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Are you passing out, or are you suddenly falling and don't know til you're

on the ground already? This is important, as vertigo has this effect. This

happened to me over and over back in '98, after the tinnitus, earringing

started. This went on for several wks, with 2 or 3 trips to an ear doctor

in between. If I even turned my head while walking, I fell down with no

warning. Either fluid in the ears or antibodies attacking it, one or the

other. Don't guess I'll ever know, as no MRI was ever done. This was the

beginning of my feeling the worst, since that time, and even more failure of

my thyroid.

Re: Tigger


> Janie, Unfortunately, it has happened before. Last Memorial Day during the

night. I don't remember anything from right before it happens... no warning

whatsoever. I went to the bathroom.....next thing I knew I was trying to

get up off the floor and my muscles were not coordinating with me. When it

happend last May all I remember is trying to get up and just falling from

one side to the other... I was a mess. I looked like I had been beaten. My

fibro and chronic fatigue is really acting up. I'm on lots of meds and

supplements, but nothing new. No history in the family of it. I'll be 48

in April.


> I trip and fall a lot, or my leg gives out, but this is like a whole body

shut down. I mean NO warning at all. I feel like that old commercial...

" I've fallen and I can't get up. " I just don't usually know how long I've

been down. Only a few minutes or seconds I think.

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  • 3 years later...
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I also did that once before another time I went to the er for abdominal

pain. I walked out for the way they were treating me. I did not say what you

did, but should have. i love that one. You area tough woman you, lmao. Hope

you are feeling better.


On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Tigger tigger.pinkraincoat@...>


> ,


> I've walked out of the ER in a storm of anger before. Nothing like

> feeling

> like you don't exist when you are in so much pain. I remember being seen

> one night and the doctor told me when he pressed on my stomach that I was

> " too sensitive " , in his very condescending way. He gave me valium or

> something through the IV. I finally took the IV out and got dressed. He

> told me I couldn't leave because of the medication and being the stubborn

> woman that I am, I signed myself out, looked at the nurse (the doctor was

> standing behind her) and I told the nurse that since they don't seem to be

> treating patients very well, the doctor really needed a personality

> implant.

> Yes, and I drove myself home.




> Tigger (Ruth) in Rhode Island






> _____


> From: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

> [mailto:Fibromyalgia_Support_Group ] On Behalf Of

> Andersen

> Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 5:56 PM

> To: Fibromyalgia_Support_Group

> Subject: Re: Back from the er/never got seen/iam so done




> , I am so very sorry. You should get the MRI just so you can say you

> did it all. I hope your doctor relents.

> I'll pray for you, honey.

> Love,

> /MI

> Back from the er/never got seen/iam so done


> Well after 4 toturous hours in the most uncomfortable waiting area seat

> ever, I gave up and came home. I saw all kinds go before me, who came

> after

> I did and were not nearly as urgent to be seen. Urgent gets seen first. I

> am

> so done fighting this crap. I am just gonna live with the pain. Done it

> before and will do it again. I am not dr hopping again either. I will get

> the MRI and that is probly as far as I will take it. Maybe not even that.

> I

> am so tired frustrated and angry at how I have been treated. There is not

> alot of health care professionals these days that give a rat's behind

> about

> more than making a living. Money money money. No compassion for folks.

> Really sad. No wonder people self-medicate. Thanks for listening to me

> rant

> and rave. For your support and friendship. I wil bother you no longer.

> Have a good night. I am hoping to get some sleep. Maybe if I drink a glass

> of wine, I will relax. No worries, Not with any meds.

> Hugs to all



> --

> **We may not be able to give much but we can always give the joy that

> springs in a heart that is in love with God.

> -Mother


> **It doesn't matter how long we may have been stuck in a sense of our

> limitations. If we go into a darkened room and turn on the light, it

> doesn't

> matter if the room has been dark for a day, a week, or ten thousand years

> -

> we turn on the light and it is illuminated. Once we control our capacity

> for

> love and happiness, the light has been turned on.

> -Sharon Salzberg


> ** Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.

> -Edgar Poe


> https://www.

> https://www.iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click>

> iamshaman.net/affiliatewiz/aw.aspx?A=317&Task=Click



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