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Re: mother of gymnast with chiari

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In a message dated 2002.09.28 22:37:35 Eastern Daylight Time, ttgirlt@...


> Corey is 9 years old and gets headaches. I think by accident they

> found out about Chiari when they did an MRI. Migraines run in the

> family and that's what we always figured it was. He is a gymnast and

> that's where the problem arises.

Hi ,

I used to be a gymnast. I was also VERY competitive, did it about 5-6 hours a

day during the school week and constantly on the weekends and during the

summer. I did it for 10 years and I LOVED it... I still do, but I know that

there is no chance of my ever getting back the ability I used to have, and I

also know that it would be very dangerous to ever attempt gymnastics again.

I am extremely lucky that I am here to write this right now. I was just

talking about this last night with someone. I don't know what kind of

herniation/compression Corey has, or if he has a syrinx or not. But

gymnastics is a very dangerous sport for chiarians. The danger increases when

you have a lengthy herniation or brainstem compression and a syrinx.

I have a 17 mm herniation, had lots of brainstem compression, and a syrinx

that almost reaches the brainstem. I was literally a walking time bomb.

Gymnastics causes you to contort your body, put tons of pressure on your head

and neck. Especially at the level that Corey is at. God forbid, but

gymnastics accidents do happen.

I had a gymnastics accident and landed on my head, and it set my chiari

symptoms off with a vengeance. Corey's case may be mild, and it is very

possible that he doesn't need surgery right now, but that can change in an

instant. You will meet many people on here who cite trauma as a precipitating

event to their chiari symptoms.

As far as chiari not being the cause of his headaches, I can't say that that

is true or untrue. But for a 9 year old boy to have bad headaches and for him

to have a brain/skull malformation, I wouldn't be so quick to eliminate

chiari as the cause. I would highly recommend getting a CINE MRI, I'm sure

Dr.s M and B will be ordering that and many other things if you are going to

see them. If it shows a problem with his CSF flow he is at more of a risk for

developing a syrinx. If he were to develop a syrinx and continue with

gymnastics, his risk for spinal cord/cranial injury would go up a great deal.

It is not my place to tell you whether or not Corey should continue

gymnastics. That is your decision, and I know it will be heartbreaking either

way. But I will tell you that knowing what I know now about chiari, if I

could go back and choose a different sport, I would. It gives me shivers to

think about what could have happened all those hours, days, and years that I

was flipping, doing headstands, doing vault... Like I said before, it really

is amazing that I didn't do worse damage.

If Corey does continue with gymnastics, PLEASE limit what he does in it... I

would take out any of the routines where he has the potential to land on his

head or where he puts pressure on his head/neck. Know that we're here for

you. You will get through this. Take care.

Joanna/Atlanta (16 years)

ACM1-17mm with Syrinx from C1-T6 (dissipating...YAY)! And Neurocardiogenic

Syncope (resulting from miscommunications between brainstem and heart).

Medication is making a big difference! I have some residual issues, but I am

doing GREAT! You can view my story at:


Check out the Wacma Kids group at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wacmakids

I can also be reached at Joanna@... or KidsAsk@...

" You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer

yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you

know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go... " -Dr. Seuss

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