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MRI results and stuff

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Hey all,

How is everyone doing? whatcha been up to? I have been visiting with the

relatives still. My sil and I are more sisters than the latter. We have sooo

much in common and hubby's that are the exact same way in too many ways. I am

happy to have a new friend and we will stay in touch online. They are taking my

nephew to the Ft Worth zoo today. So I am going to rest. SIL made us a spaghetti

dinner last night and I fell asleep in the middle of it. I took my muscle

relaxers instead of my pain meds and well you know the rest, lol. I am so

embarrassed. DD brought her BF over for dinner too, to meet her aunt and uncle.

Pretty cool.

They took me to get my MRI results. Well it isn't horrible where I need

surgery, but it ain't good either. I have a total of 9 herniated bulging discs

in my back. Severe DDD and alot of swelling and inflammation. Next step is

injections in several areas. Will have that on the 21st. will be knocked out for

it. Not sure if nerve is pinched, cause the swelling is too bad. We will be

keeping an eye on it. So not good news, but not the worst news either.

well I must drive Mel and her friend to school. Got to run for now, but I

will be back in a bit and check in throughout the day.

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