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I can personally attest to the Mood Cure. It's an awesome book! Very



> Hello....


> I truly appreciate all the help that I have been given so far, so

I would like to help as well. I have extensively studied natural

treatments such as amino acids and herbs and would like to share some

of my knowledge....


> May I suggest that you consider 5-HTP. It is the natural

precursor to serotonin, extracted from an african bean, TOTALLY

crosses the blood brain barrier and will also calm the mind....I take

mine with Vitamin C/B complex both from New Chapter organics since

they are cultured whole food I feel that they are more bioavailable

for the body and thus our brains! Anyway, this stuff has done wonders

for me....I learned alot about the amino acids and such from 2 great

books by Ross:


> The Mood Cure

> The Diet Cure


> These books changed my life....


> The waking up early is a definite symptom of low serotonin.....


> I also have used True Calm by NOW with success as well. It

contains many amino acids known to calm the body and mind. It has

Gaba in it, so if one were on any benzo's that would help the weaning

process...I know from experience. I get most of supplements from a

company called iherb.com or VRP.com. I feel that they are both

reliable and fast in their processing with nice prices.




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Ruthann - thanks so much - I have also read some about amino acids. 2

of my docs have told me to take natural supplementary sleep aids (each

one containing 5-HTP).However, I am on Zoloft (SSRI anti-depressant)

and read that taking 5-HTP with an SSRI is a BIG no-no and can cause

serotonin overload and weird manic like feelings. However, both these

docs said it was OK to take with Zoloft, though I have read articles

to the contrary. Anyone know anything about this interaction?

I would lOVE to try the 5-HTP but am worried about potential

interactions with my Zoloft.

> >

> > Hello all,

> >

> > I need some help. I cannot for the life of me get sleep, which as we

> > all know, is desperately needed to help the adrenals & thyroid

> > recover. I have persistent, unrelenting, horrible insomnia that

> > doesn't respond to any sort of meds/supplements, and I was NEVER

> > insomniac before they started me on and off a bunch of different

> > treatment/meds back in July 2007.







> ---------------------------------

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Thanks Val. I know you have mentioned this before in other posts, I

just cannot get my head around it (that sometimes one needs to up the

cortisol to sleep better). I wanted to lower my Isocort dosage back to

1 or 2 pellets/day (to see if it would help my sleep), but I don't

think that's a good idea because I feel better energy while I am on

it than I have in the past 5 months!

Have you heard of Seriphos - my naturopath/homeopath wants me to try

this to regulate the cortisol levels at night. But, if, as you

suspect, it's actually adrenaline, not sure if this will help.

Thanks again for your help! This website has been invaluable to me and

so many others, I'm sure.



> Low cortisol can keep you awake at night just as much as high does. It

> does this as when you get too low you go hypoglycemic then your body

> releases adrenaline. End of sleep for hours after tht. You can try

> taking some Isocort at bedtime and not eating any carbs after baout 5PM

> then eating high protein at bedtime. Sometimes this combo is helpful

> sometimes it just takes ghetting the cortils higher to be able to


> to normal sleep. Slow.ly raising the Isocort until you can tolerate HC

> would be my suggestion.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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Thanks so much! I did have my Vit D levels checked back in October 07

and they were low. I've been on 2200 IU of Vitamin D since then.

Someone suggested prescription strength Vit D though? I'll have my

levels re-checked.

Also, my ferritin (according to my DOC) was not low, but I think it

was! It was 37 (on scale of 8-125 ug/L). So I ordered a ferritin

supplement called Hemagenics (by company name Metagenics, w/thiamin,

Vit B^, Folate, Vit B12, iron (as iron glycinate), phosphorus, copper,

and calcium). I haven't started it yet but maybe should do so.



> Metta,


> Have you had ferritin checked? Low ferritin makes it difficult to

tolerate thyroid meds.

> Also, ask for your vitamin D 25 hydroxy level to be checked. When

you talk of being in the sunshime and sleep was good, you may need

supplementation with a prescription strength Vitamin D.


> in OH



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When you raise cortisll levels in the daytime with taking Isocort,

glandulars or HC, it lowers your ACTh which in turn lowers night time

cortisol. usually when you get ENOUGH cortiosl inthe daytime your night

time ACTH will be low enough that you need cortis to prevent

hypoglycemia at night which will keep you awake.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Thanks Ruth Ann. I just picked up some 5-HTP the other day. How do

you take it?


> Hello....


> I truly appreciate all the help that I have been given so far, so

I would like to help as well. I have extensively studied natural

treatments such as amino acids and herbs and would like to share some

of my knowledge....


> May I suggest that you consider 5-HTP.

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I'm curious as well. I took some yesterday and did sleep like a log

last night after about 4 nights of tossing and turning. It was

either the 5_htp or just total exhaustion setting in.

I am curious as to the best time to take it....some say morning,

some say before bed.


> >

> > Hello....

> >

> > I truly appreciate all the help that I have been given so far,


> I would like to help as well. I have extensively studied natural

> treatments such as amino acids and herbs and would like to share


> of my knowledge....

> >

> > May I suggest that you consider 5-HTP.


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I used to take it an hour before bed, it naturally raises melatonin so

that's the best time to take it



> I'm curious as well. I took some yesterday and did sleep like a log

> last night after about 4 nights of tossing and turning. It was

> either the 5_htp or just total exhaustion setting in.


> I am curious as to the best time to take it....some say morning,

> some say before bed.


> naffy

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I take mine with 1 gram of vitamin c and 1 b complex vitamin....I would start

slow, as I know how desparate I was to feel better, but in this case more is not

better....try the 50mg first and if you don't feel any better then add another

50mg, in about an hour. Literature states that one can do 150mg twice a day if

tolerated. Take the first dose in afternoon, around 5pm or so and the last dose

at bedtime.

Feel better!

jasrich jasrich@...> wrote:

Thanks Ruth Ann. I just picked up some 5-HTP the other day. How do

you take it?


> Hello....


> I truly appreciate all the help that I have been given so far, so

I would like to help as well. I have extensively studied natural

treatments such as amino acids and herbs and would like to share some

of my knowledge....


> May I suggest that you consider 5-HTP.


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It may have been a combination for you of the lack of sleep and the 5htp.

It depends on your symptoms, as lack of sleep is not the only sign of being

low in serotonin....if you wake up and are having constant negative thoughts,

angry alot, then try it in the am too and see how it works for you. We are all

individual. I follow the advice of my body:)

It really doesn't make me sleepy, it just totally, naturally mellows me out.

Let me know if you have any other questions....

nafoel nafoel@...> wrote:

I'm curious as well. I took some yesterday and did sleep like a log

last night after about 4 nights of tossing and turning. It was

either the 5_htp or just total exhaustion setting in.

I am curious as to the best time to take it....some say morning,

some say before bed.


> >

> > Hello....

> >

> > I truly appreciate all the help that I have been given so far,


> I would like to help as well. I have extensively studied natural

> treatments such as amino acids and herbs and would like to share


> of my knowledge....

> >

> > May I suggest that you consider 5-HTP.



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I personally would not do them together, as serotonin syndrome could result. I

would consider that if you have not gotten great relief from Zoloft, which for

me (years ago) was very short lived, you could switch over to the 5 htp. Do

what feels right to you, but if it were me I wouldn't want to do them together.

May you obtain all the rest you deserve!

mettamm77 monamotwani@...> wrote:

Ruthann - thanks so much - I have also read some about amino acids. 2

of my docs have told me to take natural supplementary sleep aids (each

one containing 5-HTP).However, I am on Zoloft (SSRI anti-depressant)

and read that taking 5-HTP with an SSRI is a BIG no-no and can cause

serotonin overload and weird manic like feelings. However, both these

docs said it was OK to take with Zoloft, though I have read articles

to the contrary. Anyone know anything about this interaction?

I would lOVE to try the 5-HTP but am worried about potential

interactions with my Zoloft.

> >

> > Hello all,

> >

> > I need some help. I cannot for the life of me get sleep, which as we

> > all know, is desperately needed to help the adrenals & thyroid

> > recover. I have persistent, unrelenting, horrible insomnia that

> > doesn't respond to any sort of meds/supplements, and I was NEVER

> > insomniac before they started me on and off a bunch of different

> > treatment/meds back in July 2007.







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.

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I tried the Hemagenics product for a few months and it unfortunately

did do anything for my ferritin. It's still 36 :( I hope it works for

you though!



> ,


> Thanks so much! I did have my Vit D levels checked back in October 07

> and they were low. I've been on 2200 IU of Vitamin D since then.

> Someone suggested prescription strength Vit D though? I'll have my

> levels re-checked.


> Also, my ferritin (according to my DOC) was not low, but I think it

> was! It was 37 (on scale of 8-125 ug/L). So I ordered a ferritin

> supplement called Hemagenics (by company name Metagenics, w/thiamin,

> Vit B^, Folate, Vit B12, iron (as iron glycinate), phosphorus, copper,

> and calcium). I haven't started it yet but maybe should do so.

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Hi Naffy,

I currently take 50mg at around 5 pm with my vitamin c and b-complex

vitamin....if you are having symptoms in the am like being really moody,

negative thoughts that you can't stop ect, then try 50mg in the am too...when I

first started this I took it around the clock as I believe I was so low in

serotonin that my body needed it badly. It doesn't sedate me, just relaxes my

mind and therefore my body will too....but see how your body responds!

I hope that you feel rested soon!

nafoel nafoel@...> wrote:

Thank you Ruth Ann....can you tell me how much you take...and do you

take it before bed or in the a.m.?


> >

> > Hello all,

> >

> > I need some help. I cannot for the life of me get sleep, which

as we

> > all know, is desperately needed to help the adrenals & thyroid

> > recover. I have persistent, unrelenting, horrible insomnia that

> > doesn't respond to any sort of meds/supplements, and I was NEVER

> > insomniac before they started me on and off a bunch of different

> > treatment/meds back in July 2007.







> ---------------------------------

> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo!

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Hi Sol, well, it worked until it didn't work and then I quit it like

an idiot although I did never get the hang of how/when/how much to

dose it. I am still wary of the HC and the pred and I don't mind you

pointing it out. I want off of all of this stuff in the worst way but

I'm trapped so I need to take it. Didn't have time to read responses

last night but went up to 1.5ml and had miserable night with 2AM and

4AM wake-ups. I think that I built up a cortisol debt during a hard

day and should have used some cream before bed so I woke up with the

hypogly early, took another Ambien to get back to sleep and then woke

up at 4AM anyway because that is a hard stop for me until I figure out

what is causing it.


> ,

> You've already tried 1.25 and it didn't work, the important point

> being " the rails came off it " . This time try it like the doctor wants

> you to. Straight up follow instructions.You won't find out if it will

> help if you don't do it as instructed. You sound like you are still


> wary of or even frightened of the HC and the pred, but try to set that

> aside and give this a real try. Excuse me if I'm reading into your

> reluctance fears you do not actually have, but over the time you've


> posting here, you do seem to have been dragging your heels

constantly on

> the HC. No offense, ok?

> In my time on this list, I'm gradually seeing some patterns in HC.

> Some just do it, and get to their ideal dose and heal. Some go too


> and too high, miss their best dose and end up with problems from too

> much HC, this makes for a much longer time for recovery and healing.

> And some just fight it constantly, and never get to their best dose

> because of fears of longterm adverse events. These folks won't heal

> well, because their dose will always be too low for their needs.


> correct me if I'm wrong.

> sol

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5-HTP made my insomnia even worse, i.e. when I took it at bedtime, I did

not sleep AT ALL.

I was taking it as an anti-depressant, after I first got off the Prozac,

tried samE, went to St. 's Wort, then to 5-HTP. It is ok for me if

I take it first thing in the morning, but any later after that will make

my sleep worse.

My son is the one who recommended 5-HTP to me, and he also can't take it

except in the morning.

However neither of us was taking it for sleep and our doses were higher.

I was taking about 200 mg.

Dr. Teitelbaum says to take 200-400 mg at bedtime. But to limit to 200

mg if you are taking anything else that increases serotonin, like

prozac, trazodone, Ultram, St. 's Wort, etc.


RuthAnn Rohrman wrote:

> I take mine with 1 gram of vitamin c and 1 b complex vitamin....I would start

slow, as I know how desparate I was to feel better, but in this case more is not

better....try the 50mg first and if you don't feel any better then add another

50mg, in about an hour. Literature states that one can do 150mg twice a day if

tolerated. Take the first dose in afternoon, around 5pm or so and the last dose

at bedtime.


> Feel better!


> jasrich jasrich@...> wrote:

> Thanks Ruth Ann. I just picked up some 5-HTP the other day. How do

> you take it?



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> > >

> > > Hello....

> > >

> > > I truly appreciate all the help that I have been given so far,

> so

> > I would like to help as well. I have extensively studied natural

> > treatments such as amino acids and herbs and would like to share

> some

> > of my knowledge....

> > >

> > > May I suggest that you consider 5-HTP.

> >







> ---------------------------------

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> 5-HTP made my insomnia even worse, i.e. when I took it at bedtime,

I did

> not sleep AT ALL.

> I was taking it as an anti-depressant, after I first got off the


> tried samE, went to St. 's Wort, then to 5-HTP. It is ok for

me if

> I take it first thing in the morning, but any later after that will


> my sleep worse.



5 HTP also gave me anxiety and insomnia, it was just 25mg. However

if I took it in the daytime then I would get a little more relaxe and

might sleep a bit. I always got a nasty back of the head feeling

after taking it.

The reason for my insomnia was that my adrenals were too weak and

needed a lot more sea salt taken throughout the day (at least 1/4

teaspoon x 4). This has worked really well and now my adrenals are

much stronger and I have been able to go back to my normal 5mg Pred

and 2.5 h/c.

My doctor put me on 50 mg daily Diflucan but for me it blocked my

Pred and so stressed my adrenals causing them to crash very badly,

the first symptom was a panic attack at 2 am in the morning and this

started after only 4 days of Diflucan. I am really annoyed that I

didn't pick up on my problem sooner but when one is too low in

cortisol/salt balance is wrong one's brain just doesn't function


Tomorrow I am asking my doctor if she will test my aldosterone levels

cos I am positive they are inadequate, hence the need for quite a bit

of daily sea salt.



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i thought i was the only one that slept with earplugs, my dog martie

breaths heavy at night and i cant get to sleep. i have been taking

ambien and meletonin to go to sleep plus i take 5mg of HC, i read in

the article that all HC should be taken before noon, so now i am confused


> Absolutely! I've been sleeping with earplugs for 25+ years, because I

> don't sleep without them. --



> >

> > Two words: EAR PLUGS!

> >

> > Lexie

> >

> >

> >


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No, I haven't tried a lower dose. To be honest at this point, I'm not

sure the chance of even a small dose causing zero sleep is worth it.


nafoel wrote:

> Sol....have you tried it at a lower dose? I read somewhere where

> too much could have the opposite effect....like melatonin. Always

> wise to start slowly and ramp up as needed. I do recall one time

> taking 'more' and did not feel it worked. Last night I took only 50

> mg and slept like a baby.

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Good humor.


>>Has anyone else with the 4AM wake-ups found a remedy that seems to work?<<

YES! Shooting the neighbor's dog! EVERY Am at 4:15 she goes out, thump on my

front room window and wkes MY dog who then yips and wakes me up. Took me months

to find out what was waking me up.. Are you sure there is not a train or

something in YOUR neighborhood that happens at 4AM?


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Thanks again Val. I am wondering, I am now taking 2 1/2 pellets

Isocort when I get out of bed and 1 hour after my thyroid meds (so

between 10 am - 12 noon). I also take 1/2 tsp licorice about 30

minutes after the Isocort. Do you think it's possible that I need to

SPLIT up the Isocort dose, taking mayb2 2 pellets in the AM and then

1/2-1 more pellet 3 hours later. I never take it later than 3 pm b/c I

thought that might make me a little too wired. My Adrenal stress index

indicated only low morning cortisol, so I don't want to give myself

too much in the afternoon, but after reading your reply regarding my

terrible insomnia, i wonder if I should experiment with taking some in

the afternoon? let me know your thoughts.

Occasionally, like today, just after I take my Isocort and licorice, I

feel unusually anxious and a little fluttery in my heart, like I am a

too wired. I feel more wired than I should be (but of course totally

exhausted from little to no sleep the last week). This wired feeling

often comes 10 minutes to 2 hours after my Isocort dosage. Does this

mean I am taking TOO much Isocort b/c it's causing the anxiety so soon

after I take it? This anxiety is what seems to keep me up at night.




> When you raise cortisll levels in the daytime with taking Isocort,

> glandulars or HC, it lowers your ACTh which in turn lowers night time

> cortisol. usually when you get ENOUGH cortiosl inthe daytime your night

> time ACTH will be low enough that you need cortis to prevent

> hypoglycemia at night which will keep you awake.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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This sounds more like it si running out too fast as can hapopen with

Is0cort. I woiuld try taking more when this hapens. And yes more later

in the day might also help your sleep issues.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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