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florinef without testing aldosterone

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Im pretty sure I have low aldosterone. I urinate like 30 times a

day,,,fail the flashlight test horribly and am very sensitive to

light.Would it be dangerous trying florinef without testing

aldosterone? its quite expensive and Im not crazy about spending that

much $ to just see what Im already pretty sure of. would apprecaite

any advice

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Hi ,

I just started Florinef last week, w/ the help of an aldosterone test and

doctor's rx--of course Val was the reason I looked in this direction at all.

Do you happen to know what your sodium levels are? Mine were pretty low, as

was my aldosterone.

But what I wanted to say is that before trying the florinef, I found celtic

sea salt and licorice to be tremendously helpful to me. I can't tell what would

help you, but what I did was gradually raise the amount of celtic sea salt I

drank in a day until I was drinking about 2 tsps total. To this I gradually

added Nature's Way licorice until I was taking about 4-6 caps, also spread out

through the day.

This gave me more energy than I've had in a long time and brought my temps up

from the high 96's to the high 97's and I stopped being cold. I also am on

37.5-40 mg hc, which I don't recommend unless you've tried the lower doses of hc


So why not try the salt and if you can tolerate it the licorice first, is my

thought, before going for testing.


From " " beezer721@... beezer721

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