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Re: choking . anyone else with this problem/chest burning

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I have the chest burning thing all the time. My chest feels tight and very

uncomfortable. Wearing a bra is miserable, no matter what kind!!


Annie in TN

bjmpony bjmfuel@...> wrote:

Ok, I guess I sort of have this too. I haven't actually choked but I

can feel everything I swallow. I tried to explain it to the doc when

I first started flaring. The first thing he did was treat me for the

reflux. I took the meds at first but had told him I had acid reflux a

long time ago and this wasn't it.

I notice it most when I'm flaring up. But I also notice it when

I'm tensing up.

Does everyone else's chest burn up when they are flaring? That's

where mine starts. I feel like one of those horror flicks. The one

where the demon is coming out of their chest and the red fire spreads

to their outstretched arms. I even have to put my head back just to

help releave it a little.

I doubt that even a demon would want this body. No wonder he's

trying to get out.



> I actually experience this a lot... I'll go to swallow and I feel

> like the food or drink gets stuck (for lack of a better word) right

> where my neck meets my chest. Coughing does not help... I just


> to wait for it to settle down.


> For a long time they told me this was from my acid reflux, but I

> learned last week that it is from the fibromyalgia. They actually

> have a name for this " symptom " ... it is called esophagal

> dismotility... (sorry if it's mis-spelled)





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I wear a bra and it doesn't bother me. It's a sports bra. I

started wearing them years ago when we used to have horses. Then as I

gained weight they seemed to be the easiest to use.

My burning seems to be deep in. I can't touch it till it hits my

arms. I also noticed that if i get upset it hurts. Sometimes i can't

watch TV shows where they are verbally fighting or when a child is

being hurt. I tighten right up. I like to watch the Kardashion Family

and had to shut it off last night because the girls were fighting.

Stupid huh? I like to watch funny stuff more anyway.

Now this cracks me up. When i went to the ER thinking I had a

heart attack. You know how they wire you all up. They watch your

pulse, pressure etc. Well my mom, whom I love, is a very hard person

to be around. Very critical. She was with me at the hospital while

tests were being run. Every time she started talking the one alarm

would go off. I was tensing up and not breathing right or something.

After a while she stopped talking because she realised it was her. Ha!

The other thing that makes me tense up. From the car to the time

clock at work. No matter how fast or slow I go. My chest builds up

till I feel shakey. That's where I first started noticing chest pains

that would come and go. I get to work in more than enough time. It

doesn't matter. After i punch in it all goes away. So I do bring some

of it on to myself.

Golly I'm a yakker today. Sorry.



> Jan,


> I have the chest burning thing all the time. My chest feels

tight and very uncomfortable. Wearing a bra is miserable, no matter

what kind!!


> Hugs,

> Annie in TN



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