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Re: Why bother telling anyone you have fibro? Just tell people it's arthritis

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I agree with you. It is much simpler and the explanation is more believable.

However, I just think that for me I would rather tell them about fibromyalgia

even if I get a blank stare or silence. My reason? Because I am tired of the

majority of the population thinking fibro is a simple little illness that is

curable with a pill called Lyrica, and I am tired of the disbelief. If some of

us keep telling people and get the word out there, the more recognizable this

illness will be. I really don't care that much if they believe me or not, but I

am going to try to educate them IF they will listen.

But I don't blame you a bit. It does get tiring having people doubt you. It

is just aggravaing after a while to try to explain this crap. And You do have

arthritis, so you are telling the truth.

love and hugs,

Debra V.

jeribelle2000 girlsaylor@...> wrote:

With the recent thread about people's reactions to our fibro, I

thought what I do would maybe help someone else. I do not tell

anybody I have fibro. When asked why I'm limping, hanging onto

something, whatever, I'll just casually say, oh, it's my arthritis.

It seems to be totally accepted, as arthritis has become such a

commonly-known malady, the responses are usually something like, oh

my grandma was terribly arthritic. Or maybe I'll hear, there was this

person, so-and-so, who had that bad arthritis, and used a cane

sometimes. It just seems to be a much more socially acceptable

malady. And I am telling the truth, as I DO have arthritis. But I can

sometimes get a bit more of a break for being less active than others

my age. And, because arthritis is so common, I don't have to explain

over and over the discomfort. I mean, sheesh, life is for the living,

and I'm going to do all I can while I'm here! Don't want or need a

pity party. I could certainly have done without the fibro, the

arthritis, GERD, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obstructive

sleep apnea, diverticulosis, hypothyroid, hip replacement, ad

nauseum. But people don't want to hear about it, off a list like

this. Others are busy living, and I feel best when I'm joining in the

business of living also!

Just some food for thought. I know we all have bad days, but some are

less 'bad' than others, and certainly worth cherishing!



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Arthritis is one of the, " I can see it therefore it exists " diseases.

Fibromyalgia cannot be readily seen, not by sight, x-ray, or other

means of examination. It is not the responsibility or task of the

Fibromyalgia sufferer to -prove- to anyone, the existance of the


Arthritis is well known and well documented, Fibromyalgia is not.

This lack of general knowledge can be corrected, and should be.

Fibromyalgia -is- a recognised disease:

Fibromylagia is a recognised DISEASE by the WHO in 1992 and

classified under the ICD-10 ( International Classification of

Disease) with the code M-709.

Copenhagens definition of 1993 says: Fibromaylgia is a painful

widespread condition not articulated, that concerns predominantly the

muscular zones and presents an exagerated sensibility in multiple

predefined points.

Fibromyalgia has been recognised since 1994 in the International

Association for the study for pain (IASP) and is classified with the

code x33 x8a.

People's disbelief because they can not see the disorder does not in

any way make the disorder invalid.

People belief that the wind exists, they can't see it but they can

feel it.

The same principle exists with Fibromyalgia, you can't see it but -we-

feel it.

Try that logic on anyone that doubts the existance of Fibromyalgia

and see what kind of reaction you get.

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