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for Val: New labs re Adrenal Fatigue... I think I'm on the right track

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Hi Val,

finally have ZRT labs and bloodwork back. Met with my doc today and

based on below, she is ok with me continuing with teh HC cream,

though she's not familiar with it. I took your dosing chart, my

syringe, etc... and I'm feeling GREAT... have energy, am calm and

sleeping thru the night. Sometimes I get a little wired just after I

dose the cream, and had terrible diahrrea for 2 days...and a mild

headache... but that has passed.

She's concerned about DHEA, Progesterone as I didn't use it for 3

days prior to saliva tests, Vit D, and high potassium. We did a

repeat lab for that today...

My cortisol tested lower in teh am than a year ago, so we're clear

that I have NO reserve. I can't believe how smoothly the HC dosing

and Armour have gone...

The sea salt seems to make a huge diff as well.

How do YOU interpret these?

What else do you suggest?

Thanks so much...

1/3/2007 2/27/2008

Basic Metabolic panel, Free T4, T3, Free, TSH

Result Name Normal Abnormal Limits units Lab Normal


Sodium 138 135-145 mEq/L SLN 145

Potassium 5.1 3.5-5.3 mEq/L mEq/L SLN 5.4


Chloride 101 96-112 mEq.L mEq/L SLN 107

CO2 26 19-32 mEq/L mEq/L SLN 26

Glucose 99 70-99 mg/dL mg/dL SLN 108 H

non fasting

BUN 23 6-23 mg/dL mg/dL SLN 21

Creatinine 0.86 0.4-1.2 mg/dL mg/dL SLN 0.82

Calcium 9.9 8.4-10.5 mg/dL mg/dL SLN 10.2

Ferritin 10-291 ng/ml SLN 66

Prolactin ng/ml SLN 9.4

TSH (test methodology is 3rd generation) 0.272 L 0.350-

5.500 uIU/mL SLN

Free T4 0.84 L 0.89-1.80 ng/dL SLN

T3, Free 2.2 L 2.3-4.2 pg/mL SLN

Estradiol (saliva) .5 L 0.5-1.7 (optimal 1.3-1.7)


Progesterone 8L 12-100 or 200-3000 using cream pg/ml

ZRT? 157 H didn't dose w/ cream for 3 days prior

ration Pg/E2 16L 157 ok

Testosterone 14 L 16-55 pg/ml ZRT? 6 L

DHEA 6.5 2 to 23 ng/ml ZRT? 3 Low NL Doc

wants me to take 2.5-5 mg a day

Cortisol morning 2.8 3.7-9.5 ng/ml ZRT? 2.6

L Adrenal fatigue

Cortisol Noon 2.7 ng/ml ZRT? none

Cortison evening 1.5 ok ng/ml ZRT? none

cortison night 0.5 ok ng/ml ZRT? 0.5 ok

Rheumtoid factor 0-20 IU/ml SLN <20

Anti nuclear antibody reflex Neg SLN

DHEA sulfate 35-430 ug/dl SLN 129

supplement- see above

Vit D 20-57 ng/ml SLN 28


Aldosterone AML pending

ACTH 10 to 46 pg/mL SLN 23


Temp avg


Wellbutrin SR 150mg am and pm

L Tyrosine- need 500 mg on empty stomach

Armour Thyroid 112 mg- started sublingual in 3 doses

Selenium 200 mcg 2 x day

Vitamin C need 4-10,000 daily 1000 mg 2x day

Cal/Mag/zinc 333 cal, 133 mag, 5 z, 2x day

Vit A

Vit D 200 2x day

Vit E

Co Enz Q10 - 60 mg daily 60 mg

Sea Salt 1/4 t in water 2-4x day

Dr. 's Adrenal Rebuilder

Dr. 's Stress Formula

Dr. 's herbal

Pantothenic Acid- 100 mg 3x day 500 mg

B complex 100- need 100 mg 2x daily 100 mg 2x day

Folic Acid 400 mcg

Flax seed oil 1000 mg

CLA 1000 mg

Evening Primrose oil 1000 mg

Iodoral 12.5 mg 2x day

L-Glutamine 500 mg 1-2 x day

Chromium Piccolinate 200 mcg 2x day

Vanadium/Chromium 200 mcg 1 mg 1-2 x day

1%hydrocortisone cream 10mg day

waking avg difference Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:07

pm (PST)

2/8/2008 97.5 98.30 0 You raise the temps

by raising Armour, but you can't raise that till

2/9/2008 97.9 97.87 0.43 your temps are

stable, meaning .2 difference in the day to day

2/10//08 97.1 98.00 -0.13 average. What are the

past 7 days' averages?

2/11/2008 97.8 97.37 0.63

2/12/2008 - 98.20 -0.83 Barb

2/13/2008 98.37 -0.17

2/14/2008 98.30 0.07

2/15/2008 saliva test


Total HC

2/27/2008 HC Day 1 2.5 2.5


2/28/2008 98 98.03 0.27 2

2/29/2008 98 97.80 0.23 3

3/1/2008 98 98.20 -0.40 4 2.5 2.5 2.5


3/2/2008 98 98.07 0.13 5

3/3/2008 98.2 98.20 -0.13 6

3/4/2008 97.8 98.53 -0.33 7 5 2.5 2.5


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Your sodium is still too low, increase sea salt.

Your glucose IF FASTING would be in the edge and bear watching, but as a

non-fasting level, it is fine.

Your Ferritin is right on the edge of low. Make certain you eat foods

high in iron.

Your thyroid is in the DIRT! OUCH.. More Armoru please!

Were these sex hormones saliva? If so using cream in even a month or two

before the saliva tests make skew them HIGH. Go by serum testing once on

replacement meds. If these are blood levels which they don;t look like,

you need more of both but especally estrogen.

DHEA definite ly needs to come up.

Testosterone needs supplementing

Cortisol testing whie on ANY replacement for it in the last 2 weeks

prior is nto accurate.

I would imagine your supplemental adrenal hormones would affect the ACTH

as well.

Your temps are still fluctuating more than they should, so a bit more

adrenal support is needed. I would also take separate Magnesium

supplent as in hypothyroidism it si almost always low and you are veyr

hypo. Taking cal mag together wil not fix this a it is just raising the

ijmbalance not correcting it.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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Thanks, Val! I've got the sea salt packets so I'll take them on my

trip and increase.

I'll research foods high in iron.

Increased Armour from 90-112mg about 3 weeks ago, but was waiting to

get the HC up. I'm doing well on HC 5mg am, then 2.5,2.5. and feel

much better.

BTW, I the saliva and blood labs 2 weeks AFTER stopping Adrenal

supplements and BEFORE starting any HC.. does that change your

interpretation of anything? I don't wnat to go back on Dr.

W'sAdrenal REbuilder with the supplemental adrenal hormones, unless

you say I should I do have some left.....

The sex hormones were ZRT saliva labs. I started 5mg od DHEA today.

The estrogen adn testosterone will have to wait until I return,

unless I can get something over hte counter. I'm taking the

progesterone cream. I thought it converted?

How much mag should I take a day? The doc wanted me on Calcium 1200

mg daily due to my age. No menses since May 2000 and I'm 54.

Thanks for all your help. I'm leaving at 10am tomorrow... think

we're in the same time zone.. but I won't have easy internet access

for the next 8 days... I think I;ll live... occasionally, when my

adrenals are low, my eyes glaze over and look like the blue screen of

death... or I start muttering... 'page cannot be displayed'... LOL...

I'm starting to be hopeful that I'll be able to heal my adrenals,

based on how much better I feel. I clearly have to moderate my

adtivity and get LOTS of rest, which has been a difficult adjustment,

but I'm learning to like the gentler feel of this new life...

Thanks again,


> Your sodium is still too low, increase sea salt.

> Your glucose IF FASTING would be in the edge and bear watching, but

as a

> non-fasting level, it is fine.

> Your Ferritin is right on the edge of low. Make certain you eat


> high in iron.

> Your thyroid is in the DIRT! OUCH.. More Armoru please!

> Were these sex hormones saliva? If so using cream in even a month

or two

> before the saliva tests make skew them HIGH. Go by serum testing

once on

> replacement meds. If these are blood levels which they don;t look


> you need more of both but especally estrogen.

> DHEA definite ly needs to come up.

> Testosterone needs supplementing

> Cortisol testing whie on ANY replacement for it in the last 2 weeks

> prior is nto accurate.

> I would imagine your supplemental adrenal hormones would affect the


> as well.

> Your temps are still fluctuating more than they should, so a bit


> adrenal support is needed. I would also take separate Magnesium

> supplent as in hypothyroidism it si almost always low and you are


> hypo. Taking cal mag together wil not fix this a it is just raising


> ijmbalance not correcting it.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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Doctors that just give us calcium BECAUSE we ae aging are dangerous.

Most hypothyroid women are low in magnesium, so adding more calcium will

make that imbalance worse! I would not take JUST progesterone but wait

till you have estrgen too.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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