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Re: No Worse??Kristi

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yes they do get worse,especially the flare up and they tend to last longer

also.You will like they say have good days as well as the bad.It all depends on

each person ability to deal with pain. It alos depends on how much stress is in

your life that really makes a differernt in my life. I tend to overdo on good

days, then have to pay for it the next few days. Fibro beast treats us all

different as all of us is different and our bodies react different.Yes new

symptoms can happen at any time. It is a crazy condition..

My name is Della,I will be 53 on the 18 of this month. I was diganosed in 2003.

I have suffered longer than that.I was fortunate to still work untill Dec.

2007,My working  2 jobs really put me trough to much stress and the beast didnt

like it all. I also have severe osteoarthrisis in my knees.some of my other

jionts as well. I suffer from restless legs,sleep apena,anxeity mood disorder/

depressionm chronic fatigue. My pain issnt so bad it is the tingling and

numbness of my hands and feet. My hands doesnt like to write or type or hold

objects for to long. I am now out of work and have applied for disability.You

take care  and hang in there. There is beaut in every day if we just look for

it. Have a great day!!! Della

Re: No Worse??

Hi Kristi,

I have read that just about everywhere also. But I don't agree at all.

My symptoms started mild enough, but over time they have worsened. I was dx in

1990, after having symptoms for about 2 years, and didn't give up too much right

them. Gradually over the past years I've gone from a vibrant working mother to

being almost home bound because of the pain and exhaustion and fog. I had to

stop working almost entirely in 2001. Many new symptoms and places that hurt

have cropped up too.

So I know what you mean. I do think some peoples' don't progress, but mine has.

Some people say it's from being less active that it progresses, but my

Fibromyalgia progressed while I was very active until it almost crippled me.


Kristi wrote:

Good Morning Everyone,

I have a question... In all the books I've read and web-sites I've

checked out, they say that you will get " no worse " with fibro. Some

days will just be better or worse than others. But my symptoms

gradually kept getting worse, that's why I eventually went to the

doctor. And now, every now and then, new symptoms seem to creep up on

me. Does that make sense? Is anyone else experiencing the same things

and did your doctor tell you that you would get " no worse " ?

Thanks and I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Lots of Hugs,


Breezewood, PA

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