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Re: Pain Doctor Visit---UGH!!/Debra B

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wow Debra, you bil sounds like a real winner. I feel you are doing the right

thing here. sounds like he needs an intervention, but got the law kind.

Hopefully he won;t return to doing the same thing when he gets out. I think

they should change the locks, pack up his stuff and Kick his bootie out.

Make sure he has no home to come home too. He needs to learn a lesson for


sorry about your back issues. I am going through the same thing with my

spine dr. Still trying to find the right pain meds. Norco does nothing. I

cannot afford the injections, so have to postpone those too. Oh the life we

lead. take good care and I am around if you need an ear or 2.


> Hello to all! Just wanted to update you on a few things. First of all I

> have been in a fibro flare for a couple of days now. I have been under alot

> of stress with my brother-in-law being in jail for violation of his

> probation from a DWI. He tested positive for Meth and Cocaine. My

> father-in-law is in Dallas, he had both knees replaced on Wednesday and is

> doing well and they should be back on Friday. My husband and I are staying

> at there home in Longview since by brother-in-law has had " crack " parties at

> their home while they have been gone in the past. So many things have

> happened they just don't feel safe leaving their home unattended. Last

> Wednesday we went to court for his " punishment " and he thought he was

> getting out but we knew he would not be. He lives with his parents and he

> has no regards for them or their home. He is just the scum of the Earth!!!

> He WILL NOT be returning to their home when he is released like he thinks he

> is. My husband and I

> have been going through his room and have found several drugs and have

> had to call the cops to come pick it up and dispose of it. SO I AM

> STRESSED!! We don't live that way. We are Christian people and it just ticks

> me off that he has treated Mom and Dad the way he has! My appointment today

> with my pain management doctor didn't go the way I had hoped. He had ordered

> an MRI a couple of weeks ago and he says that the one I had in my L3-4 is

> gone??? But the way they found it the last time was with contrast and the

> last one done was without contrast. I still have severe pain in my lumbar

> area, however they found 2 more in my thorasic....that's just all I need. I

> had promised myself and had told the doctor no more steriod injections!

> PERIOD!! Well, he said, lets try an epidural in the thorasic and if that

> doesn't work we will do another procedure to see if you need to have

> surgery. I AM SO TIRED OF THIS!!! I told him I would have this procedure

> done and if it

> doesn't work, that's it!!!! I have been in pain since last year and yet

> they still continue to want to try this or that. I called a couple of weeks

> ago about severe pain in my right hip. It was so bad that I wouldn't walk at

> all. They called me in some meds and this medication has been dreaming all

> night long and they are crazy off the wall stuff. However, some are really

> bad. People being killed, plane crashes, bus wrecks...just bad stuff. I wake

> up screaming sometimes. I asked him about getting me off this and he asked

> me if it was helping with the pain...I said yes, but I can't sleep like this

> anymore! I wake up just exhausted! So, his nurse is suppose to call me back

> and see how he wants me to get off this stuff....I am not going to wake that

> long...I am going to taper off myself. I am so tired of waiting on doctors

> and nurses to call me back and it's like they don't care at times. I feel

> like I am rustled through like cattle at the sale barn. I

> guess I will see how this injection does on Thursday and will go from

> there. Between the back pain and the fibro flare I am just so tired and my

> entrie body just screams out in pain. I am not even walking right anymore

> but he didn't want to talk about that! I do have nerve damage but NO ONE

> CARES!!! Okay! I am through venting! I love each of you and pray for pain

> free days for all of us.


> Debra Bunt

> Gladewater, Texas







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