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Re: Re: Will your Dr. treat FMS/CFS?

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I am saddened to see how many of you suffer at the hands of your Dr.'s. I just

wanted to mention that there are several ways to research a Dr. that treats

FMS/CFS. Obviously, you won't know for sure if they will be a good fit, but it

would make it much more likely. I'm really nervous because I'm moving back to

Phoenix and even though my pain specialist there gave me the pain pills I

needed, they were really difficult to work with. I alwasy had at least an hour

to 2 hour wait. The last time I went before moving my regular PA was sick and

the fill in PA said, " SO, your file says you are doing GREAT! " . So, it would

be best not to go back there. They are also the morons that took me off of 60

mgs. of Cymbalta COLD TURKEY!!!! They deny that there is any probem/danger in

doing this! So, I have been researching like crazy to figure out who I should

see. My biggest fear is not getting my pain meds. Anyway, if any one would

like suggestions on how to research Dr.'s in your area, let me know.


Re: Has anyone ever been to the ER for pain?

Thank you very much for your replies. I broke down and went Friday

morning. It is amazing how fast they treat you when you tell them you

are having chest pain and a headaches.

The doctor was very nice. He Dx me with that Condo thing (infalmation

of the breast bone.) I got a shot of duladid and a Rx for Vicoden and

a musle relaxer. Both of which do shit.

I see my pain specialist on Monday. Please send a prayer that he does

not turn me away and we come up with a plan. I would like to be

hooked up to a morphine drip 24/7, but that is wishful thinking.

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