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Re: Another thing to worry about(NOW I AM SCARED) Rice???

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The rice shortage is not in this country. We are growing enough rice

to feed our people. What we're experiencing here, with limits and

apparent shortages, is panic buying. It's like when ny Carson

made a joke once in the 70's during the gas shortage about a shortage

of toilet paper, and the next day you couldn't find a roll of toilet

paper on the shelves for love nor money.

The problem globally is also not necessarily a shortage, it's a

distribution problem. With the price of oil going off the wall, it's

harder and more expensive to get rice (and other goods) to where it

needs to go. So countries are stopping exports of rice, to keep it

in the country where distribution is easier and cheaper. So world-

wide distribution of rice is affected. If country A stops exporting

to country B, then country B will stop exporting rice and keep it for

its own people, and country C can't import it. World-wide, the price

of rice is going up so much because of the price of fuel that people

in poor countries just can't afford to buy it and other staples.

It's scary to reflect that probably a majority of people on the

planet live on rice and not much else.

The high prices are starting to hit us, and will, I suspect, hit us

harder than they already are. Right now we're feeling it most at the

gas pump. It's starting to affect food prices. But for most

Americans, thankfully, they can do a lot of belt-tightening and

jettisoning of " luxury " items like cellphones and cable TV before

actual need and hunger sets in. The poorest of the poor in other

countries don't have that buffer.

Jim Lehrer's NewsHour is talking about that right now on PBS. Here's

a link to a previous segment about the problem:


If you wait till tomorrow, you should be able to find today's segment

about it here to read or listen to:



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Hi, Thank goodness some one helped me make sense of it. Things were

running through my head like surely we are more stable than when the

Big Depression was. That and if food were to get that kind of tight.

Wouldn't all the fast food places have to close? They didn't have that

kind of restaurant back then. I can go on and on. Again my big fear was

the meds. I need to diet anyway but don't take my drugs!!!

Feeling much better now. Thanks, Jan


> The rice shortage is not in this country. We are growing enough


> to feed our people. What we're experiencing here, with limits and

> apparent shortages, is panic buying. It's like when ny Carson

> made a joke once in the 70's during the gas shortage about a


> of toilet paper, and the next day you couldn't find a roll of toilet


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Jeezzz. I am glad that we are not running out of rice. I really was scared. I

mean, if we can't buy some simple rice, then we probably cannot buy anything

else hardly either. I know it is probably being overly embelished and scaring

people just like everyone got all up in a wad about the Y2K in 1999.

I will read more about it later. Thanks for the link. It is just kind of a

scary thought... the whole thing. I mean the thought of food costs rising to a

point that many people won't be able to afford what was ONCE the most available

product in America.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Subject: Re: Another thing to worry about(NOW I AM SCARED) Rice???

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 6:54 PM

The rice shortage is not in this country. We are growing enough rice

to feed our people. What we're experiencing here, with limits and

apparent shortages, is panic buying. It's like when ny Carson

made a joke once in the 70's during the gas shortage about a shortage

of toilet paper, and the next day you couldn't find a roll of toilet

paper on the shelves for love nor money.

The problem globally is also not necessarily a shortage, it's a

distribution problem. With the price of oil going off the wall, it's

harder and more expensive to get rice (and other goods) to where it

needs to go. So countries are stopping exports of rice, to keep it

in the country where distribution is easier and cheaper. So world-

wide distribution of rice is affected. If country A stops exporting

to country B, then country B will stop exporting rice and keep it for

its own people, and country C can't import it. World-wide, the price

of rice is going up so much because of the price of fuel that people

in poor countries just can't afford to buy it and other staples.

It's scary to reflect that probably a majority of people on the

planet live on rice and not much else.

The high prices are starting to hit us, and will, I suspect, hit us

harder than they already are. Right now we're feeling it most at the

gas pump. It's starting to affect food prices. But for most

Americans, thankfully, they can do a lot of belt-tightening and

jettisoning of " luxury " items like cellphones and cable TV before

actual need and hunger sets in. The poorest of the poor in other

countries don't have that buffer.

Jim Lehrer's NewsHour is talking about that right now on PBS. Here's

a link to a previous segment about the problem:

http://www.pbs. org/newshour/ bb/business/ jan-june08/ food_04-23. html

If you wait till tomorrow, you should be able to find today's segment

about it here to read or listen to:

http://www.pbs. org/newshour/




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To Debra and all,

From everything that I am reading, they are saying that we need a 3 month

supply of food and water stored. Stock up on rice now because it will be as

much as gas soon. I wish I knew how to dehydrate eggs because I would do it.

Go to someplace like Aldi or a similar warehouse type store and stock up. I

think it is coming faster than anyone realizes.



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From: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

[mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of debra van


Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 5:13 PM

To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

Subject: Fw: Re: Another thing to worry about(NOW I AM SCARED) Rice???

From: bjmpony net>

Subject: Another thing to worry about...

To: Fibromyalgia_


Date: Tuesday, April 29, 2008, 2:50 PM

Ok so my kids are all sitting around the table joking about selling

rice on eBay. I had only been half listening. So I asked why that

would be a money maker. Rice of all things. Well I guess the

Government has put a limit on how much you can buy at a time. The

reason is because of the up and coming Depression? I work at Wal Mart

and had noticed people buying a lot of rice lately. Mostly in the

large bags. I also noticed that we can no longer get the hughmonguos

size at Sam's Club. (NO I never bought that big.)They stopped getting

it and you can only have 4 of the next largest size. I just never

gave it a thought till the kids said about eBay.

The real big worry I have. How will that effect our meds. It's not

like we can stock up on any of it. The Pharmacy won't let me even

refill mine till the very day it should be gone. I went in a day too

soon and was told no. So what would I do if everything became so

outragously expensive? My family would have to eat. I certainly

wouldn't spend on meds if food were to becaome short.

Has anyone heard of any of this Depression. I really have a hard

time believing that things could get as bad as they did way back

when. I've heard and read the stories and surely things can't get

that bad.

By the way. I'm having a fogless day and buzzing all over. I

just wish the paybacks weren't so bad. I'm still living it up till I

drop or the fog rolls in.

Take care. jan

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Before anyone starts to panic about rise or lack of food, please read

this at MSNBC.com. It is an article today about that very thing.


Yes, they ARE expecting food prices to rise in the U.S. mainly but as

for a rice shortage HERE that's not likely. We grow the rice we

consume and export over half of what we grow. The rice " shortage " is

mainly in 3rd world and Asian countries where they have more people

than they can grow food for so they are not exporting their rice.

The main problem as seen by the organizations that help distribute

food to the poorest nations and regions is said to be " Still, even

worldwide Beckmann said he's more worried about people being able to

afford food than about people not being able to find food.

" Both in developing countries and in our country, the problem is not

that there's not going to be food in the stores, " Beckmann said. " The

problem is that some people are really poor, and there's not going to

be food in their stomachs. "


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> To Debra and all,


> From everything that I am reading, they are saying that we need a 3


> supply of food and water stored. Stock up on rice now because it

will be as

> much as gas soon.

That sounds like a 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse scenario:


A loaf of bread for a days wages.

Rice is traditionally a main staple in the diet of areas like China

and I can see where factors like mass over population, and the current

climate change would affect their main staple - rice.

I don't see the rice shortage affecting the United States mainly

because it is not consumed at the levels in other parts of the planet.

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