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Re: Burning Tongue & Mouth Syndrome Rebbecca

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Hi Rebbecca

I am Sharon, and wanted to say your info was great, as I am the one

suffering this right now! yeck. I have had this before, and it started years

ago, I was told it was the geographical tongue, and deal with it basically, I

never cared for that answer. I have not had it for a while,but I had to post to

someone else asking about the what I call fire mouth a couple wks ago, and had

mentioned hadn't had it in a long time and hoped never again, well here it is

almost 2 wks now! It makes me very anxious, and wish I had the Klonapin now, I

get diazapam and take Soma, which would probably at least help me forget about

it, but I let myself run out as I had only been taking PRN and didn't think it

woud still be here, now have to wait another day to call for my refills, stupid.

I will have to try the vitamans also, hope they work I can't stand it. The big

thing will be taking with food, as I am so uncomfortable I have not been eating

which doesn't make it better I know as

I take other meds, but am anxious with it, I am nausea, today I wish I was the

nervous eater instead of opposite. I have never had the soreness on the sides

of my, but this time the other day I noticed it. I only get the fire mouth and

the little tiny fire bumps on tongue, and also feels like my throat is scrachey

in a funny way like it is asleep??? narrowed??, hard to explain. I hope it will

get clared up real soon, or put me asleep till it is over with. I always

thought it might have something to do with my stomach, as it is acting like it

is acidy, which I have to much of. I have had nuts, and things you would not

think cause a burn reaction on my tongue, oh and of course I am a diet coke,

coffee, apple eating person all day long. I shoud try and stop these while like

this right?, that will be hard, I drink alot of water also, but that really is

seeming to make it worse, like it is drying it out. Well thanks again for your

very informational post. I otherwise

would not have found it could be this vit. thing, how long did it take for you

to stop the burn? Take Care

EAZZYGOING1@... wrote:

Hello All...

Yes, I am a few days late in commenting on this topic but I feel maybe my

information may be of some help to some of you Fibro mites out there.....

Last year, finally, I went for a 2nd opinion of an ENT Specialist, as I was

fed up with being told I was imagining things. This new ENT diagnosed my

sore/swollen tongue and mouth that felt like it was " ON FIRE " just drinking a


as " Burning Tongue & Mouth Syndrome " ...

My reasons for posting is to tell you ALL that you are not 'crazy', like most

Doctors make you fell and you are NOT 'alone.'

At first, my tongue only swelled and hurt when I had adverse reactions to

several Antibiotics that I am now Allergic to.

During my whole life, at one time or another, I have gotten those little

" REALLY SORE & HURTFUL " bumps on the tip of my tongue and cracks on the sides of

my mouth which I was told was a Vitamin deficiency......

BUT NOW.....It is a whole different " Ball Game " ....

Following is what I told my ENT and he confirmed my condition:

My tongue swells and gets deep cracks

Bumps Tiny to Large and very painful

Cannot drink: soda, alcohol, anything

VERY cold or hot

Drink with a straw ONLY

NOTHING Spicy Hot like Pepper or Tabasco

Nothing with a lot of SALT

NO Salad Dressings, Pickles, Vinegar

Sometimes even Apple Pie (Cinnamon) hurts!!!

NOW.....My Doc recommends the following Vitamin Supplements and Prescription

Medications with no guarantees but they have helped other patients:

Ultra B-150 Complex 1 AM

B12 500mcg 2 AM

A 12,000IU 1 AM

Zinc 50mg 1 AM

Alpha Lipoic Acid 100mg 1 AM

Take ALL of these Vitamin Supplements with FOOD and of course, take them

religiously or you will NOT receive any relieve.....

YES, I have been taking the Vitamin supplements and feel some relief....but

then there are days that I DO NOT....

The prescription medications are:

Klonopin (Generic is Clonazepam)

Elavil (Generic is Amitriptyline)

Both of these are supposed to have effect on the nerves in the mouth besides

any other reasons for taking them.

Because I am on other Psych Medications similar.....I can not take the above.

Well....if anyone wishes to write back to me....you are welcome to....maybe I

can be of more help....OR.....maybe someone may have more advice for


Take care everyone....and

May tomorrow be a BETTER DAY FOR ALL !!!

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