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Re: Was fired by my rheum or did I fire him?//Marti

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Good morning Marti!

I will be " put back into place " within the hour! I suspect it will

involve me getting into my recliner and sleeping off some of the

discomfort simply because I've been, like so many of us

here, " dealing " with the out-of-place things! Guess that's why I'm

so snarly in the morning lately. It takes so much to get up and then

stand in the shower (mine is not big enough for a stool) and my legs

go numb feeling. It's a vicious circle we are in!

Thankfully, my pulmonologist, while not well-versed on FM, does

believe me. He also has an awesome PA who was the one who turned me

onto these vitamins; she says she just " chugs " them down as well, but

has noticed a significant difference in her arthritis and some of the

other health issues she has. It just cracks me up how awful they

taste, even mixed together. I usually have to wait to take them until

I've had a meal or two...lol....the probiotics though, they're

capsules and if they heal my gut and get me off one med (protonix),

I'll take it!

I'm the same way with telling the truth. I'd rather tell the truth

than try to remember who I told what to (especially with this fog!).

So why on earth would my mom or my husband think I suddenly developed

a lying habit?? I looked back over my life and see where I have

always put myself last (like a lot of women and moms do) and I

finally put myself onto the path of healthfulness (I quit smoking for

the last time in 2005) and just because a few health issues have

cropped up since them (like FM, COPD, asthma, allergies, T2

diabetes), all chronic, does NOT mean that I've suddenly lost my

mind, you know? Why on earth should I be anxious? Hmmmm, I might fall

in my house and have to wait hours before DH gets home (although I've

gone to carrying my cell at least) for help. Depressed? Hmmmm, I live

in Georgia, the allergy capital of the U.S. (I think). Spring and

summer flare my allergies and my asthma; winter flares my bronchitis

and thus my asthma. SO I am inside a lot. By myself.

But it's okay. I come online and can get the support and

understanding I need. They'll come onboard at some point, although I

don't know when that will be!

I am glad that I have found a new rheumy; I don't know how she is but

based on the tone of the secretary/admin asst's voice, they are very

compassionate. I just cannot wait to tell my endo what he said! She

is in the same practice and also warned me he was an ass.....lol....

I think, as far as your house goes, you could try to sell it, even if

you have to do a shortsale (sell it for less than you owe; you have

to get your mortgage co onboard); it's better than a foreclosure.

I cannot believe your psych is like that! I know you have a

relationship with him, but you may want to start looking now to be


Thank you for believing me. I have felt up to my ass in alligators as

the saying goes and you have just tossed me a line!



> I haven't updated because, well, I feel like crap. And my


> says he is getting " cold " to the fact that I " hurt " all the time or

> feel " sick " all the time.


> Last week, after realizing I had been off steroids for enough weeks

> that I shouldn't be swelling at all, I ran over my list of meds to

> see what I had added recently that could be causing the blurred

> vision, excessive swelling, etc. The only new thing was Lyrica and


> was up to 150 mg 2x/day. So I called my rheum's office (one visit

> only, the day he diagnosed me in January), spoke w/the nurse and

> explained I felt that I had side effects to Lyrica that were not

> beneficial to me. She stated she would talk to the dr and then get

> back to me.


> On Monday, when I still hadn't heard anything, I called back and


> said she would try again to reach him.


> On Tuesday, the message I got was " then I can't do anything else


> you " ! I asked the nurse what the @#$!# that meant? She said that he

> wasn't going to treat me any more. I asked did it mean I was free


> find another rheum? She said " I guess so " .


> So I called my PCP who referred me to the jacka$$ to begin with and

> they gave me 2 other names. I called one and was told they would


> to " talk to the doctor and get back to me regarding taking me on as


> new patient " . I'm still waiting. I called the 2nd one this morning

> and while they cannot get me in this month, they will put me on

> the " cancellation " list and set up an appt for me for May.


> In the meantime, having told all this to my pulmonologist, who


> my COPD, asthma, allergies and OSA, they went ahead and prescribed


> one month's worth of neurotonin. I started it last night. I still

> also have my darvocet and robaxin. I cannot take ultram because it

> can cause folks who are allergic to codeine (me!!!) to suffer a


> reaction. That wasn't a risk me or the pulmo were willing to take.


> I have also started taking probiotics and some natural

> supplements/vitamins from univera (aloe gold and ageless xtra).


> (the liquid ones) taste terrible *but* if they have half the


> claimed, I will feel like a new woman.


> My mother has been giving me a hard time too about the fibro. I


> been told " you spend too much time online " . Hmmm, let's see. I'm


> on medical disability and waiting for my hearing, because of my


> clot my DH doesn't want me zipping off here and there and because


> my excessive swelling, I can't exactly exercise. Anyhow, I decided


> wasn't going to say anything to them any more. While it hurts my

> feelings that my DH, who has seen me writhe in pain and who has had

> to help me get up from a crouch because I " froze " , is now acting


> I should be " over it " , well, he'll get the gist of it eventually


> I WON'T get over it! Yes, I can eat right, take supplements and

> vitamins and work on losing weight and building up some exercise,


> it isn't going to change the fact that I have


> or fibro, or hypertension, or am at risk for another DVT. All of

> these can be reduced and managed, but I'm not there " yet " .


> Sorry to vent. I hurt all over today. I go to the chiro tomorrow


> hopefully, all the " out " places can be put back in!


> Darlene






> __________________________________________________


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