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RE: Hi, I'm new. I have FM and it's driving me nuts!

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Sorry to hear this.. welcome to the group. I am maria and I am pretty new

myself. I am bipolar but not a fibro sufferer. My girlfriend is and im

trying to learn more bout it to help her and others deal better. She also

has bipolar and sleep apnea and several other illnesses. Take care and look

forward to your postings. maria

Hi, I'm new. I have FM and it's driving me nuts!

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Welcome to you, Jan. I, too, am morbidly obese. I've had gastric bypass twice

and for me losing weight did not help me to feel better. This is because my

worst symptom is chronic fatigue. After the second surgery in March of '05, I

was now a distal bypass, meaning very little common channel for absorption of

nutrients. I tried to be good, follow all the rules, but I still wasn't able to

lose any more weight. So I slid into a deep depression and basically spent the

majority of the next 18 months either in bed or in the recliner. And I ate,

grazing the day away and the pounds came back.

Things have slowly gotten better over the past year and a half. I am

working with my psychiatrist to find the right med to give me enough energy to

have some quality of life.

It's not easy as we go along the merry-go-round of meds because some cause side

effects that make things worse, so those get put aside, and another different

one is tried.

I know what it is like to want to end your life. Many of us have been

suicidal at one time or another. What stopped me was thinking of my kids and

husband. I did not want to put them through that.

I'm glad you have a good rheumatologist. I don't know that I agree with his

assessment that if you lose weight and can sleep well, you'll be able to stop

most of your meds. Time will tell. WLS can fix diabetes and high blood

pressure as well as the strain of carrying the extra pounds.

I have a Yahoo group that I run for people with FM who also have the WLS

issue to deal with. The post-op WLS regimen can be very rigid and difficult to

adjust to. If you are a comfort eater, it can be especially difficult. Please

join us if you wish. Take care.

Jeanne in WI

Dealing with FM & WLS?


Hi, I only ask that you please don't tell me to " suck it up " . My Mom and

several others practically told me to do this. No one believes that it is the

most horrible pain one can go through. It's even worse because I can't show them

anything! All I could do was sit in a

recliner and hold very still. Because i was still smiling and able to talk

everyone thought I was faking it. Why in the world would someone fake that kind

of pain?

I should start at the beginning. One I'm obese, I have high blood

pressure, I recently found out I'm a diabetic and have sleep apnea. 8 years ago

I found out I am Bi-polar. Now I have FM on top of it all.

About a year ago I noticed that I would have chest pains when I walked

real fast. I thought I forgot my blood pressure meds. Then just after

Thanksgiving last year the pains wouldn't go away. I thought oops I waited to

long to go to the Doc. I had only gotten

insurance in August so hadn't been to a doc in sometime. Heart disease runs in

my family so I thought I had really screwed up.

I was rushed to the hospital as we thought I was having a heart attack.

Well after many, many tests. I found that my heart etc is in excellent shape

concidering my size. However, I was given nothing for the pain and told to go

see my family doctor. So I got in to see him

and he said it was Acid reflux. I've had that and knew it wasn't. But to a

specialist I went. Again no pain killer. The pain was annoying at first and was

getting worse by the day. I started getting angry because no one was listening.

I went for a biopsy that the specialist

said i didn't really need. I have healthy kidneys, gall bladder, liver and any

other part you can imagine. No tumors in my head no blockages. Nothing. I would

be looked at. They would find nothing and I would be dismissed. Just after

Christmas I went yet again to the

family doc. I told him I was taking 4 advil every 2 - 3 hours. I know that

isn't good. Taking that much only took the edge off by this time. It had spread

up to my face from arm to arm, down my back and to my legs. I was being eaten

alive and no one could see it! I was

crying all the time by then. I told the doc i wasn't leaving until he gave me

something. He tried some other pain killers but nothing seemed to work. Not even


I was on fire! My muscles were jumping all over. I couldn't lay flat. I

couldn't walk. I could hardly push the button on the remote. I just sat in a

chair and wished it would go away.

Finally, the doc said i was to go to a RA specialist. Now here I have to

confess. If this RA doc could do nothing I was seriously thinking of doing

myself in. My faith tells me that would be the ultimate sin. It upset me very

much. I now have a new understanding

for terminally ill people.

The good news. They didn't treat me like I was insane. They told me what I

had. They gave me some meds that so far are helping greatly. I have a plan for

dealing with this. I now find it extremely annoying.

The plan is to deal with the sleep apnea. I definatly have it and am

currently waiting to recieve the air pump to go with the mask. This will help me

start to relax at night and get the sleep I haven't had in a long time. I am on

a strict diet and need to loose 35 pounds so that I can have the by pass on my

stomach done. This is easier said than done. I have found that it is hard to

change my eating habits. I need to exersize. The mind is willing and even the

body. But like someone else in here said. My body punishes me for 2 days after

the simplest of exersizes. I can ride a stationary bike for 15

to 30 mins. As long as i don't move my upper body. I'm forever being told to

walk by all the docs. I really can't. I can sometimes do 2 - 7 laps in the gym

but my chest starts to hurt so much I feel like i can't breath. I can't lift the

lightest of weights. Anything with my arms and I have to sleep in a chair again.

Has anyone conquered this walking thing and how did you do it? For me it

doesn't matter how fast or slow. It still happens.

OK back to that game plan. The RA doc said that in therory, if I loose the

weight, get the sleep and exersize I need I should beable to get rid of most of

my meds. I should no longer be a diabetic, no longer have high blood pressure,

hopefully the FM will go away or

least be easier to handle. Not to mention I should feel really good mentally

and physically.

So that's my problems in a nut shell. Any in put would be great. It is

great to see I'm not alone. Like a lot of you I have a life that seems to be

leaving me slowly behind. I have grandchildren I want to play with. Place to

see, people to meet etc, etc.

Sorry, I've spouted off so soon. It's been nice reading all of you.

Thanks, Jan

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Jeanne just told you my story too. I had the same two by-pass surgeries

that she did and the same depressive problems and the fibro. Her story is

very much mine. We are together on a few other groups too and Jeanne and

many others are very knowledgeable and have good information.

Good luck.

Tigger (Ruth) in Rhode Island


From: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

[mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of Jeanne and


Sent: Sunday, April 20, 2008 10:07 AM

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Subject: Re: Hi, I'm new. I have FM and it's driving me nuts!

Welcome to you, Jan. I, too, am morbidly obese. I've had gastric bypass

twice and for me losing weight did not help me to feel better. This is

because my worst symptom is chronic fatigue. After the second surgery in

March of '05, I was now a distal bypass, meaning very little common channel

for absorption of nutrients. I tried to be good, follow all the rules, but I

still wasn't able to lose any more weight. So I slid into a deep depression

and basically spent the majority of the next 18 months either in bed or in

the recliner. And I ate, grazing the day away and the pounds came back.

Things have slowly gotten better over the past year and a half. I am working

with my psychiatrist to find the right med to give me enough energy to have

some quality of life.

It's not easy as we go along the merry-go-round of meds because some cause

side effects that make things worse, so those get put aside, and another

different one is tried.

I know what it is like to want to end your life. Many of us have been

suicidal at one time or another. What stopped me was thinking of my kids and

husband. I did not want to put them through that.

I'm glad you have a good rheumatologist. I don't know that I agree with his

assessment that if you lose weight and can sleep well, you'll be able to

stop most of your meds. Time will tell. WLS can fix diabetes and high blood

pressure as well as the strain of carrying the extra pounds.

I have a Yahoo group that I run for people with FM who also have the WLS

issue to deal with. The post-op WLS regimen can be very rigid and difficult

to adjust to. If you are a comfort eater, it can be especially difficult.

Please join us if you wish. Take care.

Jeanne in WI

Dealing with FM & WLS?

http://health. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FM-WLS/>


Hi, I only ask that you please don't tell me to " suck it up " . My Mom and

several others practically told me to do this. No one believes that it is

the most horrible pain one can go through. It's even worse because I can't

show them anything! All I could do was sit in a

recliner and hold very still. Because i was still smiling and able to talk

everyone thought I was faking it. Why in the world would someone fake that

kind of pain?

I should start at the beginning. One I'm obese, I have high blood pressure,

I recently found out I'm a diabetic and have sleep apnea. 8 years ago I

found out I am Bi-polar. Now I have FM on top of it all.

About a year ago I noticed that I would have chest pains when I walked real

fast. I thought I forgot my blood pressure meds. Then just after

Thanksgiving last year the pains wouldn't go away. I thought oops I waited

to long to go to the Doc. I had only gotten

insurance in August so hadn't been to a doc in sometime. Heart disease runs

in my family so I thought I had really screwed up.

I was rushed to the hospital as we thought I was having a heart attack. Well

after many, many tests. I found that my heart etc is in excellent shape

concidering my size. However, I was given nothing for the pain and told to

go see my family doctor. So I got in to see him

and he said it was Acid reflux. I've had that and knew it wasn't. But to a

specialist I went. Again no pain killer. The pain was annoying at first and

was getting worse by the day. I started getting angry because no one was

listening. I went for a biopsy that the specialist

said i didn't really need. I have healthy kidneys, gall bladder, liver and

any other part you can imagine. No tumors in my head no blockages. Nothing.

I would be looked at. They would find nothing and I would be dismissed. Just

after Christmas I went yet again to the

family doc. I told him I was taking 4 advil every 2 - 3 hours. I know that

isn't good. Taking that much only took the edge off by this time. It had

spread up to my face from arm to arm, down my back and to my legs. I was

being eaten alive and no one could see it! I was

crying all the time by then. I told the doc i wasn't leaving until he gave

me something. He tried some other pain killers but nothing seemed to work.

Not even Vicodin.

I was on fire! My muscles were jumping all over. I couldn't lay flat. I

couldn't walk. I could hardly push the button on the remote. I just sat in a

chair and wished it would go away.

Finally, the doc said i was to go to a RA specialist. Now here I have to

confess. If this RA doc could do nothing I was seriously thinking of doing

myself in. My faith tells me that would be the ultimate sin. It upset me

very much. I now have a new understanding

for terminally ill people.

The good news. They didn't treat me like I was insane. They told me what I

had. They gave me some meds that so far are helping greatly. I have a plan

for dealing with this. I now find it extremely annoying.

The plan is to deal with the sleep apnea. I definatly have it and am

currently waiting to recieve the air pump to go with the mask. This will

help me start to relax at night and get the sleep I haven't had in a long

time. I am on a strict diet and need to loose 35 pounds so that I can have

the by pass on my stomach done. This is easier said than done. I have found

that it is hard to change my eating habits. I need to exersize. The mind is

willing and even the body. But like someone else in here said. My body

punishes me for 2 days after the simplest of exersizes. I can ride a

stationary bike for 15

to 30 mins. As long as i don't move my upper body. I'm forever being told to

walk by all the docs. I really can't. I can sometimes do 2 - 7 laps in the

gym but my chest starts to hurt so much I feel like i can't breath. I can't

lift the lightest of weights. Anything with my arms and I have to sleep in a

chair again.

Has anyone conquered this walking thing and how did you do it? For me it

doesn't matter how fast or slow. It still happens.

OK back to that game plan. The RA doc said that in therory, if I loose the

weight, get the sleep and exersize I need I should beable to get rid of most

of my meds. I should no longer be a diabetic, no longer have high blood

pressure, hopefully the FM will go away or

least be easier to handle. Not to mention I should feel really good mentally

and physically.

So that's my problems in a nut shell. Any in put would be great. It is great

to see I'm not alone. Like a lot of you I have a life that seems to be

leaving me slowly behind. I have grandchildren I want to play with. Place to

see, people to meet etc, etc.

Sorry, I've spouted off so soon. It's been nice reading all of you. Thanks,


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Jan, you have found the right place to be. It is like we all felt like aliens

before we found this site. It is a place of finally getting some understanding.

Sounds like you battle alot of things with fibro on top of it. I will never tell

you to " suck it up " . No one here would because we understand. It is not that

you don't WANT to do the exercise they suggest... It is simply that your body is

telling you " NO WAY " in no uncertain terms.

The pain you describe is typical with fibro. I am lucky though that the " burning

pain " has only happened in my hands and has been rare so far. But alot of

people here describe that " on fire " feeling. It is probably nerve pain. Nerve

pain is very hard to treat with even narcotic pain pills. I believe that Lyrica

is one that will help with nerve pain.

I don't know if you take it, but it has helped me some. I am hoping that after

this first month the doc will increase it. Even though my pain is not burning

in nature for the most part, Lyrica has helped me with the fibro.

I am so sorry that you have so many people with disbelief. Most of us face this

to some extent. If they can't " see " it, it is not there. But that is BS. It

is real pain. We are not imagining it. And strangely enough, we can put on a

face after a while and smile and try to interact with others while we are in

horrible pain. It seems it does not matter what we do, there will be people

that just won't believe us. I find that if I complain, they think I am a

hypochondriac. If I don't say anythng about the pain, then they think it must

not be there. If I lay in bed all day and call in sick to work, they are surely

thinking I am " milking " it and being lazy. If I go to work as I usually do,

then they think, " well, she is working, it must not be that bad " . You see,

there is no escape from the doubts of a pain that is horrendous and INVISIBLE to


And as for the weight issue. Ok, sure it is better to lose weight and lower

your blood pressure and control your diabetes, but I will tell you from what I

have learned from alot of people with this disease.... losing weight will NOT

end the fibro beast or make you hurt less. It is not a disease of FAT people.

It is a disease that afflicts people of all walks of life, all races, all ages,

and all body sizes.

Until people are educated enough about this disease or are WILLING to be

educated, we will continue to face the doubts and myths.

Write me anytime at ladybug75901@... and post on the site as much as you

need to.


Debra V. (EAST TX)

Subject: Hi, I'm new. I have FM and it's driving me nuts!

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Saturday, April 19, 2008, 8:55 PM

Hi, I only ask that you please don't tell me to " suck it up " . My Mom

and several others practically told me to do this. No one believes

that it is the most horrible pain one can go through. It's even worse

because I can't show them anything! All I could do was sit in a

recliner and hold very still. Because i was still smiling and able to

talk everyone thought I was faking it. Why in the world would someone

fake that kind of pain?

I should start at the beginning. One I'm obese, I have high blood

pressure, I recently found out I'm a diabetic and have sleep apnea. 8

years ago I found out I am Bi-polar. Now I have FM on top of it all.

About a year ago I noticed that I would have chest pains when I

walked real fast. I thought I forgot my blood pressure meds. Then

just after Thanksgiving last year the pains wouldn't go away. I

thought oops I waited to long to go to the Doc. I had only gotten

insurance in August so hadn't been to a doc in sometime. Heart

disease runs in my family so I thought I had really screwed up.

I was rushed to the hospital as we thought I was having a heart

attack. Well after many, many tests. I found that my heart etc is in

excellent shape concidering my size. However, I was given nothing for

the pain and told to go see my family doctor. So I got in to see him

and he said it was Acid reflux. I've had that and knew it wasn't. But

to a specialist I went. Again no pain killer. The pain was annoying

at first and was getting worse by the day. I started getting angry

because no one was listening. I went for a biopsy that the specialist

said i didn't really need. I have healthy kidneys, gall bladder,

liver and any other part you can imagine. No tumors in my head no

blockages. Nothing. I would be looked at. They would find nothing and

I would be dismissed. Just after Christmas I went yet again to the

family doc. I told him I was taking 4 advil every 2 - 3 hours. I know

that isn't good. Taking that much only took the edge off by this

time. It had spread up to my face from arm to arm, down my back and

to my legs. I was being eaten alive and no one could see it! I was

crying all the time by then. I told the doc i wasn't leaving until he

gave me something. He tried some other pain killers but nothing

seemed to work. Not even Vicodin.

I was on fire! My muscles were jumping all over. I couldn't lay

flat. I couldn't walk. I could hardly push the button on the remote.

I just sat in a chair and wished it would go away.

Finally, the doc said i was to go to a RA specialist. Now here I

have to confess. If this RA doc could do nothing I was seriously

thinking of doing myself in. My faith tells me that would be the

ultimate sin. It upset me very much. I now have a new understanding

for terminally ill people.

The good news. They didn't treat me like I was insane. They told

me what I had. They gave me some meds that so far are helping

greatly. I have a plan for dealing with this. I now find it extremely


The plan is to deal with the sleep apnea. I definatly have it and

am currently waiting to recieve the air pump to go with the mask.

This will help me start to relax at night and get the sleep I haven't

had in a long time. I am on a strict diet and need to loose 35 pounds

so that I can have the by pass on my stomach done. This is easier

said than done. I have found that it is hard to change my eating

habits. I need to exersize. The mind is willing and even the body.

But like someone else in here said. My body punishes me for 2 days

after the simplest of exersizes. I can ride a stationary bike for 15

to 30 mins. As long as i don't move my upper body. I'm forever being

told to walk by all the docs. I really can't. I can sometimes do 2 -

7 laps in the gym but my chest starts to hurt so much I feel like i

can't breath. I can't lift the lightest of weights. Anything with my

arms and I have to sleep in a chair again.

Has anyone conquered this walking thing and how did you do it?

For me it doesn't matter how fast or slow. It still happens.

OK back to that game plan. The RA doc said that in therory, if I

loose the weight, get the sleep and exersize I need I should beable

to get rid of most of my meds. I should no longer be a diabetic, no

longer have high blood pressure, hopefully the FM will go away or

least be easier to handle. Not to mention I should feel really good

mentally and physically.

So that's my problems in a nut shell. Any in put would be great.

It is great to see I'm not alone. Like a lot of you I have a life

that seems to be leaving me slowly behind. I have grandchildren I

want to play with. Place to see, people to meet etc, etc.

Sorry, I've spouted off so soon. It's been nice reading all of

you. Thanks, Jan



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Hi , It's very nice of you to want to help your friend. I do

have a friend that though I know she really doesn't understand she does


Good luck to you all also, Jan


> Sorry to hear this.. welcome to the group. I am maria and I am pretty


> myself. I am bipolar but not a fibro sufferer. My girlfriend is and im

> trying to learn more bout it to help her and others deal better. She


> has bipolar and sleep apnea and several other illnesses. Take care

and look

> forward to your postings. maria



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My gf is on lyrica and having pain in her knees and ankles and all, were

hoping its not the lyrica making her pain worse.. She alos has slipped disc

so her nerves are messed up. And they hit a nerve doing her second epidural

yesterday, so shes been in worse pain.. dunno what to do and I worry.. maria

Re: Hi, I'm new. I have FM and it's driving me nuts!

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I don't know if they are related but right after I first started Lyrica I went

back to my doctor and complained because my pain was really bad. It definitely

was worse. She told me I needed to increase the Lyrica. She didn't tell me it

might make the pain worse at first - but maybe it can??? My first dosage was

like 50 mg per day; I now take 150 mg tablets 4 times a day. So perhaps it can

make it worse before it gets better?? They just don't tell you that perhaps.

Let's face it; who of us would go for a med that was going to make us worse even

if its temporary?

Angie Harley Mama Double-D

Carson City, NV; Single, five children (3 at home), 2 dogs, 4 cats, snow skiing,

camping, Harley Rider, Lone Wolf, Blue Thong Society/High Sierra Thong Snappers

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part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity, or our glorious

uniqueness. " ~~~Gilda Radner



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