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Re: Jessie - the sleep study

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My doctor decided several years ago that I should have a sleep study

done, so off I went! First time I never really fell asleep at all so

they didn't have much to report. After that test, doc decided to

send me again (which had also been the suggestion of the person at

the center). Second time, I did sleep some but did not reach REM

sleep long enough to really come to any conclusions!! But because I

have had sleep problems since I was a very small child, this didn't

really surprise me!! No one ever connected my poor grades to the

fact that I seldom got a full nights sleep!

But I still think my sleeplessness is triggered by buried memories

that can be connected to the fact that I had just gotten up from my

afternoon nap the day my brother was killed. And I know the

nightmares I had for years were related to that!

And I just realized that the dreams/nightmares I remember having of

being on a street and feeling crushed may have been connected to his

death (either seeing him in his casket or seeing him killed that

afternoon!) I don't know nor do I think there is anyone still living

who could tell me if I was with my parents during the days following

his death. One woman I know, who was a teenager when he was killed,

has told me several times that she remembers her mother taking her to

the viewing and that he was at home --- Marcheta says that's the last

time she remembers that happening.

But I remember going to the home of one of my great aunts and her

husband was " laid out " in their home. I was around 10 when that

happened and it really made me feel very creepy at the time.

But I do sleep better now than I did in years past and the dreams and

nightmares seem to have gone, probably as a result of all the years

in therapy.

But, one reason my ability to go to sleep either time I went for the

sleep study very well may have been partly because I read myself to

sleep and I could not do that either time I went for a study.

But I do think if someone has problems, that going to have a study

done and the doctor recommends it, you should go!


> Thank you, Jessie, for that reassuring info. on your sleep study.

So far she's just mentioned it, asked if I had one, but hasn't

insisted I need one. I think my husband should have one, because he

snores very loudly. His dr. doesn't think he has sleep apnea. He

isn't really tired during the day, so he gets a good night's sleep.

He is 45, though, so in the evening, when he sits in front of the TV,

he does fall asleep. But that's pretty normal for someone working 6

days a week at his age? Anyway, I've gotten of on a tangent. Thanks

again. I'll keep it in mind if I ever have to have one.

> Jeanne in WI

> P.S. Do you use a CPap machine now?


> I've had two sleep studies.


> A good sleep doctor will not require that you not take your meds.

The idea is to see how well your meds are working for you and whether

something can be done to improve your sleep if your meds aren't doing

all they should.


> I thought I'd never sleep with all that stuff hooked up to me and

my bedtime routine so disrupted. I did sleep enough, though, for the

test to identify multiple sleep disorders.


> So, if your doctor thinks a sleep study is in order, it's worth



> That said, I don't want to have another one! It's not a pleasant

night, that's for sure, but it was worth doing.


> Jessie



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