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non fm related but looking for encouragement and info

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i have been having pain in my right arm that i at first felt was related to

my fibro. then it got worse and worse and the dr did an MRI and said i had a

partial tear in my rotator cuff and we started cortisone shots. no relief

whatsoever. then it went to tingling and then just lightening up and down he

arm and into my shoulder and neck. i went back to the rheumy and she sent me

for an MRI on my neck. before the results came back, THE LIGHTENING STARTED


between c3, c4, c5, and c6 are all bulging and the nerves are compressed.

she is sending me to the pain clinic, which i was not even aware existed

here, and they are going to do an epidural every two weeks for three

treatments and see where it goes from there. i am really scared and worried.

i looked up the epidural and we know what is going to happen-technically-but

it would help to hear stories from some people. both the good and bad. and

what are the chances of this working and how am i going to feel afterward


honestly, anything is worth relief from this pain. i hurt enough as it is

without this too. and my flares have been almost constant for a while now. i

just deal with it, i don't whine, and i go on. but with this added to it, i

am in overload. i am feeling so overburdened and truly do not know how to

cope. is a real sweetheart, but she also can not handle drama or

conflict and has been in tears over this so i do not feel i can burden her

with how i feel. i rarely rant, vent, or cry. i just deal. but now, i have

been crying, and it is making her upset which then makes me feel bad for

being a baby. and makes me not want to confide in her or turn to her.

i am so lost.


also, this pain clinic. can i ask them for help on my own, or is this

something that my doc has to send me to? my rhuemetologist is a believer in

fm and she put me on lyrica a few days ago. i am on a small dose for a week.

if i can handle it, i am supposed to fill the script for the whole dose. i

am also on soma and a anti inflam for the pain. she does not prescribe

actual pain meds. ever. and, truly, i do not want to take them most of the

time, but the option would be so nice to have on the truly horrendous days.

my family doc will not do pain management. neither will most of the pcps

here. any suggestions? i live at the lake of the Ozarks, in Missouri.

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