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Debra B

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I am with ya sister. I am hesitant about this new clinic. spine team texas.

They use pt and injjections, none of which have worked before. I cannot

afford PT at 30$ a pop. Probly not gonna get the care I am looking for

there, but will try it. Hang in there hun. We will get through this somehow.


> Hey ,

> I too not only have Fibro, which never really seems to be undercontrol,

> but I also have a severally herniated disc in my back and 2 in my neck. I

> see a Neurologist for my Fibro and a pain management doctor for my back and

> neck issues. Since discovering the herniated disc my pain doctor has pumped

> my body with Steriod injections each month and nothing works to help my

> back. Finally my PCP told me no more injections, your body is full of

> steriods now....STOP!! My pain doctor has only given me the Norco and your

> right, it really doesn't help my back at all. It completely knocks me out, I

> sleep for a short time and wake up with pain. I am so tired of all these

> doctors and injections and I want something done. When I had my Epidural

> Injection for my L4, it lasted about 4 days before the pain came back. I had

> to keep a " pain diary " for a week. When I sent that diary in I also sent

> with it a letter. I told them that I was in more pain now than before the

> injection and I WAS NOT taking anymore injections. We have to consider

> surgery!!! I have got to get my back issues corrected and undercontrol

> before I can even begin to feel the pain of my fibro. There are days that I

> can't feel the aches and pains of the fibro because I hurt so bad in my

> back. I called my pain doctor on Monday, I have additional things going on,

> like a burning sensation going down my leg, complete numbess in my leg

> (right) pain in my right hip and a shocking sensation going up my spine. The

> last pain medication (norco) he prescribed for me was in January of this

> year. I told them I was out. When the nurse called me back (after she talked

> to doctor) she told me that he wanted me to follow up with my Neurologist

> regarding the hip pain, and leg numbness...it didn't have anything to do

> with my back. HELLO??????? All of the symptoms I have experienced are

> related to my back!! The only thing he wanted to do was order of new MRI!!!

> I can't

> really say that I am all that happy with them right now. I can't sleep at

> night cause I can't get comfortable. The last time he told me to follow up

> with another doctor was a couple of weeks ago when I was in his office and

> my blood pressure was 147/117. The nurse said that pain would make your

> pressure go up. Okay! I understand that, but 147/117. I had another

> appointment with my PCP the same day and while I was sitting there talking

> with the nurse she had taken my blood pressure and it was still high! I

> began to feel funny. The room started spinning and I thought I was going to

> fall out of the chair. The next thing I knew I was on the table my shirt

> open and this lady was putting probes on me for an EKG. The doctor and his

> nurse were in there and he was debating on whether or not they needed to

> call for an ambulance. I am so SICK AND TIRED of one doctor putting me off

> on another doctor!!! My Neurologist has done an EMG on me and it shows where

> at my

> herniated disc the signals are not getting to my right side. The left

> side sends them but the right side, well it's a long shot if they get them

> or not. Why can't they see that my right side problems are stemming from my

> herniated disc??????? I have been placed on three different muscle relaxers

> at different times and NONE of them work. I stay in pain everyday. I can't

> tell somedays if I am having a fibro flare because the back pain is so

> severe. Walking for the past couple of days have been very painful since my

> right hip hurts and the burning sensation in my leg. But yet, I am suppose

> to follow up with my Neurologist for this?? I thought I was being aggressive

> with my health care but I guess I am not aggressive enough. I don't like

> being angry or get to the point that I have to show my temper, but something

> has got to give!!! I feel your pain and I have no new thing for you to

> try.....I go to see my pain doctor on the 14th of April and I AM

> going to be aggressive. We have been doing different types of treatment

> since August of last year and it's not April...that's 8 MONTHS of " trying "

> different treatments. It's now time for surgery!! Bottom line...that's the

> only way I am going to get relief. It's not healing on it's on! I hope I

> don't go in there with such an attitude that they throw me out but I have

> been nice for way too long!! Also my Neurologist had me on Lyrica at 900mg a

> day. I was staying so sleepy and forgetting things that my PCP said you are

> over medicated so he dropped me down to 600mg a day and I am slowly coming

> out of my fog. I still forget things but it's a lot better than before.

> Thanks for allowing me to vent!


> Debra B



> Re: I am gonna give it until 2:30 pm/then drastic

> measures/maybe trigger for some



> >

> > -- I picked up my meds. I took a soma, panlor ss and a compazine,

> since I am

> > so sick from this pain. It is not just fibro. It is this back issue

> that I

> > was not aware was so bad till yesterday. No wonder I am always in

> pain. The

> > pharmacist told me the panlor was used for migraines. that Norco is

> > definitely stronger. She was confused as to why they gave me it for

> > herniated discs and sciatica pain. I am really ticked. I am ready

> to call

> > and bitch someone out. No one should have to go through this. I

> hate the

> > thought of going to the er. I have no ride there. Would have to

> take myself

> > and then how to get home. Am I not being proactive enough? Wish I

> could have

> > someone call and explain to them what is needed here. Man I need a

> break. It

> > hurts to lay down, sit, stand, etc. this is not normal pain from

> the fibro.

> > What is he thinking? GRRRRRRRRR

> > any help? Ty for those who are helping me through this.

> > Hugs,

> > **I do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing

> a word or

> > painting a picture, by simply molding one's inner life. And that

> too is a

> > deed.

> > -Etty Hillesum

> >

> > **The life of the individual only has meaning insofar as it aids in

> making

> > the life of every living thing nobler and more beautiful. Life is

> sacred

> > that is to say, it is the supreme value to which all other values

> are

> > subordinate.

> > -Albert Einstein

> >

> > **Keep on beginning and failing.

> > Each time you

> > fail, start all over again,

> > and you will grow stronger

> > until you have accomplished

> > a purpose--not the one

> > you began with perhaps,

> > but one you'll be glad

> > to remember.

> > ~Anne Sullivan

> >

> > **

> >

> > https://www. iamshaman. net/affiliatewiz /aw.aspx? A=317&Task= Click

> >

> >

> >

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