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Re: adrenal for jill

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Hi Marg,

Don't worry about the directness...that's how we figure things out. I need to

go run errands, but I'll answer you when I get home, ok?

Take Care,


adrenal for jill


sorry to bother you again. are you taking any supps or meds(pred) for

adrenal exhaustion?

who and how was it dxd?

i did a saliva test and of course, docs won't prescribe enuf cortef or

pred, so i started buying it online.

but when i take dhea/pregneolone, it makes my boobs sore, which i think

is evidence of the dhea/preg being made directly into estrogen(which

causes sore boobs), instead of cortisol(to help woth stress and

inflammation), which i think further proves adrenal dysfuction, which

the saliva test did confirm...i make too much cortisol at night.

(sorry about the directness, but the few brain cells i have today are

bouncing around, i can't think real straight.)



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A couple of questions......is your cortisol level too high all the time or just

at night or all the time? If it's too high, why do you want to produce more?

Many people are bombarded with so much stress that their body is in the constant

state of flight or fight......I'm sure you've already heard that. So, to deal

with it, your adrenals produce more cortisol to deal help heal the body by

counteracting inflammation. This can be the start of early adrenal fatigue when

you produce too much Cortisol. When I was 19 my cortisol level was 3x the

normal rate that they tested me for Cushing's Syndrome. At this point, you

don't want to increase your cortisol even more. Increased cortisol eventually

tears down the body by interfering with the metabolism and endocrine system,

breaks down muscle and bone, and it can't help to produce other hormones. So

now the adrenals are cranking out cortisol and now can't make DHEA which is a

precursor to the sex hormones.....estro, prog, and test which in turn can cause

fatigue, more bone loss, joint pain, etc........Eventually, your body can't

continue pumping out the cortisol and a vicious cycle begins.......My cortisol

level is now very low and I am in adrenal fatigue/exhaustion. The best way to

raise your cortisol is thru natural supplements, Cortef, or a natural compounded

rx of cortisol. Cortisol, if taken at more than 20 mg. can be dangerous since

it can actually cause adrenal depression and toxicity and you die. The main

stream dr.'s think all dosages of cortisol can do this and won't prescribe it.

The majority of FM/CFS dr.'s disagree. The theory is that after time on

cortisol, your adrenals will balance out and you can come off it.

So, if your cortisol is too low, your adrenals are not making DHEA. Did you

have your DHEA and DHEA-S levels taken? Taking DHEA can cause an increase in

your DHEA-S (sulfate) levels which can cause breast cancer. So, you should only

take DHEA if your DHEA-S level is low. DHEA & pregnenolene is a precursor to

the sex hormones and will raise your prog, estro and test levels. As far as I

know, it will not raise your cortisol level. So, your sore breasts are

definitely caused by your DHEA/Preg supplement. Your DHEA-S level is probably

too high......and maybe others. You really should be monitored thru all this

because you can actually really harm yourself. Hormones are really tricky and

really complicated and should be left up to a dr. you trust. My breasts have

recently become really tender and I'm talking with my dr. on Tuesday to make

sure I should continue my DHEA/Preg. I am taking it because my DHEA-S level was

very low. I'm also on Progesterone since it tested really low, too. So, it

could be causing my tenderness as well. I just don't know, that's why I want a

dr. to figure it out. I have been on both for a while and I am also concerned

she has not run my levels since I started.

Cortisol, DHEA, and all the other hormones are very controversial on how to

treat. You need to figure out what you believe and what you feel is right for

you and then get a dr. who will help you. My dr. is from the FFC, but there are

many other dr.'s out there that will treat this similar depending on your

levels. You just need to feel comfortable with the treatment.

Also, you mentioned your symptoms are worse around your period. This is because

your estro & prog drop right before and I think in the mid-cycle. If your

levels are already too low from a deficiency, which many FM women have, your

symptoms increase even more.

I really hope I didn't confuse you and of course, I am not a dr. This is what I

have learned and believe. I have NO faith in the CDC, the FDA, or mainstream

hillbilly dr.'s. They have done nothing for me except for torture, making my

health worse, putting my life at risk and wasting an enormous amount of my

money. I now question EVERYTHING a dr. wants to do to me or put me on. I want

to see both sides of the issue's and research and feel comfortable with what my

treatment is going to be. Do I know exactly what I'm doing....no, but I'm now

going with my instinct. I have a program laid out for myself that I'm doing

with my dr. and without. I just pray it helps.............


adrenal for jill


sorry to bother you again. are you taking any supps or meds(pred) for

adrenal exhaustion?

who and how was it dxd?

i did a saliva test and of course, docs won't prescribe enuf cortef or

pred, so i started buying it online.

but when i take dhea/pregneolone, it makes my boobs sore, which i think

is evidence of the dhea/preg being made directly into estrogen(which

causes sore boobs), instead of cortisol(to help woth stress and

inflammation), which i think further proves adrenal dysfuction, which

the saliva test did confirm...i make too much cortisol at night.

(sorry about the directness, but the few brain cells i have today are

bouncing around, i can't think real straight.)



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