and go over

any new information that I may have. I am going to call them tomorrow and cancel

that appointment and have it rescheduled until after I see my Neurologists on

Tuesday. I have other issues that need to be address now and I want to have all

the information I need in order to give the information to them for the hearing.

I look forward to someone replying to this email. I guess I just need a few kind

words tonight. I am scared and really feel that there is something else going on

with all the other stuff that is wrong with me. Maybe it's all connected...I

don't know.

Thanks for listening!! Who was it that made the comment about shorter posts???

You won't get that from this girl! I have to express myself and get it out!!!

Debra B

Gladewater, Texas



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