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Hello Sonja, and everyone else too!

I hope you do make that call to a naturopath, or acupuncturist, or

whomever you choose. I had it on my list of things to do for a long

time before I actually went for it, and I am glad that I did. the

way that I always looked at it was that even if I had no noticeable

relief from the symptoms of my fibroids, at the very least I would be

boosting the overall health of my body, and therefore if surgery

became the option I chose, I would be in better health and shape than

if I hadn't done the acupuncture. I see it as a win-win situation.

Actually, what doesn't win is my pocketbook -- acupuncture is not

cheap, and getting it weekly has forced other adjustments to my

life. I am a teacher, and single, so added expenses don't get

absorbed by anyone else. Fortunately at about the same time as I

started the acupuncture, a tutoring gig came my way. Now the two

things, the tutoring and the acupuncture, offset each other. If I

didn't have this extra " job " , the cost of the acupuncture would be


As far as meat is concerned, my acupuncturist forbid me nothing, just

said that I should avoid certain foods and eat more of others. Meat

is okay, but beef and lamb were more problematic than pork. Believe

it or not, chicken was on the okay list, while turkey was one that I

shouldn't have too much of (it's a hot food). Just because this is

what I was told would help with my problems doesn't mean this is what

every women with fibroids would hear. The other thing to bear in

mind (as my acupuncturist continues to remind me) is that acupuncture

doesn't just deal with the body, but all parts of our lives. It

wasn't just a change in diet, or just a weekly acupuncture session,

or just a whatever else that I need to do... I also need to deal with

undealt-with issues in my life, which involve my family and my job

and my relationships. My decision to finally start on that road, I

feel, has contributed to this recent glimmer of good news. I also

feel that if I don't continue on that road, I won't continue to get

good news. I have to be committed to my health. All of my health,

in every part of my life. I may not be able to shrink these things

into oblivion with what I am currently doing-- there is no evidence

to suggest that will be possible, and I'm not delusional -- but if i

continue, like the rest of us, to do my research, do my homework, ask

the tough questions, and make good choices, then hopefully I will be

doing the best thing I can be for myself. I desperately want to

avoid surgery, but I won't do so at the expense of my health. And if

I do end up on that table, I want to know that that is the best

choice for me to make given my situation, just as it has been the

best choice for so many women in this group.

You all are such an inspiration to me. I hope I can continue to post

good news, but if that doesn't happen, i know exactly where to look

for how to deal with whatever might happen with me. Everyone here

just kicks ass!! (pardon my french, but a substitute word simply will

not do) :)


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Hello Sonja, and everyone else too!

I hope you do make that call to a naturopath, or acupuncturist, or

whomever you choose. I had it on my list of things to do for a long

time before I actually went for it, and I am glad that I did. the

way that I always looked at it was that even if I had no noticeable

relief from the symptoms of my fibroids, at the very least I would be

boosting the overall health of my body, and therefore if surgery

became the option I chose, I would be in better health and shape than

if I hadn't done the acupuncture. I see it as a win-win situation.

Actually, what doesn't win is my pocketbook -- acupuncture is not

cheap, and getting it weekly has forced other adjustments to my

life. I am a teacher, and single, so added expenses don't get

absorbed by anyone else. Fortunately at about the same time as I

started the acupuncture, a tutoring gig came my way. Now the two

things, the tutoring and the acupuncture, offset each other. If I

didn't have this extra " job " , the cost of the acupuncture would be


As far as meat is concerned, my acupuncturist forbid me nothing, just

said that I should avoid certain foods and eat more of others. Meat

is okay, but beef and lamb were more problematic than pork. Believe

it or not, chicken was on the okay list, while turkey was one that I

shouldn't have too much of (it's a hot food). Just because this is

what I was told would help with my problems doesn't mean this is what

every women with fibroids would hear. The other thing to bear in

mind (as my acupuncturist continues to remind me) is that acupuncture

doesn't just deal with the body, but all parts of our lives. It

wasn't just a change in diet, or just a weekly acupuncture session,

or just a whatever else that I need to do... I also need to deal with

undealt-with issues in my life, which involve my family and my job

and my relationships. My decision to finally start on that road, I

feel, has contributed to this recent glimmer of good news. I also

feel that if I don't continue on that road, I won't continue to get

good news. I have to be committed to my health. All of my health,

in every part of my life. I may not be able to shrink these things

into oblivion with what I am currently doing-- there is no evidence

to suggest that will be possible, and I'm not delusional -- but if i

continue, like the rest of us, to do my research, do my homework, ask

the tough questions, and make good choices, then hopefully I will be

doing the best thing I can be for myself. I desperately want to

avoid surgery, but I won't do so at the expense of my health. And if

I do end up on that table, I want to know that that is the best

choice for me to make given my situation, just as it has been the

best choice for so many women in this group.

You all are such an inspiration to me. I hope I can continue to post

good news, but if that doesn't happen, i know exactly where to look

for how to deal with whatever might happen with me. Everyone here

just kicks ass!! (pardon my french, but a substitute word simply will

not do) :)


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Hello Sonja, and everyone else too!

I hope you do make that call to a naturopath, or acupuncturist, or

whomever you choose. I had it on my list of things to do for a long

time before I actually went for it, and I am glad that I did. the

way that I always looked at it was that even if I had no noticeable

relief from the symptoms of my fibroids, at the very least I would be

boosting the overall health of my body, and therefore if surgery

became the option I chose, I would be in better health and shape than

if I hadn't done the acupuncture. I see it as a win-win situation.

Actually, what doesn't win is my pocketbook -- acupuncture is not

cheap, and getting it weekly has forced other adjustments to my

life. I am a teacher, and single, so added expenses don't get

absorbed by anyone else. Fortunately at about the same time as I

started the acupuncture, a tutoring gig came my way. Now the two

things, the tutoring and the acupuncture, offset each other. If I

didn't have this extra " job " , the cost of the acupuncture would be


As far as meat is concerned, my acupuncturist forbid me nothing, just

said that I should avoid certain foods and eat more of others. Meat

is okay, but beef and lamb were more problematic than pork. Believe

it or not, chicken was on the okay list, while turkey was one that I

shouldn't have too much of (it's a hot food). Just because this is

what I was told would help with my problems doesn't mean this is what

every women with fibroids would hear. The other thing to bear in

mind (as my acupuncturist continues to remind me) is that acupuncture

doesn't just deal with the body, but all parts of our lives. It

wasn't just a change in diet, or just a weekly acupuncture session,

or just a whatever else that I need to do... I also need to deal with

undealt-with issues in my life, which involve my family and my job

and my relationships. My decision to finally start on that road, I

feel, has contributed to this recent glimmer of good news. I also

feel that if I don't continue on that road, I won't continue to get

good news. I have to be committed to my health. All of my health,

in every part of my life. I may not be able to shrink these things

into oblivion with what I am currently doing-- there is no evidence

to suggest that will be possible, and I'm not delusional -- but if i

continue, like the rest of us, to do my research, do my homework, ask

the tough questions, and make good choices, then hopefully I will be

doing the best thing I can be for myself. I desperately want to

avoid surgery, but I won't do so at the expense of my health. And if

I do end up on that table, I want to know that that is the best

choice for me to make given my situation, just as it has been the

best choice for so many women in this group.

You all are such an inspiration to me. I hope I can continue to post

good news, but if that doesn't happen, i know exactly where to look

for how to deal with whatever might happen with me. Everyone here

just kicks ass!! (pardon my french, but a substitute word simply will

not do) :)


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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Thanks, . I would go off the pill and use other birth control methods if

this would stop the breakthrough bleeding. I'll look into the books and look for

a naturopathic doc in my area (Atlanta). I've been considering doing that


" B. Straus " sbstraus@...> wrote:Dear ,

If I were you in your shoes, I would consult a qualified Naturopathic Doc.. Dr.

Kaplan is mine, at , and I highly recommend her. She

prescribed progesterone cream, Vitex, and natural iron, and cured me of anemia,

so that I was finally a candidate for surgery. I was too anemic before. She

is part of a womens' clinic in Portland Oregon, called 'A Woman's Time', ...

fertility, pre-menopause, menopause, and post-menopause.

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  • 9 months later...

because I gave them enough rope to hang themselves, and then happily took the "noose" off their necks when they came back to me still needing their Mom.

That's a good way of putting that!! The extra room will be a craft room. I am going to have a futon in it so it can be a guest room if needed (or if Tom is snoring so loud I can hear him in the next room!)



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because I gave them enough rope to hang themselves, and then happily took the "noose" off their necks when they came back to me still needing their Mom.

That's a good way of putting that!! The extra room will be a craft room. I am going to have a futon in it so it can be a guest room if needed (or if Tom is snoring so loud I can hear him in the next room!)



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Cute post Faye and !

I know just what you're talking about. My son is 24 and daughter is 20. It's funny the 20 year old is a little more mature than the 24 year old! I think he still thinks I am pretty dumb some times. I always seem to be quite smart when he needs a little financial assistance! and I get treated like a peach! Otherwise, it is not always so nice. I have always helped him and stood by him and help care for his son all of the time, but it is not always appreciated like it should be. Take care both of you and hugs from me to both of you. ConnieFAYE PAPPLE-MURRAY wrote:

Hi - It's just like Monty Python sang....always look on the bright side of life....! even when you want to strangle them yourself....! A craft room and guest room, that will serve you very well - I'm happy to hear that you already have some great plans in place for the room.

February is a short month, only by a few days - but what an eye opener, rent is again due in 29 days, well, one day and 29 days too....shame you're not helping out with the bills, haha. See there's that rope and the bright side of life...! Two rents due in the number of days less than the average month - yikes! Gee, - think I could get a little rental loan??? ha ha haha ha.

Just remember, that I'm here to yell at/to if you start to lose faith/strength/grip on your wallet. I've been there, and it's really hard to let them go - but in the end they come back stronger and smarter - and the funny thing is, they begin to realize that Mom isn't so dumb afterall....go figure.

Talk to you soon, keep your faith, and your crafting tools handy! Faye

Nation wrote:

because I gave them enough rope to hang themselves, and then happily took the "noose" off their necks when they came back to me still needing their Mom.

That's a good way of putting that!! The extra room will be a craft room. I am going to have a futon in it so it can be a guest room if needed (or if Tom is snoring so loud I can hear him in the next room!)



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Hi , Thanks....so what kinds of crafts do you like to do? I love "thinking" about doing crafts, and buying stuff to do crafts - and looking at the bags of stuff.....but always end up doing a project instead....like painting and wallpapering a room, and of course the redecorating that goes along with it - with all the "found treasures, and thrift shop finds" that are perfect for the room. Drives Andy crazy, but we have a lovely new back entrance now - total cost $47.00 including carpet, wallpaper and paint and 'trimmings' - I held the wall paper in the bath tub, and painted about 20% of the room - Andy did everything else....I guess I'm not as onmi-ficient as I once was...! Now, I have plans for the kitchen...and he's dreading that thought, and hiding supplies too! Maybe he doesn't want to be my "helper" anymore?

My Dad used to say when I was a young teen ager - Your think is bigger than your know...maybe that is now my decorating ability-

Hope your day is a cheery fun day with Sophie and Socks and the ferret and the rest of your family. Best to you and yours as always, Faye

Nation wrote:

Thanks, Faye, I will remember that. It helps to talk to someone that's been there. JoAnn that's on this list has been a big help for that reason. It's easier to talk to someone that has gone the same path.



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Hi , Thanks....so what kinds of crafts do you like to do?


I like to do scrapbooking, and I'm making some Valentine cards. Last night I took our assoc. pastor out for her birthday and we went to Hobby Lobby because they had a scrapbooking sale going on. Oh boy, did we have fun there! I'm not going to tell you how long we ended up being there! They have lower shelves with space to sit down, so I'd sit part of the time and look across to see what was on the shelves, or I would kneel down. Part of the time we were looking at fabric. I found fabric for curtains for the craft room and for the shower curtain. They had real cute material with thongs that are bright and colorful and will go great with the wall color. Didn't go ahead and buy it--going to wait for it to be on sale. They have sales fairly often.



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  • 4 weeks later...

> Wow Dawn that had to be scary.


> I don't think people don't respond because they don't care; it's

more because they don't have an answer.


> I swear someone could drop a bomb by my daughter's head and she'd

sleep through it.


> I have spasms that wake me up all the time. There's also times

when I'm awake and it's like a lightning bolt goes through me.





> In a message dated 2/26/2005 10:17:29 PM Eastern Standard Time,

dawny402002000@y... writes:

> ,

> First I just want to say thanks for replying back to me, I

sometimes feel like did because I do not seem to get many

replies back from anyone anymore, but that is fine with me, because

I am pretty certain I know why! I have very few friends on here

anymore and those that I do have I respect with all my heart and



> Anyhow thanks for writing back and it sounds like your daughter

and I are exactly the same in our sleeping habits. The last three

days, I have slept quite normally which is odd for me and then last

night was up all night and slept to 5pm today. I am even sleeping

through the phone which is something I have never done before

considering it is right next to my bed! I am going back to my

medical journal and going to give it to my doctor and maybe he can

figure out what is going on! I just went to my Mom's tonight to give

her some things and when I got home my body went into complete

muscle spasms! I have never had that happen before and it really

scared me. Called my Mom to tell her what was happening and could

barely hold on to the phone which really scared me. My head was

bobbing all over the place and could not get it to stop. Finally

after about five minutes it started to slow down and thank goodness

it finally stopped. I am going to call my Neurologist on Monday and

let him know

> what is happening now. This was the first time. Sometimes I get

them in my legs and they will wake me up from a sound sleep, but

never had it full body before, it was extremely scary and kept

thinking about Parkinson's Disease! That is what it looked like for

those five minutes! Well enough of my novel and thanks for writing

me back! LOL and Best Wishes!!!


> Dawn









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  • 7 months later...

Morning ,

Been thinking about you and wondering how things are going w/your daughter

and home?

Hopefully all is still well with you. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.


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  • 2 months later...


It is so wonderful to hear that things are still going well with your

daughter. How is the relationship between your son and your daughter now that


daughter is behaving in a more civil fashion? Are they abel to also relate

on a more positive note?

Krisitn continues to be working her butt off (50hrs per wk waitressing and

has decided to put any extra time into real estate after the holidays).

Have a wonderful Chrisitmas.


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It's nice to be in a good place isn't it? I thought I would never be here.

she was actually calming me and concerned for me last nite when I could not

find our last set of car keys for my car! What a change. She put me to bed

and found a solution. She and my son have fun together, actually he is the

pain in the ..... right now as he is turning 14. Nothing serious, just your

typical wise mouth. She doesn't quite know what to do with him. Actually we

all have fun with each other - for the most part.

I am glad to hear your daughter is working hard, she is lucky to have you to

help with the kids. She does have it in her, at least that is something to

hold on to. Sounds like there is hope for you having a good Christmas. I hope

you do!

cascorsam@... wrote: Dear

It is so wonderful to hear that things are still going well with your

daughter. How is the relationship between your son and your daughter now

that your

daughter is behaving in a more civil fashion? Are they abel to also relate

on a more positive note?

Krisitn continues to be working her butt off (50hrs per wk waitressing and

has decided to put any extra time into real estate after the holidays).

Have a wonderful Chrisitmas.


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Yes, it will be another holiday (like Thanksgiving) where I go between two

houses, since my son will not talk to her and she will not come here if he

isn't talking to her. He does not forgive her getting the restraining order

against me and keeping the boys away from us for 3 months. He says she is just

using me while hubby is in jail. And she may very well be, but it is

benefiting me and I am having my imput with the boys for a while longer. Also,


lawyer has told me to document everything and if she ever gives me crap again

where the boys are concerned, these few months of my being secondary parent

will go very strongly in my favor. Hopefully it won't come to that, but I will

NEVER take losing those boys lying down, as you have probably guessed by


Hopefully, she will come to her senses when he gets out of the can in

January and doesn't get a job. She will be more pregnant, more tired and more

fearful of losing the house, so perhaps, her common sense will win out and she

will " kick him to the curb " (her words) as she has said she will if he doesn't

get a job and stop using drugs. ONLY TIME WILL TELL.

Have a great Christmas. It sounds like you have a happy family again.

Enjoy, as I am sure you are.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey Gabi!!!

Thanks for the note.

You've really been on my mind this week.

How are you?? How is the IVF going? I

hope it's a very positive experience for

you... please keep us all posted.

I can't believe I'm already halfway there.

I'm starting to get nervous about having

everything in order. (is it all ever in

order, really?!?) I also have no clue

if I can attempt a VBAC yet or not. It

depends on the incision that was made

on my uterus with my c-section for .

But, so far everything looks good.

Thanks again for the note!



hi tracy

it's great to hear such good news from you :)

i'm so glad everything's going well and you're already 20 weeks !!!

and a girl !!!! it's so exciting !!!

keep going !!! you only have half more way to go !!

take care


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  • 4 months later...
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In a message dated 6/10/2006 9:41:49 AM Eastern Standard Time,

connect4love@... writes:

The pain is more than I can bear. I love her soooo much and I don't know if

she is safe and I fear for her....................Help me..............

, hang in there please. She will be fine and she will come around.

There will come a point where she realizes that she does miss you. Or once

she realizes that she cannot manipulate the people she is with.

I had a thought the other day, you said she has a cell phone? What service

is it? Go to the website and register an account with her phone number.

Register as is it were her, her phone number and an easy ID and password for you


remember. This way you can monitor and get the phone numbers she is calling

and receiving. This might be a way for you to find out where she is. But

don't go yourself, call the police and let them get her.

I had this problem too with my daughter, and I would absolutely not be

responsible for her not going to school. They threatened me once, and only

once, to

press charges against me for her not attending. It was out of my hands.

Good luck to you,


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  • 1 year later...
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I hope your g/f gets over the bad shot quickly. Just take care of her best

you can while she heals.



maria howell tomgirl@...> wrote:

My gf is on lyrica and having pain in her knees and ankles and all,


hoping its not the lyrica making her pain worse.. She alos has slipped disc

so her nerves are messed up. And they hit a nerve doing her second epidural

yesterday, so shes been in worse pain.. dunno what to do and I worry.. maria

Re: Hi, I'm new. I have FM and it's driving me nuts!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest

You know, I have talked to many people who have had back surgery and they all

say they wish they hadn't. It's a tricky thing...

Re: To

I went to -the- back specialist, Dr Carl Swan.

It cost me $400.00 for a 15 minute consultation.

He's very realistic and does not lean towards surgery to correct the

problem, in his words, " I can take you out in the waiting room right

now and show you several of my patients that have had 1 or more back

surgeries and are no better off today " .

His advice, live with it as best you can.

My herniation is directly on the spinal cord, corrective surgery is

too risky and the risk of paralysis is too high for me to go through with.

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