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Re: Re: Grrr not calling in anything else for my pain/IDIOTS/sharon

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I actually am going tomorrow to a specialist. Hopefully they will get the

pain under control. I am just mad at being made to suffer. I don't think

they think I am a drug seeker, GP just don't like to give anything like

vicodin. He has in the past, but don't know why he won't now. Ty for being

supportive. I appreciate it. Pray for me that I can last till tomorrow. I am

about to drive myself to the er cause I am desperate for pain control. This

is not fibro pain, it is ddd pain and herniated discs. There is a need for

pain control here. Not saying us fibromites don;t need it too, just saying

it is a different reason.


On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 1:29 PM, sscheydtrittler sscheydtrittler@...>


> Hi linda,

> I hope I'm not offending you by responding to your post. I can't

> help but try to offer support to you because I know exactly what you

> are feeling, and the frustration of being treated like your a drug

> addict by doctors. I'm new so it's hard for me to keep up with

> everyone's situation. Is this your primary care doctor? Can you

> demand to be referred to a pain treatment doctor or even a

> Nuerologist? I would definitely tell them again and again how bad the

> pain is. I have had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital because

> the pain became too much to handle.


> I actually had to be transferred to another hospital because they

> wrote me off as a drug addict and refused to handle the pain. I know

> this is so hard for you and you feel helpless but hang in there and

> don't give up. Go to every specialist/doctor you can until someone

> listens. There are doctors out there that understand pain and want to

> treat it, it's just a matter of finding them. The surgeon I had do my

> last spinal fusion " Didn't believe in chronic pain. " yet he was the

> one that helped create it.


> When pain was bad enough for me to want to commit suicide and I

> didn't have pain meds that worked on their own, I would try and boost

> them with a high dose of motrin/Ibuprophen taken at the same time as

> the pain med. No one pain med/narcotic works for me alone. They

> always have to be boosted with something else. I wish I could offer

> more advice and truely feel horrible for you. Please hamg in there

> and don't give up! There are alot of people who care a great deal

> about you here in this group. Best wishes and I wish much pain releif

> for you soon!

> -Sharon





> >

> > They will not call in anyhting else other that Panlor ss, which is

> not

> > working. Do I have to go to the hospital for a pain shot. I mean

> come on,

> > this is ridiculous. I feel I am being nade to suffer. If it don't

> work, then

> > change the meds, please. Dr says it is the same as Norco. NOT. Now

> what do i

> > do. I am in tears, vomiting from pain. Do I call back and complain?

> Help me

> > Lord.

> >

> > --

> > **I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing

> a word or

> > painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that

> too is a

> > deed.

> > -Etty Hillesum

> >

> > **The life of the individual only has meaning insofar as it aids in

> making

> > the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is

> sacred

> > that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values

> are

> > subordinate.

> > -Albert Einstein

> >

> > **Keep on beginning and failing.

> > Each time you

> > fail, start all over again,

> > and you will grow stronger

> > until you have accomplished

> > a purpose--not the one

> > you began with perhaps,

> > but one you'll be glad

> > to remember.

> > ~Anne Sullivan

> >

> > **

> >

> > https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click

> >

> >

> >

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