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Re: detoxing and nourishing

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With weak adrenals, detoxing must be done VERY slowly and carefully or

the toxins released into the bloodstream to be cleared by the liver will

do more harm than good. Stirrin g up toxins that are say in fatty tissue

will put them in active contact wiht all organs and thus stress the

body. STRESS of any kind taxes the adrenals. THYROID will do it;s own

detoxing when you get enough in you for ti to work properly.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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> I'm thinking that detoxing our bodies would help strengthen our

> adrenals and to clear out any 'muck' that is helping to hinder the

> proper functioning of our gland (thyr, adrenals, gonads)..even for

> those of us with auto-immune disorders as I have. Right?? Has anyone

> had a successful detox or have a great detox strategy they use?


I heard to detox was good, but I tried it and I felt more tired. It

could of been the detox program I used. I felt it removed too much of

my nutrients and wasn't ready for it. It could of been the program I

choose too.

I also did a parasite cleanse. I was able to handle that one. Never

done one before but thought it would help too. I know after I finished

my belly was very flat. I got my stuff from here:



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Val, that's interesting that you said that. My naturopathic doctor

tried to put me on chelation with pills (an intense form of detox for

the body) and it exacerbated my symptoms so much that I had MASSIVE

anxiety and panic attacks ,dizziness, etc. I imagine my adrenals were

taxed back then and I just didn't know it! She kept trying to get me

to do chelation in lower doses but it was too much. I eventually had

her switch me to a combo of Sodium Alginate, Cilantrogen, and

Blue-green algae for detox. This mix was much slower and gentler at

detoxifying. I did this for about 8 months and it definitley helped,

but SLOWLY. However, I found out about my hypo + adrenal fatigue about

a year after that so now I am not sure what to take for detox. I was

going to take Modifilan (Brown algae/kelp) supplement, but my endo

told me NOT AT ALL to take it b/c it has a lot of naturally occurring

iodine in it.

I assume everyone on board assumes iodine is a BAD thing when you are

already taking thyroid meds, correct? If not, let me know your thoughts.

I also have see a woman who does Chinese medicine, and prescribes

these 'detox' baths, where she individualizes them for each person.

But basically, she has me soak in, for instance, 6 cups baking soda in

a bath for 25 minutes with lavender oil, and do this 6-12 days in a

row. Again, this was the specific one she prescribed for me, and I

have to say they made me really tired, and lightheaded after. She says

the negative ions in them attract free radicals. Who knows? I am not

sure if it is legitimate or not, but I am so desperate to feel good

and the medical system has let me down over and over!

That's my knowledge on detox and would love to hear more.



> With weak adrenals, detoxing must be done VERY slowly and carefully or

> the toxins released into the bloodstream to be cleared by the liver


> do more harm than good. Stirrin g up toxins that are say in fatty


> will put them in active contact wiht all organs and thus stress the

> body. STRESS of any kind taxes the adrenals. THYROID will do it;s own

> detoxing when you get enough in you for ti to work properly.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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>>I assume everyone on board assumes iodine is a BAD thing when you are

already taking thyroid meds, correct? If not, let me know your thoughts.<<

I do not think it is necessarily bad if you take thyroid, but if you have Hashi

antibodies, you need to be VERY careful wiht it as some times it can reactivate

the antibodies. Actually Kelp may hav mercury in it! And that would be much more

dangerous than iodine. Personally i believein healing adrneal sat leats 7/8th of

the way and then right before weaning off adenal suppoort any detoxing oyu feel

you need should be done, BUT do check as I have said before, thyroid does ALOT

of detoxing onit's own, and sometimes you justneed to give your body time once

you are un-hypo for it to clear itself out adn detoxing may not be needed.


Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV




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I take Iodoral, one pill with my nature-throid. The iodine level is

always consistent and I do not worry about the mercury.


> >>I assume everyone on board assumes iodine is a BAD thing when you


> already taking thyroid meds, correct? If not, let me know your



> I do not think it is necessarily bad if you take thyroid, but if

you have Hashi antibodies, you need to be VERY careful wiht it as

some times it can reactivate the antibodies. Actually Kelp may hav

mercury in it! And that would be much more dangerous than iodine.

Personally i believein healing adrneal sat leats 7/8th of the way and

then right before weaning off adenal suppoort any detoxing oyu feel

you need should be done, BUT do check as I have said before, thyroid

does ALOT of detoxing onit's own, and sometimes you justneed to give

your body time once you are un-hypo for it to clear itself out adn

detoxing may not be needed.


> --

> Artistic Grooming- Hurricane WV


> http://www.stopthethyroidmadness.com/



> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/RT3_T3/


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