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nbc evening news

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did anyone email them about diseases like ours? last night they did a

story about " mystery diseases " that affect typically women. i was

wondering if anyone from here actually got thru to anyone in the

news.so they mentioned they will talk about 3 diseases, maybe one each

night. but last night the one briefly discussed was lupus. i was hoping

it would be fibro or cfids. but while it did give exposure and some

credibility to mysterious diseases that typically affect women, they

ended the lupus story with the lady saying that she decided not to use

her energy fighting her disease, but instead to use her energy living

with it, and they showed her jogging off into the sunset!

I WISH !!! how one-sided! no mention of how many suffer, can't funtion

and end up on ssdi with lupus.

i will see if any other " mysterious diseases " are mentioned tonight.

take care,


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