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Re: Val Harley - Can you please help me out with my Adrenal Fatigue?

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> >

> > I am not a huge fan of Dr . I think his products are over

> priced

> > for what they are whihc is vitamins. Maybe the rebuilder as it

> contians

> > the glands, but Isocort is already a glandular. I do nto think

> doubling

> > up on glandulars is needed. And you cn buy vitamins separately a

> whole

> > lot cheaper.

> >

> > --

> > Artistic Grooming-


> WV

> >

> > http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/

> >



> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/

> >




> Hi Val, okay great, thanks for letting me know.


Hi Val, i got some Armour Thyroid in the mail today, and i think i

could use a bit to get my thyroid optimal.

Im taking 4 Isocort when i get up, followed by 2 more 4 hours later.

My face doesnt seem as puffy as it was, but its not normal yet. Its

also kind of messed up because i would like to get up at 8-9am, but

havent been able to for the past few days, and havent been able to

fall asleep untill around 2-3am. So i basically havent been able to

take my Isocort doses at the same time each day.

If you dont remember i have low DHEA-S, low morning cortisol, with a

rebound of high cortisol in the afternoon.

Its been very hard to track my temps because of work, or im out, or

taking a shower, eating,ect. But it seems that out of the 3 temps

per day, i usually get something like 98.24, 98.6, 98.6, and

sometime it will be like 98.6, 98.6, 98.24.

Sometime the temps will go above 98.6, especially if im doing

something active ( which i do at my job ), or if i come out of the

shower,ect, but i do think i need a bit of thyroid, mabye it will

help my adrenals heal better. I guess i can try it out and see how i

feel,ect, right?

But what dose should i start with, and when/how should i take the

doses or Armour? I have 1 grain pills.

Thanks so much Val!

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> I would start with 1/2 a tab in the mornings and if ths goes

well, you

> can increase to a full grain in about a week.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


Thanks Val, so should i take the Armour in the morning with food at

the same time i take my 4 Isocort pellets? Doesnt taking Armour with

food lower the effectiveness of it?

Ive read taking Armour on an empty stomach 45 minutes before

breakfast is the best way to take it, but i dont know if thats a

good idea in my case when i have low morning Cortisol.

Thanks Val.

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> I would start with 1/2 a tab in the mornings and if ths goes

well, you

> can increase to a full grain in about a week.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


Hi Val, ive neeb using the Armour for a couple days, and i dont know

why, its making my face more puffy and bloated.

I also think its causing my temps to drop.

My face looked less bloated on just the Isocort i beleive. It looked

a bit less bloated as the day went on.

Do you know why this is happening?

I really, really cant stand this puffy/bloated face anymore, its

flat out making me ugly, and im a good looking guy. If i had to live

with this i think i would shoot myself.

I really need to get rid of this puffy/bloated face situation asap,

i dont want to go another week looking like this.

My face use to be thin and tight and now its loose and bloated.

It also seems like i have a constant lactic acid build up, because i

get that burning feeling that you get when lifting weights, when

shoveling the snow, and even playing playstation 2.

Do you think mabye my Growth Hormone levels are too high or low

because of the Adrenal Fatigue or whatever is going on with me?

Im almost 24 years old i look the worst ever. Not only have i gained

14 pounds ( dont know how much is fat, muscle, or water ), but i

have this added layer of fat on my lowest abdoman only, while i can

see my 6 pack abs when i stand up.

I though mabye the puffy/bloated face was estrogen related, but ive

tried anti-estrogens and they didnt work.

Ive seen girls my age with a tigher/thinner face than me and they

clearly have a lot more Estrogen than me.

I really just can handle this anymore.

I dont understand why i have gained 14 pounds since this problem

started last May/07. Isnt low Cortisol supposed to cause weight

loss, and high Cortisol cause weight gain and some fat on the

abdoman?, like i have?, while changing nothing in my lifestyle. I

have good muscle mass naturally, and was always lean with a low

bodyfat. For me to shoot up 14 pounds within 8 months, there must be

something major wrong. My Testosteorne seems good from the blood

work i had done, but it looks like high cortisol and growth hormone

decrease could cause this? Because the Armour just seems to make my

face more puffy and i dont know why.

Im seriously considering getting some HGH or something.

Val do you know whats going on? My facial bloating/puffyness doesnt

seem to be related to my Temps because wheather my temp is low,

normal, or high, at any parts of the day, my bloating/puffyness just

wont go away.


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When taking too low a dose of Armou it lowers TSH and thus your OWN

thyroid hrmones. The trick is to raise beyond this to more than what you

were making.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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> When taking too low a dose of Armou it lowers TSH and thus your


> thyroid hrmones. The trick is to raise beyond this to more than

what you

> were making.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


Hi Val, so me personally, only think im slightly hypo, but enough

where i think i would benefit from increasing it.

When i had blood work done on Nov/30/07, as far as my thyroid goes

my numbers were. I posted these in my first post.

TSH - 1.48 Ref ( 0.35 - 5.00 )

Free T4 - 15 Ref ( 9 - 23

Free T3 - 5.9 Ref ( 3.5 - 6.5 )

Now at this time when i got these tests my face was even more

bloated/puffy, so not knowing or being informed by my stupid

Endocrinologist that Cortisol carries thyroid hormones from the

blood into the cells had me shaking my head wondering why im having

weight gain and puffy/bloated face,ect.

But you said that increasing my Cortisol back to normal levels " may "

cause my thyroid hormones to lower in the blood. Why my thyroid

would be messed up now i dont know, never had a problem even before

in my life untill i burnt my adrenals with the stimulants.

But still T3 should be at the top of range or a bit above, and i can

tell if its the right dose because i should be losing weight or

water, and my face should thin out like it has been my whole life.

So how much armour do you think i should take to get my T3 levels to

the top or a bit above without lowering my levels like i guess im

experiencing now?

I have to say though i am feeling a bit better and my headaches seem

to have gone away.

Thanks Val.

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There is no magic formula to knweo hw much thyroid to take to go from

poitn A to point B. You just hav to adjust the dose er temps. When your

temp reached 98.6 for ann average, you are there.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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> There is no magic formula to knweo hw much thyroid to take to go


> poitn A to point B. You just hav to adjust the dose er temps. When


> temp reached 98.6 for ann average, you are there.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane



> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


Thanks Val.

Ive read that the Cortisol in Isocort isnt as strong mg for mg as

the Cortisol in Cortef.

Is this true?

Im currently using 4 pellets of Isocort in the am, mabye i should

try 6?

Oh, i wanted to ask you what this symptom is, my stomach is always

bloated and sticks out a lot after i eat something. My blood

pressure is also borderline high when i saw my Doctor this monring,

and was high when i checked it a couple times at the wal-mat.

Do you know what these are symptoms of?

Gosh this stuff aint easy, it sucks!

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>>Ive read that the Cortisol in Isocort isnt as strong mg for mg as

the Cortisol in Cortef.<<

I tend ot think ther is less than 2.5mg cortisol in each pellet of Osocort or it

may be cortisl acetate which lasts WAY less time than HC.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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