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Re: Val - Armour ramping?

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First let's make certain you are doing the temp graphin cporrectly. We

are looking at a daily average of three temps that need ot be taken

starting once you are UP at least 3 hours and close to the same times

every day. Say you get up at 7 weekdays and 9 weekends, I would do temps

daily at 12(noon) 3pm 6pm. Then you compare the average from one day to

the next. Are you doing these corrctly?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Yes. Have been since Oct 2007.


> First let's make certain you are doing the temp graphin cporrectly. We

> are looking at a daily average of three temps that need ot be taken

> starting once you are UP at least 3 hours and close to the same times

> every day. Say you get up at 7 weekdays and 9 weekends, I would do temps

> daily at 12(noon) 3pm 6pm. Then you compare the average from one day to

> the next. Are you doing these corrctly?


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Val - question about the timing of the temp taking. DeborahSu says

you just do it 3 hours after being up no matter what time that is.

I've seen you say a number of time to do it close to the same time

everyday. Would doing it one way or the other make that big a

different. It's so hard when you get completely different info from

wonderfully informed people.


> First let's make certain you are doing the temp graphin cporrectly. We

> are looking at a daily average of three temps that need ot be taken

> starting once you are UP at least 3 hours and close to the same times

> every day. Say you get up at 7 weekdays and 9 weekends, I would do


> daily at 12(noon) 3pm 6pm. Then you compare the average from one day to

> the next. Are you doing these corrctly?

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Getting back from being out all evening...

DHEA is borderline low (within range). Aldosterone not tested, although

I do pass the flashlight test.

Val, I'm not sure I'm following your train of thought (with the

questions you are asking). My original question was " Aren't temps

supposed to stabilize between Armour increases? " - like if you ramp up

Armour and hold for a week or so, shouldn't temps restabilize? Mine

have not restabilized at all since adding Armour. They were wonderfully

stable on 25mg HC before starting the Armour. I am now at 30mg Armour

(as well as the 25mg HC) without stable temps and need to know what I

should ask my doc for when I see him this Monday.

Thanks so much for your time.



> Have you had DHEA and Aldosteone tested? If Aldosterone is not at a good

> level, it can feel just liek low cortisol.


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I am asking these questions to determine if something else may ne

causing th e destabilized temps besides low cortisl . Low aldosterone

can keep the adrenals from looking or feeling stable once thyroid is

added which adds stress to the adrenals. unstable temos is a low cortisl

SYMPTOM, so should not be ignored, but if otherwise you feel OK Then I

guess oyu can just keep increasing Armoru. If it wa mye I would increase



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Thanks, Val!

The thing is, I feel awful! My hypoT symptoms have become SO MUCH WORSE

since on the Armour. So, you would keep the Armour at its present dose

& raise Cortisol until temps stabilize? Then start ramping the Armour

at that point? This is just to clarify...




> I am asking these questions to determine if something else may ne

> causing th e destabilized temps besides low cortisl . Low aldosterone

> can keep the adrenals from looking or feeling stable once thyroid is

> added which adds stress to the adrenals. unstable temos is a low cortisl

> SYMPTOM, so should not be ignored, but if otherwise you feel OK Then I

> guess oyu can just keep increasing Armoru. If it wa mye I would increase

> cortiosl.


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You can try to hold the Armoru dose while stabilizing the cortils or you

can lower it a bit to eaes the adrena stress. I htink I would lower the

dose and restabilize the adrena;s then you can try rising slowly agian.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV



http://www.seewell4less.com/Valspage.htm Medical Alert Bracelets

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Would low aldosterone cause unstable temps or just low temps?


>I am asking these questions to determine if something else may ne

causing th e destabilized temps besides low cortisl . Low aldosterone

can keep the adrenals from looking or feeling stable once thyroid is

added which adds stress to the adrenals. unstable temos is a low cortisl

SYMPTOM, so should not be ignored, but if otherwise you feel OK Then I

guess oyu can just keep increasing Armoru. If it wa mye I would increase



Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


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how would a person know if their unstable temps were due to low

cortisol or low aldosterone?


> I do believe low aldosterone can cause unstable temps,


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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