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OT: Happy 3rd Airplane Day Jonthan!

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Three years ago today........

We were driving down to Newark NJ in our new SUV to meet our new

son. After 5 years of trying for a baby, was finally coming

to his forever family from Korea.

My parents went with us. I have no idea how I got all that crap into

the back of the car. We were only spending one night, but as a new

mom I over did everything a little. I mean, what if he did not like

the formula I brought. I wanted to make sure I had a couple

different ones to try, you know the routine. I think I had ten

onsies, 15 sleepers, 10 bibs, a few outfits, including a " coming

home " outfit.

So, we got to the hotel around noon. I think I took my first of many

Klonopin of the day. We tried to take a nap. Chad slept, I cried.

We went ac cross the street to the mall and Chad bought me a full

body water massage, it felt cool and relaxed me for about 20 seconds.

Chad and my parents ate, I cried. We did some more baby shopping,

just in case I did not pack enough. We headed toward the airport a

few hours later. My parents and Chad ate dinner, I was crying

hysterically by now. We met the " greeter " from the agency and there

was three other couples waiting for their second child. None of them

would look at me b/c I was sobbing by now. We had balloons and

waited and watched his airplane pull up to the gate. We watched the

passengers filing off, all staring at this sobbing women.

Finally, the flight crew came off and all the families started

clapping. We were told the escorts would be last as they were

getting the babies ready.

Then I saw my son! He was looking around smiling and clapping his

chubby little hands.

We had to wait for the greeter to call our name and the dads were

under " direct orders " to help the escorts with the babies and PASS

THEM TO THE MOMS. Nope, my DH stole my baby and would not hand him

over for what seemed like eternity.

One can not explain the feeling of holding your son for the first

time. We never thought we would be so blessed.

After a lot of pictures and the grandparents holding their new

grandson and me still sobbing away, we headed home. We played with

him for a while. Grandma let him fall and he got his first bruise on

his forehead (one of many by now.) Chad changed his first dirty

diaper. The four of us piled into a small bathroom to watch me give

him his first bath. Then my parents left and it was just the three

of us. Chad feel asleep. was still on Korean time and was

up. We ended up falling asleep together on the couch watching TV.

We got up early and gave him his first breakfast of bananas, which he

still loves. We packed up and started the drive home.

slept most of the way. he held onto my finger and I just

stared at him, and cried.

We stopped outside of Rochester so I could put him into his " coming

home " outfit.

Then we stopped at my brothers house to show him off, I had a few

other Friends that came.

had already bonded with me. It was like he was hand picked

by God and he knew I was his mommy.

Three year later he is still a gift from God. We talked a little

about his " Air Plane Day " on our way to Uncle Chris's house. I said

I waited so long and wanted him so bad, I so wanted to be his mommy.

He looked at me and said " I wanted you too mommy. "

Yep, I started to cry.

I think it is funny. I have not gotten to hold either of my kids

first. Chad had dibs on and my SIL was in the OR with me

for my C-section w/ .

Well, Sorry this was so long. I just thank God for . We

truly believe our infertility issues were due to the fact that we

were meant to adopt first.

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