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Re: Back from the er/never got seen- To

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, I am so sorry to hear this. I do know what you mean though. I went to

the E.R. right before I got diagnosed and was complaining of severe pain in my

hands that had gone on for days and I could not even sleep for the pain. It was

burning and torturous. They treated me like a damn drug addict off the streets.

I was crying from the pain it was so bad. All I asked them for was a Steroid

injection because I thought it would somehow help. (Mind you, this was before I

knew it was fibro).

I was trying to explaint the pain. There was really not a good description

for it because I had never felt anything like it. It was burning and tingling

and swaying back and forth to

numbness within seconds. So when I said my fingers are numb, then I said my

hands hurt, the doctor said " well, how do they hurt if they are numb " ? They

treated me like shit. They did give me a steroid injection and some Toradol

injection. (I don't think it helped).

That was the beginning of what I knew I was facing. I knew that some people

were going to call me a hypochodriac and a liar no matter what I found out about

my diagnosis.

I was soooo lucky that my physician did know that Fibro is a real illness and

would treat me. I did not know that at the time.

Take care. I am so sorry to hear this horror story of how you were treated.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

Andersen Lander2004@...> wrote:

, I am so very sorry. You should get the MRI just so you can say

you did it all. I hope your doctor relents.

I'll pray for you, honey.



Back from the er/never got seen/iam so done

Well after 4 toturous hours in the most uncomfortable waiting area seat

ever, I gave up and came home. I saw all kinds go before me, who came after

I did and were not nearly as urgent to be seen. Urgent gets seen first. I am

so done fighting this crap. I am just gonna live with the pain. Done it

before and will do it again. I am not dr hopping again either. I will get

the MRI and that is probly as far as I will take it. Maybe not even that. I

am so tired frustrated and angry at how I have been treated. There is not

alot of health care professionals these days that give a rat's behind about

more than making a living. Money money money. No compassion for folks.

Really sad. No wonder people self-medicate. Thanks for listening to me rant

and rave. For your support and friendship. I wil bother you no longer.

Have a good night. I am hoping to get some sleep. Maybe if I drink a glass

of wine, I will relax. No worries, Not with any meds.

Hugs to all


**We may not be able to give much but we can always give the joy that

springs in a heart that is in love with God.


**It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our

limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it doesn't

matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years -

we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity for

love and happiness, the light has been turned on.

-Sharon Salzberg

** Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.

-Edgar Poe


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I've been reading the very depressing accounts of people who have

tried to get help from emergency facilities for pain.

I think that it is pretty well useless to try to go to an emergency

room for unspecified, all-over pain. They are set up to handle

identifiable pain. Broken bones can be x-rayed, gunshots and knives

leave holes, heart attacks can be diagnosed (at least if they choose

to believe the person reporting the symptoms). But widespread pain?

What's there to x-ray? There's no way that they're going to give a

person pain meds, especially narcotics, if they can't diagnose


Add to that, if we come in with multiple physical conditions. I

don't agree about hiding conditions. It is crucial for emergency

personnel to know what meds we're taking, and what they're dealing

with. I carry a diagram of my revised post-weight-loss-surgery

innards and a letter from my surgeon in my wallet, and I keep my

medical history updated and available at all times. I took a little

trip to the ER in 2006 for what turned out to be a kidney stone, and

they were very grateful for the list of meds, history, and diagram of

my innards.

I have sat in ER's more than once with my sister, when she was

suffering from terrible belly pain in 1997 and 1998. Each time, they

tried to treat her asthma. As she said, " I can wheeze at home " . It

was unbelievably frustrating. The last time, her doc agreed to admit

her to treat the pain. That was after the nurse informed my sister

that they were going to pull her IV and send her home. She had a

gall bladder function test, with " normal " results, though she

screamed in pain through the whole thing. It turned out that her

gall bladder had one huge rock in it, and the intense pain was

because it ballooned out around the stone.

She also sat in an ER in 1995 with a heart attack, and the staff

didn't believe her enough to do the enzyme tests to diagnose it until

a doctor friend of hers intervened.

Her problem? The three " F's " : Female, over Forty, and Fat.

Immediate dismissal of symptoms.

So I have no intention of ever going to an emergency room with

unspecified all-over pain of fibromyalgia. I've been pretty

desperate the past five days, with a flare that just wouldn't quit.

I took Tylenol, and took Valium, and PS-100 to sleep, and spent a lot

of time in bed. I was really miserable. I have three hydrocodone

left from my knee surgeries, but I keep saving them for if the pain

gets really bad (like it wasn't this week?) But if I take them,

they're gone, and there's nothing to fall back on.

I don't know what to tell people about going to ER's for pain, except

that I don't think that it does any good. It's not fair, but it's

the way the system currently is.

And it's a big reason why I resist so much the idea of using

narcotics for pain. It's fine when someone will prescribe them, but

I see so many people go through hell when they're pulled. I just

don't want that, plus they make me goofy (well, goofier than I

already am ;D).


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