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Re: HC cream and emergency

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I can still recite the Brownie Pledge. :-)

Wow! I can't get one doc to rx Cortef. Here is some dosing help.


I carry a Medic Alert card in my wallet next to my drivers license. I

also have one in my glove compartment. Just to make sure. Just Google

Medic Alert Card and you can make your own.



> I take HC with me everywhere I go " just in case " . It occured to me

> that since I don't have any that's injectible, should something


> (accident, etc) I may need a stress dose administered. That got me


> thinking; if in an emergency situation there where someone with

> adrenal trouble and that person became unconscious, would HC cream



> Note: I know all this may seem a little over-worrisome, bare with me

> please - my hormones are a little out of wack. Also, I've had two

> Dr's prescribe cortef for me and neither has properly instructed me


> the medication and its potential impact. After doing a little

> research, I came across several articles noting medical alert id's

> were a good idea. Reason: if you can't produce enough cortisol when

> not stressed, your body probably can't produce enough for

the " stress

> dose " required by the body in the event of an emergency. Lastly, I


> also a girl scout: " always be prepared " : )


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If you became unconscious, who would put the cream on you?

Seriously, you need a Medic Alert tag. It's not being worrisome, it's taking

care of yourself in an emergency. I had an emergency last month, and I did get

stress dosed, at my insistance. I'm not sure if I was unconscious whether or not

it would have been done,

even though I have a Medic Alert with the words, " Adrenal Insuff, needs

steroids " .

It's always good if someone is with you in an emergency who can advocate on your

behalf. I was a girl scout too. :)

----- Original Message -----

From: smylze111

Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 10:26 PM

I take HC with me everywhere I go " just in case " . It occured to me

that since I don't have any that's injectible, should something happen

(accident, etc) I may need a stress dose administered. That got me to

thinking; if in an emergency situation there where someone with

adrenal trouble and that person became unconscious, would HC cream work?

Note: I know all this may seem a little over-worrisome, bare with me

please - my hormones are a little out of wack. Also, I've had two

Dr's prescribe cortef for me and neither has properly instructed me on

the medication and its potential impact. After doing a little

research, I came across several articles noting medical alert id's

were a good idea. Reason: if you can't produce enough cortisol when

not stressed, your body probably can't produce enough for the " stress

dose " required by the body in the event of an emergency. Lastly, I was also a

girl scout: " always be prepared " : )

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Didn't mean to cause confusion. I have a medic alert tag: " cortisone

deficiency see wallet " . Thanks. I don't think I elaborated enough. I

used to have neighbors 1- EMT and 1- paramedic.They talked about

looking for the medic alert. That would be a moment of

unconsciousness with others around. Obviously if I'm conscious, I'll

just take appropriate action. : )

I was just curious if it (hc cream) would work.


> If you became unconscious, who would put the cream on you?

> Seriously, you need a Medic Alert tag. It's not being worrisome,

it's taking care of yourself in an emergency. I had an emergency last

month, and I did get stress dosed, at my insistance. I'm not sure if I

was unconscious whether or not it would have been done,

> even though I have a Medic Alert with the words, " Adrenal Insuff,

needs steroids " .

> It's always good if someone is with you in an emergency who can

advocate on your behalf. I was a girl scout too. :)




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O, OK, I'm sorry for the confusion. While cream would be better than nothing, it

may not be strong enough for a stress dose in an emergency. I hope Val will

weigh in here in the morning.

----- Original Message -----

From: smylze111

Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 11:55 PM

Didn't mean to cause confusion. I have a medic alert tag: " cortisone

deficiency see wallet " . Thanks. I don't think I elaborated enough. I

used to have neighbors 1- EMT and 1- paramedic.They talked about

looking for the medic alert. That would be a moment of

unconsciousness with others around. Obviously if I'm conscious, I'll

just take appropriate action. : )

I was just curious if it (hc cream) would work.

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If unconscious cream woudl actuall be better than a pill! But in

emergencies if you carry ID that states oyu are adrenla insufficient

medical personel SHOULD have injectible HC or Medrol they can give you.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I've been surprised how fast the cream works. I got really low on cortisol

yesterday after two

days of diarrhea -- didn't have time to absorb the slow-release HC before I

pooped it back

out again! And a 1/8 tsp of cream on the inside of my arm made me feel better

in 3 minutes.

Of course it didn't last and I woke up again 3 hours later. Again a little bit

of cream brought

the pounding heart back under control really fast.



> If unconscious cream woudl actuall be better than a pill! But in

> emergencies if you carry ID that states oyu are adrenla insufficient

> medical personel SHOULD have injectible HC or Medrol they can give you.


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I wonder if what EMT's have and what they can give someone varies by

state. I know when talking with my EMT/Paramedic buddies (SC), they

said they couldn't administer anything without a dr's orders (odd I

know). When asked if I had paperwork outlining care in the event of an

emergency and if I had the meds on me, could they do it?

Interestingly, they looked at each other and weren't sure. They hadn't

run into that situation and weren't sure what the policy would be for

something like that. It was too unusual.


> If unconscious cream woudl actuall be better than a pill! But in

> emergencies if you carry ID that states oyu are adrenla insufficient

> medical personel SHOULD have injectible HC or Medrol they can give you.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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I would ask them if a Diabetic were found unconscious wiht HIGH glucose

if they could administer their insulin. Or low glucose if they could

administer glucose.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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