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Salivia results and couple questions

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Can someone please let me know on the salvia test if ones TSH is 200

and the ref. range is boderline high :86 - 120 is this hyperthyroid.

I do realize that the from you all and reading diff. books that the

TSH is not the main test to go by, but my serum and salvia are


The serum was 2.52 and ref. range 0.40 - 4.50

Salvia cortisol was first reading 7 ref. 13-24

noon- 3 ref. 5-10

afternoon - 1 ref. 3-8

midnight - 1 ref. 1-4

cortisol burden- 12 ref. 23-42

DHEA - 6 ref 3-10

It was not on my report what stage I am in. I have read posts were

people have be told their stage on report.

Hormones Estradiol was 14 ref. range 5-13

progesterone 157 ref. range 20-100

free testosterone 7 ref range 5-7 borderline low

I have an appt. with an Endo. that is supposed to be real good . He

has no openings until end of April. I saw a new obgyn. and she is re-

testing by blood test my hormones and she goes by the school of

thought that when ones thyroid and hormones are helped then the

cortisol may be helped. From all of what I read here and on

stopthemaddness this is false. So I will have her let me know what is

going on with my hormones but I will wait on thyroid for the Endo.

Is that right to say the cortisol should be work on first? She did

say if she does put me on cortisol it would be the natural kind? not

sure what that would be.

When in LA visiting I was put on methylprednisolone pack and this

really effected my mood. I was way more sensitive, weepy and it just

effected my mood too much. This is the pack were the first day you

take six pills and taper down to one pill the sixth day. Four mg.'s

each. This is supposed to be the weakest of the cortisones. I did not

do well on HC either so hopefully the new Endo. will be able to give

me a suggestion. Has anyone taking methlprednisolone have mood issues

on it?

Thanks in advance for any advice.


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